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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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She could have avoided this by stop speaking Russian and start supporting the Nazi forces of Ukraine.

If people are dumb then they deserve this.
she doesn't look like a Russian. black hair, strange facial shape, those earrings. Probably a gypsy stealing stuff. There must be some punishment for stealing.
My @ss. Look at Kharkiv,Mariupol,Kyiv only to cite a few.

I hope you can tell the difference between destroyed building and killed civilians.

The civilian death toll in Ukraine is under 1000 civilians after 4 weeks.

Sounds like air superiority.

Even if we want to ignore that Russia could use aircraft to strike positions right next to Poland on the western most parts of Ukraine. At will. Without counter and without resistance.
This is not air superiority.

There are 3 different level of Air Superiority. explained as below

1.) Absolute - You Fly, You die
2.) Local - You can fly anytime at a certain area, and guaranteed without aerial/ground opposition
3.) Contested - The sky above is contested, meaning both side still able to sortie.

In Ukrainian case, it is the 3rd one. Instead of the first 2.

Problem with a contested airspace, it don't just limited your sorties, but it also limited what can you do on the ground, because some ground option are only available when you have either Local or Absolute air superiority. Using gunship, conducting an air assault operation and deliver supply by air would require both 1 and/or 2. Which is why you are seeing the 40 miles convoy, and helicopter keep getting shot down, that is the result to use vulnerable air asset when you do not have 1 or 2.

Another issue is attrition. Russian aircraft lose over Ukraine are possibly not recoverable, s neither the crew or the aircraft is going back to Russia, while Ukrainian air crew loss can be replace more rapidly than Russian one. That is essentially how and why British won the Battle of Britain.

My @ss. Look at Kharkiv,Mariupol,Kyiv only to cite a few.
To be honest, it's stupid to bomb civilian target anyway.

You want your munition to take down any armed opposition, which mean any missile, bomb, artillery round that fired into civilian infrastructure are considered a "Wastage" that do nothing to change the military situation but rather rile up an entire civilian base.

You want to win a war, you bomb arms factory, airfield, staging area, marshalling area and other opposition, you want to lose support? You bomb civilian....
Yes, even I used to think that Russia was using kid gloves in this fight against Ukraine earlier. But they have fired more than 1000 missiles into Ukraine now.. this is not taking it easy at all :disagree:

There was a tweet that the number of shells Russia has fired in Ukraine so far is similar to the number of shells Israel fired into Gaza in ONE HOUR.

P.S. I don't remember the exact tweet but the comparison highlighted the Western media hypocrisy over war carnage in Ukraine v/s other places.
I hope you can tell the difference between destroyed building and killed civilians.

The civilian death toll in Ukraine is under 1000 civilians after 4 weeks.
That's a lot considering UN backed NGO estimate between 170,000 - 213,000 civilian were killed in the entire 20 years of war in Afghanistan. That's 204 a week if we go with the upper ceiling. That's 800 + change for 4 weeks.
That's a lot considering UN backed NGO estimate between 170,000 - 213,000 civilian were killed in the entire 20 years of war in Afghanistan. That's 204 a week if we go with the upper ceiling. That's 800 + change for 4 weeks.

I was comparing it to the indiscriminate killings by Russia in Chechnya and Syria.

The US still tries to be mindful of public image, especially domestic outrage over civilian deaths, but Russia never cared until now.
ok how? are you saying that maybe sometime in the future Russia will stop Israel bombing targets in syria? Why aren't they stopping them now? Syria is bombed regularly and Russians are just letting it happen.

I don't think that Russia sees itself as a savior of the world. They helped out Assad from being regime-changed by the Anglo-Zionists, that's all. They didn't want to pick a fight with Israel and the West.

In the future, I can see that Russia will be enraged at Israel and its minions--the Anglo-Zionists and NATO--so they're going to make life difficult for them. It may be a year or two down the line, not immediately. For now, they have enough problems to deal with.

Sounds like air superiority.

Even if we want to ignore that Russia could use aircraft to strike positions right next to Poland on the western most parts of Ukraine. At will. Without counter and without resistance.
VERY good read. Though I haven't done reading all of it yet.

