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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia is doing whatever it can to overwhelm Ukraine.

1. Russian forces have used record number of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles to strike at high value targets across Ukraine by now.

2. Putin administration have dispatched over 200,000 Russian regular and irregular troops to Ukraine by now.

3. Russian forces are bombarding Ukranian cities on a regular basis.

4. Over 10 million Ukranians displaced by now.

How is this limited war for Russia? This is largest (Russian) military operation in its history; even bigger in scale and scope than Soviet military operation in Afghanistan.

For Putin administration, much is at stake in this war.
And US deployed strategic bombers in Vietnam dropping more explosives than in entirely of WW2, lost 3.7k planes and 5.6k helicopters, increased conscription, used chemical weapons and deployed 2.5 million troops, peaking at 590k in 1969.

US used artillery, tanks, helicopters... It was a very high intensity war.

South Vietnam was a core US ally that US was quite committed to defending.

Yet it was still a limited war:

1. Still normal civilian economy with no rationing or diversion of civil economy assets for military production.

2. Still normal functioning of society with only somewhat limited freedoms compared to prewar.

3. Still didn't deploy the bulk of troops to Vietnam.

The same is true for Russia: they have much more tools at their disposal to escalate, just like US did, such as strategic bombers, war economy, mobilizing reserves, chemical weapons, etc.

Millions of Ukrainians being displaced means that it is a total war for Ukraine. But not for Russiam
Russia can fight one war at a time and there are some countries which can defeat it in a conventional war - not many but some. Pakistan might be able to handle Russia in a conventional war as well.

USA is best equipped to fight a conventional war in the world and it is preparing to fight a nuclear war as well. USA is already capable of defeating a regional nuclear power in a war.
"Russia can fight one war at a time and there are some countries which can defeat it in a conventional war".

Please define "defeat"? There are only 2 countries in the world that can defeat Russia in a conventional war: China and USA.

The only reason Pakistan would be able "handle" Russia in a conventional war is because Russia has limited power projection capabilities. Russia is conventionally leagues stronger than Pakistan. I am saying this as a nationalist.
People here really thinking that Ukraine is winning lol..... How brainwashed can you be?
Yes they are, you have any doubts? Just check twitter.. They are absolutely winning on twitter... :)

Putin demands 'unfriendly countries' pay for Russian gas in rubles

The Russian ruble rose in the exchange market today, Wednesday, after President Vladimir Putin's announcement..The ruble rose by 3% after it had risen by more than 8% twice during trading.. Putin's decision to convert energy payments into the Russian currency confused the Westerners, they now have two options, either boycotting Russian energy, which means disrupting all aspects of life in #Europe, or paying in rubles, which means supporting the Russian currency, and financing the military operation..

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This interview from a German politician shows how successful Putin has been in driving Europe to America's side. He says that Obama told us to spend 2% on defence but we were wrong to not do our part. :laugh:
People are working overtime to salvage face for Russia.

And US deployed strategic bombers in Vietnam dropping more explosives than in entirely of WW2, lost 3.7k planes and 5.6k helicopters, increased conscription, used chemical weapons and deployed 2.5 million troops, peaking at 590k in 1969.

US used artillery, tanks, helicopters... It was a very high intensity war.

South Vietnam was a core US ally that US was quite committed to defending.

Yet it was still a limited war:

1. Still normal civilian economy with no rationing or diversion of civil economy assets for military production.

2. Still normal functioning of society with only somewhat limited freedoms compared to prewar.

3. Still didn't deploy the bulk of troops to Vietnam.

The same is true for Russia: they have much more tools at their disposal to escalate, just like US did, such as strategic bombers, war economy, mobilizing reserves, chemical weapons, etc.

Millions of Ukrainians being displaced means that it is a total war for Ukraine. But not for Russiam
The reason why the Vietnam War was 'limited' for the US/SVN alliance was because of the 17th parallel. The US/SVN alliance was fighting for partition so other than the USAF, the US/SVN ground forces did not cross the 17th, essentially made North Viet Nam a respite area for the NVA/VC forces to regroup, rearm, and recruit. The US/SVN would have overran the NVA if they wanted.
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