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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Romani refugee enough said 😂
You don’t even know where this was first done so worry about india mate. I’ve been in ukraine until 6th of March. I know more than you and what’s going on.

Until the 6th of March ? What, you decided not to fight alongside the freedom-and-democracy seeking Zelensky government against the evil Russkies ?

And what do you see in this pic ?

And you think you being a student in Ukraine for some years gives you the perspective about the war ? Did you hide in bunkers in Lugansk and Donetsk when the Ukranian military was bombarding those areas since 2014 ?

As for the azov white supremacist. It’s unfortunate the Ukrainian goverment joined forced with them. They have killed civilians trying to escape in mauripol. They should have never been integrated with the armed forces but I guess for the government it’s lesser of the two evils.

Yes, Azov have tortured and killed escaping civilians but Azov and other Nazis have been associated with Zelensky for years. Nazis have been present in Ukraine since World War 2. The below is from some years ago :
"70 to 80% of Ukraine has been demilitarized". Meanwhile the "special operation" has not only stalled,but Ukrainians are able to go on the offensive on several fronts.
There’s no offensive from Ukrainian side. Mostly hit and run tactics but the invasion have definitely stalled. I concluded it stalled in the second day itself. Logistics chain weren’t protected what did they expect? Flanks got hit
Until the 6th of March ? What, you decided not to fight alongside the freedom-and-democracy seeking Zelensky government against the evil Russkies ?

And what do you see in this pic ?
My city ran out of food, I donated my stocks and made a run for the west when Zaporizhia fell, I’m not going to gamble with my health when there’s risk of a nuclear meltdown This trend has started in Kharkiv, it’s a punsihment for collaborators. I’m pretty sure the Muslims in your country are strapped on the bonnet of cars if they try to collab with Pakistanis.

And you think you being a student in Ukraine for some years gives you the perspective about the war ? Did you hide in bunkers in Lugansk and Donetsk when the Ukranian military was bombarding those areas since 2014 ?
Donetsk is 30 minutes away from my city. Wtf are you talking about? Plenty of Russian speaking people fought against Russian insurgents who have been trying to annex the region for its natural resources. I can safely say my experience on the matter is more than yours.
Yes, Azov have tortured and killed escaping civilians but Azov and other Nazis have been associated with Zelensky for years. Nazis have been present in Ukraine since World War 2. The below is from some years ago :
Zelensky is a zionist Jew. Lmao get your head screwed on straight. But yes nazis have been in ukraine since ww2 but not only in ukraine. They exist in Russia itself too. Doesn’t justify Russia bombing civilians whatsoever
The thermal imager provided by NATO to Ukraine is a civil product purchased from China, and it is a low-end product. The price is only 2699cny ($425). This product is generally used in supermarkets and other places to test the temperature of customers.

This kind of thermal imager can't be used in war at all. Even Chinese hunters don't use such a poor thermal imager.

View attachment 826225View attachment 826226View attachment 826227
Really depends on what you are using them for.

When I was in the Military early 2000, not all soldier uses PVS-14, some where using PVS-7 and some, mostly driver, uses Vietnam era NVG from the 1970. Same thing with combat optics. Not everyone have ACOG, you have it 1 in 5.

Sure, now everyone have them, or have something even better but really you need to see what they were doing with that. Front Line or SOF would not be enough (But then they uses GPNVG and PVS-14 mostly) for a driver, knock off is enough.
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And you think you being a student in Ukraine for some years gives you the perspective about the war ? Did you hide in bunkers in Lugansk and Donetsk when the Ukranian military was bombarding those areas since 2014 ?

Yes, Azov have tortured and killed escaping civilians but Azov and other Nazis have been associated with Zelensky for years. Nazis have been present in Ukraine since World War 2. The below is from some years ago :
View attachment 826255

Correct, That poster is the picture of Stefan Bandera... The leader of Ukrainian Nazi party during WWll and responsible for the Holocaust of Jews, Poles, and Gypsies in Ukraine.

Meanwhile back in Russia , freedom and justice is blooming :

Alexei Navalny sentenced to 9 more years in prison

The jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has been sentenced to 9 years in a maximum security penal colony after being found guilty of large-scale fraud and contempt by a Russian court.

Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s most prominent critic, is already serving a two-and-a-half year sentence at a prison camp east of Moscow for parole violations related to charges he says were fabricated to thwart his political ambitions.

