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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yes, they will do and say anything for likes on social media these days. These ruskies will soon have their own onlyfans website.
How does this work? do they keep them in some dungeons? doesn't europe have police? Has anyone here ever tried to buy a human in europe?

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

You have no idea.

This is a problem in the US too.

Just a basic wiki article for a primer.

Do your own research as well.
Biden will next sanction Putins underwear. Getting really silly now. NATO has showed they can only support economic sanctions and provide light weapons which wont change the end result.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I mean how is this helping in current war? :undecided:

🇷🇺🚀 Space rocket "Soyuz-2.1a" joined the action to support Russian military personnel #ZаНаших !

@LeGenD @RescueRanger ?

It has to be seen in the same context as the Russian Communist party supporting the special operation despite its differences with the Putin government, as does support the Russian space agency as shown earlier too when the flags of NASA, ESA and JAXA on the Soyuz were covered with paper or plastic. But I read an article on Yahoo which was NATO propaganda and spoke glowingly of Russian cosmonauts wearing yellow dress supposedly in support of Zelensky government. LOL.

I thought Russian Ukrainians aren’t patriotic about ukraine but I was wrong. I also see lots of traitors being caught left and right and Russia is using their punishment as excuse of oppression when they’re the real aggressors.

Traitors ? But isn't Zelensky government all about Western-style freedom, democracy and fairness ?

And do you believe Zelensky and his NATO backers are innocent ?

Don’t worry about me, I don’t rely on mainstream media for my news like you. I’ve got connections with hobbyist journalists in ukraine with their personal telegram channels. Also I understand the language so it’s easy for me to see the truth from lies.

1. If knowing a language and knowing the local region were the criteria for seeing truth from lies then no outside person would be able to have idea of the wrongs in another society and you wouldn't be a Muslim and I wouldn't be a Communist Muslim.

2. There have been some hobbyist journalists of that kind in the Libya and Syria wars too. They were Al Qaeda or "Muslim" Brotherhood. How do you know that these Ukranian people you know are speaking the actual truth and the Russians are speaking lies ?

3. In human affairs I generally have the not-so-usual ability to know what generally is right and what wrong so please don't presume yourself superior to me in this matter.

I heard that they do it to those they catch stealing,they have done it to white men too. And gypsies are notorious thieves, scammers and criminals in the Balkans and probably Ukraine too...

You may be right partially. Zelensky supporters are using the war to further oppress the Roma gypsy people that they were doing earlier. @Hassan Al-Somal had posted a documentary about this some pages back. Unfortunately I don't remember the post number. But Bleek will be also right as below that Russian speakers are also being tortured as such. And BlindEagle above, a Zelensky supporter member of PDF who was present in Ukraine until the 6th of March, admits that Russian speakers who are "collaborators" are being tortured as such.

It was said they were doing it to Russian speakers also
From my WhatsApp.
Very interesting if proven to be the case later on when fog of war lifted.


Three Mysterious U.S. Soldiers Killed in Ukraine
The Russian Defense Ministry has announced that three U.S. service members were killed in a raid on Marinka: Captain Michael Hoke, Lieutenant Logan Schlum and Lt Cruz Tomblin. The 1st Battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine, which was responsible for defending American servicemen, was completely wiped out. The US President, Secretary of State, and Defense Secretary have officially declared that they will not send a single soldier to Ukraine, and it has become US policy. Three U.S. service members showed up on the battlefield in Ukraine and were raided by Russia's elite Alpha Group. You know, the combat mission assigned to it must be approved by the Russian Federal Security Service and President Putin.
The matter immediately caused the military and intelligence community high-level shock!
The biggest gain of the Russian war was the capture of the three U. S. military operations known as the world's most advanced U. S. battlefield situational awareness command device. This set of GPS positioning, military reconnaissance satellite scanning, reconnaissance aircraft, helicopters and drones battlefield monitoring, military secret communications and timely battlefield command system from the headquarters to the soldiers, is the US military services and arms of the center and soul of coordinated operations. Although one of the main functional configuration of the GPS military-grade positioning accuracy is only decimeter level, far less than the millimeter level of the Chinese BeiDou system, but also three times higher than the Russian GLONASS satellite system positioning accuracy. The impressive Ukrainian ambushes against Russian armored convoys relied on the system's intelligence awareness, battlefield situation analysis and command and control schemes.
According to the analysis of military experts, within half a month of the war, the communication command system and radar system of the Ukrainian army, which were at the level of the 1970s, were completely destroyed. It was only a matter of time before more than a dozen of the most elite Ukrainian combat brigades, encircled by Russian and Ukrainian forces, were annihilated east of the Dnieper River. America's top authorities, at great political risk, sent active-duty troops to the Ukrainian war zone out of desperation. Because there is no way the US military will give the Ukrainians this system, which contains the best US technology and core US secrets; But without this system, the Ukrainian army would be deaf and blind, unable to complete platoon-level operations without air supremacy, let alone the large regiments of the Dnieper's campaign to break through the western bank.
Today, without the battlefield situational awareness and command capabilities provided by American soldiers and their equipment, the prospect of a major Ukrainian army is conceivable.

A very clear overall picture of what Russia wanted to do and is doing it right now.


Lol, that was debunked.

If Russia source did not listed their name (Captain Michael Hoke, Lieutenant Logan Schlum and Lt Cruz Tomblin), it wouldn't be that easy to debunk, but all 3 were found alive in the US.

The 3 men identity was probably taken with their deployment to Ukraine in 2019 for training mission in the area. And the paperwork were probably come from there.

There are regular rotation of National Guard troop to Ukraine training their National Guard

2019 - Tennessee Army National Guard
2020 - California Army National Guard
2021 - Florida Army National Guard

In fact, I am pretty sure you can find one of the person who were supposed to be killed in Ukraine fighting on Facebook having regular update, I forgot which one....
Ukrainians basically using human shields by hiding dangerous weapons in shopping malls, hospitals, and other civilian areas. :disagree:
Ukrainians basically using human shields by hiding dangerous weapons in shopping malls, hospitals, and other civilian areas. :disagree:
Dude, you are fighting a war in Ukraine. Where does the Ukrainian Civilian supposed to go? Go to Russia?

You are fighting where people were living. Just because there is a war on does not mean they suddenly ceased to exist.....
too much posters here cheering for Russia war of aggression but condemning war elsewhere, why?

Meanwhile the price for war per Goldman Sachs prediction

Russia economy

Inflation: +20 percent
Imports: -20 percent
Exports: -10 percent
Interest rate: +20 percent
Gdp: -10 percent

That’s worse than when USSR collapsed.

That’s just the begin.
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