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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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At this rate, my prediction is Kiev will fall in 1-2 weeks.
The real face indeed. What now, @BlindEagle ?

Like the Syrian volunteers have been saying, the Russian action in which they are participating is a righteous cause.
Romani refugee enough said 😂
You don’t even know where this was first done so worry about india mate. I’ve been in ukraine until 6th of March. I know more than you and what’s going on.
Am I supposed to believe you, a person who was ready to join Ukranian militias who have been embedded with Nazis ? Just day before yesterday was a vid of a young Ukranian soldier who proudly said on camera that he has been killing Russian speakers since he was 17.
Don’t believe me. I lived in Russian populated region anyways. I expected the people to not fight against Russians. Boy I was wrong. The sense of nationalism is high even with ethnic Russian Ukrainians.
As for the azov white supremacist. It’s unfortunate the Ukrainian goverment joined forced with them. They have killed civilians trying to escape in mauripol. They should have never been integrated with the armed forces but I guess for the government it’s lesser of the two evils.
Also be less accusatory in your comments next time. It only shows your lack of maturity

At this rate, my prediction is Kiev will fall in 1-2 weeks.

No. If we go by western media Ukranian Army can any moment reach Voronezh. :enjoy:
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