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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Sounds like air superiority.

Even if we want to ignore that Russia could use aircraft to strike positions right next to Poland on the western most parts of Ukraine. At will. Without counter and without resistance.
In a way, I think it is cute that you guys uses these terms that I explained so often, ie 'air superiority', but consistently you guys misses the point of air superiority: What is the follow up?

US war doctrine is that US ground forces will not face enemy airpower and the last time that happened was in the Korean War. For this war, the VKS did not achieved air superiority so much as that the Ukrainian Air Force realized its weaknesses and simply ceded Ukrainian airspace, so while that technically count as the VKS having air superiority, what is the point of having it if there is no follow up? The Ukrainians are killing Russian generals and colonels, tanks and assorted vehicles, and troops. That begs the question that everyone inside and outside of this forum asks: WHERE IS THE VKS?

Now we can be five-nines certain that US/NATO airpower would aced any airspace of the Russian Air Force. :enjoy:
It is not a problem to take the money out of Russia, the important thing is to get the money into Russia.
Yeah, so how do you take 1 million profit out of russia and bring it to turkey?
People who say that because Zelensky is a Zionist Jew he couldn't be supporting neo-nazis. The reality is that Zelensky's backer, the Jewish Ukranian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, is also the main backer of the neo-nazis.

Ihor Kolomoisky was widely seen as one of Zelensky’s main backers and his channel boosted Zelensky’s visibility and popularity ahead of the April election that saw him defeat Poroshenko.

Before becoming part of Ukraine’s armed forces, who funded Azov?

The unit received backing from Ukraine’s interior minister in 2014, as the government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces.

These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire and then-governor of the Dnipropetrovska region.

In addition to Azov, Kolomoisky funded other volunteer battalions such as the Dnipro 1 and Dnipro 2, Aidar and Donbas units.

I don't understand why people keep using Azov to show, at least try to show Ukrainian is Pro-Neo Nazi.

Every time i saw this, I asked the people who said this "Can you name one other group Neo Nazi Group in Ukraine?"

Bear in mind Neo Nazi group does exist in Ukraine, but Azov at best is what we can called "Far right group" there are other real Neo Nazi group operating in Ukraine, Right Sector, for example. The thing is, those are just secondary group if we want to talk about Neo Nazism in Ukraine, because one group particular are very strong and probably can eat the entire Azov, Right Sector or Svoboda combine. And yet no one mention that group, with whopping 300,000 member last time I check, in their appraisal toward Neo Nazism in Ukraine.

Care to venture a guess on which group is that?
Yes, even I used to think that Russia was using kid gloves in this fight against Ukraine earlier. But they have fired more than 1000 missiles into Ukraine now.. this is not taking it easy at all :disagree:

Ukrainians are fighting this like total war. I gotta hand it to them, they're resisting hard. I am actually very surprised by this. I don't expect countries with GDP per capita like Ukraine to fight hard because their governments are very corrupt, especially if they don't have a strong ideology or religion.

Usually the army thinks, new boss, old boss, it's all the same. Put up some token resistance then drop weapons and run.

China saw this phenomena before many times. KMT forces often broke on contact. Once when a PLA army captured 100k KMT soldiers in a week, the general said "even capturing this many pigs in a week would be a challenge". Many Indian soldier surrendered in 1962 because they knew they wouldn't be killed or enslaved.

Ukrainians seem to be fighting under no retreat and no surrender orders. This doesn't make sense to me because just a few years ago they broke on contact with Russia, nobody died, and civilians weren't harmed.

This is a very savage war in general and I think even Russian generals were surprised.
It's early days yet, but if Putin survives--which is most likely--he's going to increase support for Syria and Iran. That's why Israelis are crying like babies in fear of what's coming next. What's going to happen to them won't be pretty.
ok how? are you saying that maybe sometime in the future Russia will stop Israel bombing targets in syria? Why aren't they stopping them now? Syria is bombed regularly and Russians are just letting it happen.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu dismissed the commander of the Russian 6th Army, Major General Vladislav Yershov.

If field generals of an army are killed and staff generals are subject to a purge while country at invasion war; there are serious problems there.
Exactly! Ultra nationalist right wing supremacy ideologies are easy to foster in areas of unrest. All societies will have a small fraction of the population prone to extremist supremacy ideologies. But when Putin started his shenanigans in the Ukrainian border, these supremacy groups found a fertile ground for their movement to thrive and recruit.

People who ignore this obvious reality are either being intentionally dense or just plain stupid :undecided:
People don't really understand "Far Right extremism" in particular in Ukraine at all, and felt for the "Neo Nazi" propaganda. POV from Russia.

People who are really in the know would probably just laugh it off....

If you know about the Neo Nazism in Ukraine, you would not use Azov as an example (really, right sector are better example than Azov) There is a single group in Ukraine that basically trump all Neo Nazi group that people mention here, and yet I have not see anyone put them in the spot light when they are talking about Neo Nazism. Why is that? Either they didn't know anything about Neo Nazism in Ukraine, or they know Zelenskyy was the only one fighting that group in Ukraine before the war by banning any Military and Political representation in the parliament (Azov are related to Military, Right sector on both) . While even Viktor Yanukovych praise that group.

I would be more inclined to believe whatever that person saids about Neo Nazism if he uses that group instead of Azov. I probably see it mentioned once in this entire thread, which is now 1400 pages long...
Yeah, so how do you take 1 million profit out of russia and bring it to turkey?
It doesn't have to come out in dollars. Turkey has very good experience in this regard. Only one of them was caught on the radar. It is known as the Halkbank case.
There still no definitive proof that the "Wali" assassin is alive. Just sharing old photo doesn't prove anything.....His absence actually gives credence to the reports of his death even though I can't ascertain whether he is dead or alive.
I just post an newspaper article he did with The Star (a canadian newspaper) 2 days ago, at least he was alive 2 days ago because he mentioned the bombing (He won't know about the bombing if he died in it)

Some one then post the entire article up here.

So yes, he was alive at least as of 2 days ago on March 20, 2022.
Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff, President of the German Steel Association:

"Without natural gas from Russia, steel production cannot be done right now."
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