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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Bye bye.

I was going to block you but hold off being tolerant of your views.

Not anymore
Again, it's not my view.

These 3 dude they claim it was dead come out and match with their Military Record and their deployment photo. I mean, what more proof do you want??


ByDaily Telegraph NZ
March 13, 2022

Documents previously deleted from the Internet but recovered by independent US investigative journalists show Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca funded the construction of secret biolabs in Ukraine.
The US has denied the existence of the biolabs for years, but the truth was exposed last week as Russian forces marched through Ukrainian territory and discovered a network of more than 30 of the clandestine facilities.
The Biden administration initially flip-flopped on the allegation. Until recently so-called ‘independent fact-checkers’ continued to deny their existence, calling the claim ‘Russian disinformation.’
However, this week senior US diplomat for Russian affairs Victoria Nuland admitted under oath to the existence of the biolabs, and further, that she had ‘grave concerns if they were to fall into Russian hands.’ The admission surprised many observers, with some wondering if Nuland had made it inadvertently.
The Nuland admission proves that Russian President Vladimir Putin was right all along: that the US was funding and operating illegal and top secret pathogen laboratories for nefarious purposes on Russia’s doorstep. Here, it is alleged by the Russians (who claim to have evidence they intend to produce in the United Nations), biological warfare products were created and advanced research of them conducted in contravention of the Biologicial and Toxin Weapons Treaty of 1975. What is even more shocking, is the allegation the son of the sitting US President was bankrolling these activities. That the purpose of the labs was nefarious now appears undeniable. Why else would the US have denied their existence for so long? And why would Nuland have any ‘concerns’ about them falling under Russian control if they were just standard laboratoties? And why were public documents connecting Hunter Biden’s company to them scrubbed from the Internet?

Hunter Biden news

The irony is that for years, successive US adminitrations, whipped up by legacy MSM hysteria, have accused a litany of foreign leaders of secretly possessing similar facilities when it is they themselves who have actually done so; and doing it in the heart of Europe, no less. The fact we are only learning about it now is not simply a case of the Russians finding them now – Putin has rightly complained about the labs for years.

The legacy MSM were silent about these US-funded labs because they are part of the conspiracy to cover their existence up. As many have now seen during COVID, they work hand-in-hand with governments and the ‘elites’ to suppress information. They spread misinformation and attack and censor those who report alternative facts or dissent.

Can you imagine the outrage in the legacy MSM if one of Putin’s daugthers had secretly funded a network of biolabs in Mexico? They would be calling for Putin’s head. Yet so far, in this developing story of huge importance which calls into question the west’s role in creating this crisis, we hear crickets, and a regurgitation of the false ‘fact-checking’.

For those interested, the investigation into Biden Jnr’s financial and investment links to the Ukrainian biolabs was undertaken and reported on by The Gateway Pundit.

Legacy mainstream media and the Ukrainian narrative​

Here’s a summary of the Ukraine narrative the legacy MSM want you to believe:

  • Russia has engaged in an unjustified and unprovoked war of aggression against a small, innocent neighbour.
  • Spear-heading this ‘outrageous war crime’ is the stereotypical ‘arch-villian’, the ex-KGB agent Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
  • The innocent victim, Ukraine, is a ‘heroic’ underdog, led by the ‘inspirational’ Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • Against all odds, the Ukrainians are standing firm, even inflicting casualties and material damage against its more fancied, bigger opponent.
  • The Russian ‘invasion’ has resulted in a humanitarian crisis, civilian deaths, and the bombing of civilian targets, including hospitals and schools, which amount to war crimes.
The narrative is hogwash. The COVID narrative was hogwash, as was the Syrian, Libyan, Afghanistani, Iraqi one before it. Ask yourself, why would it be any different in the case of Ukraine? If it has been proven the legacy MSM lied about all these major geopolitical events and crises before, how can they be trusted to be telling you the truth about Ukraine, especially when any opposing or dissenting reports are being censored out of existence on the Internet and social media?

Putin has tried since 2014 to reach a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine issue. His attempts have been treated with contempt by NATO and the West. Ukraine, supported from the shadows by the demonic US Deep State apparatus, has never complied with the terms of the Minsk Agreement; an agreement which provided a simple roadmap for the peaceful settlement of the Donbass issue. Instead, Zelensky’s forces have shelled the Donbass for months and committed other attrocities which have seen 14,000 ethnic civilian Russians killed. As Russian diplomat Maria Zakhorova recently said, the body count in Ukraine began back in 2014, and not with the Russian operation. Russia didn’t start this crisis, but it intends to finish it.

