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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Wrong. If there was never a NATO supported coup (where have we seen that before?) to get Ukraine to join NATO there would've never been a war.
Afghans didn't hide missile launchers in hospitals as they didn't have missile launchers! So the question arises why were 3 hospitals even bombed? btw who funded WHO when that stat was released?
lol, you know nothing about the situation..

Ukraine NEVER wanted to join NATO, they wanted to join EU, NATO was not a popular subject even after and during Maidan. It was only popular amongst Ukrainian after Russian annex Crimea

Also, there were no government to " Coup" as Yanukovych's government was dissolved (He never have enough vote both in Presidential Election and Rada) when YTP pull their support of their joint government. Maidan happened AFTER Yanukovych ran away with about 2 billions of Ukrainian money when he realise he cannot win a re-election.

If you would have used your brain once in a while instead of listening to propaganda, you will know there are no possible way Maiden happened BEFORE Yanukovych fled the country. The first thing they do is to surround the Presidential Palace, like, yeah, I am sure the Maidan protester will let Yanukovych leave the home with 2 billions or so Ukrainian money on tow without doing anything.

And lol, I don't know who is funding Who, it depends on who you ask, if you ask the American, you would say it's China. Also, in this day and age when you can actually pay 14 bucks a month to access a commercial satellite, and everyone with a mobile phone is a Cameraman, you don't really need to listen to WHO-ever to believe anything, there are tons of photo online on Hospital being bomb by the Russian, hell you can even fork out $14 (more or less, I don't remember how much is the subscription) and check it out yourself, all address are mapped

LOL your 'WHO influenced by the Chinese' not reporting Covid. Did you know WHO director wanted to play fair and investigated both the US labs and the Chinese? Trump waged the sanction weapons and cut off funding to WHO. The director almost immediately changed his stance. That's how US bullied other people. Expect justice from Americans? F No. You don't know shit.. and you should go away with your tail tugged.
Well, tell that to the American.

And then on top of that, you have no respond to what I wrote other than WHO.

So, who know shit now??

I mean, hey, you don't want to believe Russian bomb school or hospital, that's up to you, when it is easier to count how many school left than how many school was destroyed, and it's not lacking photographic evidence to support that. I mean, if you pretend those thing never exist, that's you, and that does not mean those photo never existed.

And IIRC, you seems to be the one that triggered. I have never reply to you or quote you. So, if anyone need to go away, it's you.
For partition of Ukraine a Kiev to Dnipro drive is far too difficult especially as it would be a vulnerable salient with no backing from other fronts. A Kharkiv to Mariupol drive still encircles the roughly 100k troops of the regular Ukrainian Army which is pressed right up against the Donbass regions. The Kharkiv front also has backing from forces attacking northern Lugansk. It can be coordinated with uprisings and invasions in the Ukrainian reoccupied portions of Lugansk and Donetsk. From this point of view, Kharkiv is extremely important for the ambition of retaking every part of Lugansk and Donetsk oblasts.

I think it's the opposite: the attacks at Kiev and Odessa are pinning, while the attacks near Mykolaiv in the southwest, Mariupol in the Southeast and Kharkiv in the north are real. The ambition is to encircle Ukrainian regulars in the eastern cauldron with a drive north from Mariupol and drive south from Kharkiv. That eliminates 1/2-1/3 of Ukrainian regulars - achieving the 30% combat ineffective loss rate you quoted.
First of all, what Salient? That entire line is 90% covered by Dnieper River, that's what we called BUND, you don't get a salient when you have a BUND.

Secondly, tell me why Kharkiv has to be attack and targeted? In a strategic sense, Kharkiv is 20 miles to border, which mean if the Russian were to attack, they would and could anytime, which mean that translate to Ukraine cannot just leave Kharkiv alone.

And then looking at the big picture, there are virtually NOTHING to gain by taking Kharkiv, even if you do succeed, all you get is a area where you have a major road junction, but then for what? You if you want to take Donbas, Donbas is right next to the separatist, you don't need to go down from Kharkiv. It is also next to Crimea and if your target is Mariupol, you can get there (and they did ) from Crimea. Kharkiv is sitting in the north-eastern side of the corner where it was not near any of the other front they were fighting (Too far for both Kyiv and Mariupol/Donbas), fighting in Kharkiv only means you dedicated some of your troop to pursuit for some morale victory.

First of all, you cannot attack Odesa if you do not have a land connection. You need troop relieve and supply to flow in after you have taken Odesa, so the push thru Kherson and Mykolaiv itself is the proof that they want Odesa. And as I explained before, Kyiv, no matter how you see it, is the Center of Gravity of the entire thing. The war aim Russia set out to do would ONLY be achieve once they have taken Kyiv. Because if and when Kyiv stay with Ukrainian hand, they can neither demilitarize nor denazify Zelenskyy government.

What you said is only make sense if the person who have plan this does not have any Military Planning. First of all, the Russian have too little troop to start fire all around. That is the sole reason why they have not gain anything meaningful after 28 days of war, even Mariupol still stand as of now. If they were to attack in that general direction, they would need double that number, and that is when we thought Russian Air Force is competent. Which is not, because they still yet to gain Local Air Superiority. In this situation (The actual 28 days war) you probably would need 1 million troop to do whatever they were set out to do, given the 5 to 1 instead of 3 to 1 ratio that needed for an open attack without adequate air support.

Second of all, while it may be true Russia have taken out probably 30-40% of Ukrainian conventional combat power, they did not do so without losing a great deal of their own combat power. Which would be a problem, as I said before, I do not believe even if the Russia can take Mariupol, whatever troop left in Mariupol would not be able to threaten the 6 Battalions Ukrainian defender that were already in Donbas, the Russia lost too many people/resource/equipment fighting Mariupol defender, I do not see that force is in any combat readiness. That force would have been spent and needed recover and reorganisation before they can move north to intersect the Donbas defender.

But then everyone Russia need to brought in and replace and resupply have to come from Russia. Ukraine only need to rearm and retrain their TDF inside their own country. And as time pass, TDF would have trained and equipped to the same level of Ukrainian Regular, just probably lacking of combat experience. Which mean the longer this war drag on, it favor more toward the defender, because logistic wise, it does not take that much to replace Ukrainian lost, comparing the rate Russian to replace their loss.
Latest reports indicate that US is supporting Poland to annex Western part of Ukraine.
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