Navalny, who the court also fined 1.2 million roubles ($11,535), has dismissed the latest criminal case against him as politically motivated and pleaded not guilty.

A gaunt Navalny stood besides his lawyers in a room filled with prison security officers as the judge read out the accusations. The 45-year-old seemed unfazed as he flipped through court documents.

After the sentencing, he tweeted a quote from the US television series The Wire. “Nine years. Well, as the characters of my favourite TV series The Wire used to say: ‘You only do two days. That’s the day you go in and the day you come out.’ I even had a T-shirt with this slogan, but the prison authorities confiscated it, considering the print extremist.”

this is what Navalny tweeted after the verdict :

Prosecutors had asked the court to send him to a maximum-security penal colony for 13 years on charges of fraud and contempt of court.

The judge, Margarita Kotova, said Navalny had committed a criminal offence by publicly insulting the court. She confirmed he had pleaded not guilty to the fraud charges.

Zelensky is a zionist Jew.


To Understand Putin, You First Need to Get Inside Aleksandr Dugin's Head

An Azov militiaman with a Tavor rifle
An Azov militiaman with a Tavor rifle Azov YouTube channel screenshot

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine​

Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces

John Brown
Jul. 9, 2018

A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.

They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.

An earlier appeal to the Defense Ministry was met with no response.

Wood outputting nonsense as usual.

This trend has started in Kharkiv, it’s a punsihment for collaborators. I’m pretty sure the Muslims in your country are strapped on the bonnet of cars if they try to collab with Pakistanis.

"Collaborators"... What a nice excuse word.

Donetsk is 30 minutes away from my city. Wtf are you talking about? Plenty of Russian speaking people fought against Russian insurgents who have been trying to annex the region for its natural resources. I can safely say my experience on the matter is more than yours.

Your experience is of a student who has just begun to realize that Nazis are in Zelensky's forces and administration.

Zelensky is a zionist Jew. Lmao get your head screwed on straight.

That Zionist Jew collaborating with Nazis is the same as "Muslim" Brotherhood and Tableeghi Jamaat collaborating with Western Crusader governments. You should think straight. Zelensky, MB and TJ are tools, puppets, no more.

But yes nazis have been in ukraine since ww2 but not only in ukraine. They exist in Russia itself too. Doesn’t justify Russia bombing civilians whatsoever

Yes, Nazis exist in Russia too but they haven't taken over the government. And last I said on the net all opposition parties in Ukraine have been banned.

She could have avoided this by stop speaking Russian and start supporting the Nazi forces of Ukraine.

If people are dumb then they deserve this.

How nice.

US puts new sanctions on China for harassing ethnic minorities | Travel bans over repressive acts​

China has decided they're going all in on Russia: KT McFarland​

Never trust the mainstream American media over foreign affairs. While they viciously attack each other over domestic policies, when it comes to foreign policy matters, both parties and their spokesperson on CNN and Fox News know well how and where money flows in America.
But, yes, China is being blackmailed to the point of hints about freezing Chinese dollar reserves. Same tools could be exercised against India, Arab countries and any other who would not follow the agenda of 'democracy and freedom'.
We need this damn war to wind down. Mariupol must fall to establish a basic Russian facing saving 'victory' before a ceasefire is called and to avoid more bloodshed. Otherwise, the conflict can go out of hand and the gung-ho Europeans in this thread cheering for 'freedom and democracy' will see great instability and even affects of weapons of mass destruction. Putin is not walking away without at least a face saving 'victory'.
Never trust the mainstream American media over foreign affairs. While they viciously attack each other over domestic policies, when it comes to foreign policy matters, both parties and their spokesperson on CNN and Fox News know well how and where money flows in America.
But, yes, China is being blackmailed to the point of hints about freezing Chinese dollar reserves. Same tools could be exercised against India, Arab countries and any other who would not follow the agenda of 'democracy and freedom'.
We need this damn war to wind down. Mariupol must fall to establish a basic Russian facing saving 'victory' before a ceasefire is called and to avoid more bloodshed. Otherwise, the conflict can go out of hand and the gung-ho Europeans in this thread cheering for 'freedom and democracy' will see great instability and even affects of weapons of mass destruction. Putin is not walking away without at least a face saving 'victory'.

No way.

Zelensky has made it clear that he would not cede an inch of land to Russia.
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