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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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US/NATO are already providing Ukraine with weapons that are killing and wounding thousands of Russian soldiers yet they can't do sh/t. Just hot air.

Russia keeps sending minorities as cannon fodder

These people from Dagestan or Chechnya are likely to not have any ideological motivation or justification to enter Ukraine. They are either doing it for money or they don't have a choice :undecided:
Nato secretary general Stoltenberg talking. Very serious. Although Nato has said that it will not get involved in the fighting, new force deployments make that questionable. Also very serious threats to China.

A Chechen captured by Azov fighters called on his countrymen to jihad against Russia. He reminded that Ukrainians had helped in the struggle for the independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, emphasizing that war with Ukraine should not be fought on the side of bloody Russia.

However, Russia is well equipped to turn entire NATO and US to ash. Everyone else is well equipped also to return the favor. There would be no winner in world war 3, entire world would lose.

Zelenskyy administration is a puppet setup according to Putin administration. It should have collapsed when Russian forces reached Kyiv. What went wrong then?

There is difference between perceptions and reality.

Russia can try nuclear option as well. But will it?

I provided some hints in following posts:

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13629289

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13629289

It was foolish to underestimate Ukraine and it would be infinitely more foolish to underestimate a force like NATO.

Nuclear war is NOT an option, my friend.

When air superiority is supposed to be established in the first hours of a conflict,Russia still hasn't achieved it one month after attacking Ukraine,they are so reluctant to conduct CAS missions that they have to fire cruise missiles from sea or within the Russian territory.

Russian attack helicopters and jets flying from 5km downwards will be soon be even more vulnerable as the UK has already trained the Ukrainians in the use of the Starstreak hand-held SAM.

It has a range of 7km and a speed of Mach 3+.

Things are going to get worse for the Russians quite soon.
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Makes sense! 👍

The BlindEagle claims to live amongst Russian Speaking People in Ukraine but cannot speak Russian. His claims of living in Ukraine is Figment of his imagination.
I can’t speak Russian?
Mate I don’t have to justify myself to you. Many people on the forum knows I’ve been living in ukraine for over 6 years
@Kharap Foa @Bilal9

Ps. You can’t even type in Russian, why didn’t you reply to what I said? Go piss off somewhere else

And Amliunion, look at Google result for "Melitopol". Already Wikipedia has been edited to say "Russian military occupation" and look at the media reports on the left :
View attachment 826439

BlindEagle is a long-time member of PDF. He was earlier @Michael Corleone but then permabanned for that account. He was supposedly a medical student in Ukraine until the 6th of March but you have found out that he doesn't speak Russian despite his earlier claims to me too that he lives in a Russian-speaking region. His claims must be taken with a handful of salt.

Do you understand what human shields are ? But of course you as an American military person do know. You are big users of that foul idea.

Your words always indicate that if you had been alive in the 1970s you would have been against the North Vietnamese Communists.

And to hell with that Capitalist agency Goldman Sachs and its likes and interest-based economics. The Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange should be abolished. The Occupy Movement of 2011 wanted exactly that until the Western governments sabotaged the movement.

I also find disturbing presence of TJ people like you who hate Russia because of historic ideological reasons.
Lol your opinion is construed from mainstream media. Go figure, doesn’t take a lot to fall into confirmation bias.
Who’re you to judge my Russian speaking abilities when you don’t speak a word of the language lmao.
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This is the part that is surreal.

NATO is providing weapons, real-time intelligence and even men into the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. Usually, many countries have laws forbidding their citizens from fighting in foreign militaries, but the US allows citizens to serve in PMCs which are present in Ukraine, and the UK has green lighted any citizen to go fight. I am not sure if this includes UK military personnel taking a 'leave of absence' to fight in Ukraine.

So, for all practical purposes, NATO is actively engaged in this war, albeit in a defensive role. Russia is pretending this isn't happening because it obviously is not ready to take on NATO.
No it`s not. NATO is not a side. Many people have the fantasy here, this is the case, or even wants this.

1. You can trade with or help a combatant, but this does not mean you are a side in a conflict. EU is buying oil and gas from Russia as well, in this way de facto financing them.
Historical example: Sweden as neutral party and was supplying Nazi Germany with Iron Ore during the WW2. US was supporing UK before end of 1941 and was not at war with Nazi Germany.

2. The support for Ukraine is relatively small, the military help is worth more/less the value of yearly polish furniture(!) export to show you the economical scale.

3. The sactions are to punish Russia for breaking international law /commitments and acting irresponsibly as member of the UN security council.

4. NATO is balacing on not getting involved militarly, helping Ukraine and not losing a Channel to Moscow.

5. Citizens are free to go to Ukraine and fight as they wish representing themself not the Country. In many countries they can expect charges when they are back.

6. Most of the people in the "West" support Ukraine as they see Russia as an aggressor and don`t buy this weak Russian neo-nazi story + Zelensky leadership is great. That`s why all the help.

7. Russian army performance in this conflict is rather poor taking into account their potential, the strategic goal is difficult to understand, so everybody thinks this is not real and try to explain it to themself with NATO involvement.
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