There were no ‘howls of protest’ in New Zealand’s legacy MSM when Zelensky bombed ethnic Russian townships every day, or when he approved the creation of military units comprised solely of neo-Nazis. Yes, you read that right – NAZIS – haters of Jews, gays, blacks, Muslims and immigrants. The west is funding, arming and cheerleeding an army comprised in part, by soldiers who worship Adolf Hitler and the SS. Nor did they protest when Zelensky closed down three TV stations that were critical of him, or when he arrested the main opposition leader. Instead, they accuse Putin of such crimes.

For years Putin has shown restraint in the face of provocation. But his restraint has limits. He has repeatedly spoke of his ‘red line’, which is that Ukraine must never join NATO, and any attempt to bring the country into that organisation would result in military conflict. NATO danced close to that red line and have now stepped over it.

As a retired US Colonel recently told Fox News, Ukrainian neutrality is the best outcome for everyone. It also makes logical sense, given half the country is pro-west, and the other pro-Russian. Why is the west insisting it chose them?

The Ukrainian army is large, well-trained and well-equipped – a much more formidable foe on paper than those of Vietnam and Afghanistan, which inflicted embarrasing loses on larger more advanced western militaries.

Despite the talk-up of ‘heroic’ resistance, it now appears inevitable the main force of the Ukrainian army will either disintegrate or surrender within weeks, as reports of the encirclement of the eastern Ukrainian forces are now confirmed.

The west’s reporting of the Russian military operation shows an ignorance of Russian military history and tactics. Whereas the West will go for a war ‘made for TV’ with shock and awe tactics, the Russian way is more patient and based on encirclement tactics they used to great effect to subdue and repel Hitler’s advance in World War II, and more recently, in Syria. The aim is to ensure opposition forces are trapped in a ‘cauldron’. Life steadily becomes more unbearable to the point where the trapped force just gives up or disintegrates. This patient way also has the advantage of lessening civilian casualties and preserving civilian infrastructure.

Unless the Ukrainians can break out of the encirlcement or are relieved from the outside (ie. by NATO), disintegration or destruction of the main body of the Ukrainian army is inevitable. It is a military fact. And the fact is, there won’t be a breakout, and NATO isn’t coming.

The most heroic thing Zelensky can do is accept the inevitability and come to terms with the Russians. This will save countless innocent Ukrainian lives. It will also preserve the country’s infrastructure.

However, following the orders of western elites safely ensconsed in offices thousands of miles from the frontline, Zelensky appears to be intent on remaining defiant – although his messages seem to change each day, oscillating between defiance one day, and appeasement of Russia the next.

Rather than save the lives of innocent Ukrainians and the future of the country, NATO and the western elites are intent on seeing its inevitable destruction. This perverse attitude is aided by the legacy MSM’s dissemination of fake news in an effort to manufacture public consent for a continuation of this now pointless resistance.

We have seen fake reports every day in the legacy MSM about hospitals, atrocities and battle outcomes, use of video game footage to depict real life battles, fake photos of alleged Russian atrocities and Ukrainian victims, alleged Russian battle loses and use of chemical weapons, doctored and misleading videos, crisis actors and fake defectors.

The legacy MSM never seem to learn that this misinformation will in due course be debunked, and their falsehoods exposed yet again, as they were in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam and Iraq. In fact, in this particular conflict, they would have been debunked in real time, but for the blanket censorship of Russian media from the Internet. And they wonder why no one trusts the legacy MSM anymore.
Russia must annex entire Ukraine then keep a front footed expansionist approach towards the west.
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️Units of the Russian Armed Forces continue to destroy units of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently, they are fighting for the capture of Novomikhailovka.

▫️The grouping of troops of the Donetsk People's Republic, having completed clearing of Verkhnetoretskoe from nationalists, continued to pursue the retreating units of 25th Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and took control of Novobakhmutovka railway station. During the night, 3 tanks, 2 infantry fighting vehicles and 6 all-terrain vehicles were destroyed in this area.

▫️On the evening of March 22, high-precision long-range sea-based weapons struck an arms depot in Orzhev, 14 kilometers northwest of Rovno city. As a result of the strike, a large depot of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, including those received from Western countries, was destroyed.

