And Amliunion, look at Google result for "Melitopol". Already Wikipedia has been edited to say "Russian military occupation" and look at the media reports on the left :
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BlindEagle is a long-time member of PDF. He was earlier
@Michael Corleone but then permabanned for that account. He was supposedly a medical student in Ukraine until the 6th of March but you have found out that he doesn't speak Russian despite his earlier claims to me too that he lives in a Russian-speaking region. His claims must be taken with a handful of salt.
Do you understand what human shields are ? But of course you as an American military person do know. You are big users of that foul idea.
Your words always indicate that if you had been alive in the 1970s you would have been against the North Vietnamese Communists.
And to hell with that Capitalist agency Goldman Sachs and its likes and interest-based economics. The Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange should be abolished. The Occupy Movement of 2011 wanted exactly that until the Western governments sabotaged the movement.
I also find disturbing presence of TJ people like you who hate Russia because of historic ideological reasons.