I like his way of looking at events that we totally under-rate, like, "Russian missile strikes on what are de facto NATO bases in Yavoriv and Zhytomyr."
That's exactly what they were.

Brit PM squeaked "escalation" after first attack on de facto NATO base, and there can be no other reason except that Brit soldiers may have died (not just ordinary volunteers). Then he went silent. Whichever stage of grief that was, I think 'Depression' stage. Poor guys cannot even grief publicly because that would be admission.

As well as below posts by @RescueRanger pointed to a very important movement on the map. I guestimate: NATO came to Ukraine border,➡️ picked dead or injured,➡️ took them to hospital,➡️ they flew them away. If it were Zelensky's soldiers, they won't be transported out of Ukraine like that. They must be foreigners, contrary to Ukrainian claim that all ~35 killed were local Ukrainians & US denying any of theirs killed (indirectly admitting that they were there):

Only if I could give positive ratings to these 2 posts by RescueRanger. :enjoy:

Okay something is up -
View attachment 824551
View attachment 824552
First Medivac from border with Lviv landed at this airfield in Poland:
50*19'20" N 021*27'31" E
View attachment 824553

Now second Medivac Chopper just took off from the same strip:
View attachment 824554

That and the fact they are making trips from hospital:
Landed at Rzeszow after a short journey to Kliniczny Szpital Wojewódzki Nr 2 im. Św. Jadwigi Królowej w Rzeszowie
View attachment 824599
View attachment 824600
Rzeszow Airport. There is also a USAF C-130 which took off from Rammstein now approaching for landing.

And it's up in the air again to the Pad in Mielec:
View attachment 824601

Another good read, the NewsWeek link in following post:
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From my WhatsApp.
Very interesting if proven to be the case later on when fog of war lifted.


Three Mysterious U.S. Soldiers Killed in Ukraine
The Russian Defense Ministry has announced that three U.S. service members were killed in a raid on Marinka: Captain Michael Hoke, Lieutenant Logan Schlum and Lt Cruz Tomblin. The 1st Battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine, which was responsible for defending American servicemen, was completely wiped out. The US President, Secretary of State, and Defense Secretary have officially declared that they will not send a single soldier to Ukraine, and it has become US policy. Three U.S. service members showed up on the battlefield in Ukraine and were raided by Russia's elite Alpha Group. You know, the combat mission assigned to it must be approved by the Russian Federal Security Service and President Putin.
The matter immediately caused the military and intelligence community high-level shock!
The biggest gain of the Russian war was the capture of the three U. S. military operations known as the world's most advanced U. S. battlefield situational awareness command device. This set of GPS positioning, military reconnaissance satellite scanning, reconnaissance aircraft, helicopters and drones battlefield monitoring, military secret communications and timely battlefield command system from the headquarters to the soldiers, is the US military services and arms of the center and soul of coordinated operations. Although one of the main functional configuration of the GPS military-grade positioning accuracy is only decimeter level, far less than the millimeter level of the Chinese BeiDou system, but also three times higher than the Russian GLONASS satellite system positioning accuracy. The impressive Ukrainian ambushes against Russian armored convoys relied on the system's intelligence awareness, battlefield situation analysis and command and control schemes.
According to the analysis of military experts, within half a month of the war, the communication command system and radar system of the Ukrainian army, which were at the level of the 1970s, were completely destroyed. It was only a matter of time before more than a dozen of the most elite Ukrainian combat brigades, encircled by Russian and Ukrainian forces, were annihilated east of the Dnieper River. America's top authorities, at great political risk, sent active-duty troops to the Ukrainian war zone out of desperation. Because there is no way the US military will give the Ukrainians this system, which contains the best US technology and core US secrets; But without this system, the Ukrainian army would be deaf and blind, unable to complete platoon-level operations without air supremacy, let alone the large regiments of the Dnieper's campaign to break through the western bank.
Today, without the battlefield situational awareness and command capabilities provided by American soldiers and their equipment, the prospect of a major Ukrainian army is conceivable.

A very clear overall picture of what Russia wanted to do and is doing it right now.

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