✈️💥Operational-tactical, army aviation and missile troops hit 97 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among them: 2 launchers and 1 transport-loading vehicle of the Tochka-U tactical missile system in an industrial zone on the northern outskirts of Kiev, 8 anti-aircraft missile systems, including: 6 Buk-M1, 1 S-300 and 1 Osa combat vehicle, 10 command posts, 8 field artillery guns, as well as 3 artillery reconnaissance stations of NATO manufacture.

💥The Russian air defence means shot down 1 Su-24 near Izyum city, 16 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air, including 3 Bayraktar TB-2 near Rozhin, Karashev and Maxim Gorky.

🚁💥The group of "night hunters" consisting of Ka-52 and Mi-28n helicopters destroyed 8 tanks, 5 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 9 vehicles and towing trucks, 3 permanent fire position and 7 field artillery and mortars during night strikes.

💥In total, 184 aircraft and helicopters of the Ukrainian Air Force, 246 unmanned aerial vehicles, 189 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,558 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 156 multiple launch rocket systems, 624 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,354 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
Yeah they are lured to Germany with promises of well paid jobs. Yeah. prostitution is well paid job. If you don't like it you go and wash dishes or work at McDonalds.

Anyway this is just to dispel the myth that someone is kidnapping ukrnains and forcing them into prostitution. This is just nonsense, europe has police. believe it or not.

I challenge anyone to kidnap someone or buy a person in europe and get away with it. This is fairytale stuff.
No it's not. Human trafficking is a serious problem in Europe and they are operated at the top By intelligence agencies for add ons to their budget for rogue operations.

Also there are satanic child pedophile rings. There are cannibal rings and those who provide homeless men women and kidnapped children to be ritually abused by the elite. The law enforcement at the highest levels are also involved in controling this situation and putting it under the rug.

You always say everything in the opposite of truth. If anyone wants to know what's really going on they just need to reverse whatever that u said. I can't believe such misinformed people like u still exist. And it's surprising you are a Bosnian.

Belgium is the hot spot for child sex trafficking, human trafficking and all sorts of other things. Be careful everyone if you are in Belgium
I pulled out a Cold War era printed doc from my household goods storage about Soviet battlefield doctrine regarding the use of airpower. Something about the VKS behavior bugged me.

Ref the use of airpower in this war, the Russian air commander seems to have regressed back to his Soviet predecessors: airborne artillery. Basically, for this war, the Russian air commander is operationally, not just organizationally, under the Russian ground commander, whereas with Desert Storm, while Norman Schwarzkopf was the overall commander, Schwarzkopf just inform his air commander Charles Horner what he wanted and let Horner worked out the details. Whoever is the Russian air commander here, he seems to be waiting...and waiting...and waiting...for his orders.

Airborne artillery was the phrase I was looking for. The concept is old and operationally, it is unadaptable or at best limited utility to technological progress. Philosophically, aviation affects time (the actual phrase in this doc) so when the Soviets put the air commander under the ground commander, the entire pace of the war depends on how much knowledge the ground commander have about airpower in general. As such, Soviet airpower tends to attack targets that can affect the battle at best 24 hrs in the future. US airpower doctrine going back to the WW II US Army Air Corps days, attacked oil refineries and ballbearing factories, attacked targets that can affect battles weeks and months in the future, meaning crude oil do not become lubricants and avgas until days or weeks of refinement, then more time transport to the front. This is why USAAC commanders felt they had to be institutionally separated from the Army to develop their own war doctrines. So had there been a war on CONEUR, Soviet airpower doctrine would have the VKS cleared the battlefields before the Soviet Army as Army units, like armor, moves below. Strategic targets would fall under the Soviet Rocket Forces, re ICBMs.

For the Russian military today and here in Ukraine, it seems that while the VKS is apart from the Russian Army on paper, doctrinally, there has been little change since the Cold War yrs. The airborne artillery concept do not, or cannot, compensate for advances like drones, which are essentially airborne guerrilla warfare against advancing ground forces. If armor, for example, is slowed down for any reason, the air force must be proportionally restrained. But what if the Ukrainian Air Force managed to put up a fight? Then until the VKS achieve LOCAL air superiority, meaning maybe a few dozen klicks out front, the Russian Army must be proportionally limited. Currently, the Ukrainian Air Force is too few in numbers. So it seems good fortune for the Russian military that Ukrainian airpower is nothing like US/NATO.

Russia must annex entire Ukraine then keep a front footed expansionist approach towards the west.
prolonged war is Iran best option
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