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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukrainian forces have liberated Makariv near Kyiv. This further isolates Russian forces south of the E40 highway.

USSR was ruled by Ukrainians (Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev were all Ukrainian) so they didn't care too much about what happened to Russia.

Ukraine was richer than Russia in the Soviet days as they had all the heavy industry while Russia mostly had resource extraction.

Don't forget the Georgian Stalin who donated Russia's Crimea to Ukraine.
Don't forget the Georgian Stalin who donated Russia's Crimea to Ukraine.

Many problems of the USSR stem from the fact that they allowed non Russians too many rights.

Did British allow Indians or Africans to vote or become PM? Yet Russians allowed Ukrainians to join the Politburo and even become president.
Well the world has learned a valuable lesson from Saddam. Horizontal drilling is not a legitimate excuse to change borders with war. We will soon find out if "de-nazification" is a legitimate excuse or will it lead to ruin.

Russia certainly did not genocide the Tajiks etc too much because they were too far away and the land was too inhospitable to effectively control. And they didnt have the capacity to colonise it yet. But what of the Volga Tatars. how many of them are left? They used to dominate the area in population. Now they are just a few million. And you would be against Russia invading Kazakstan and taking more muslim land right? You would be against russia expanding its borders on the Caspian sea right?

No, we will join NATO whether they like it or not. It will ensure they have peace and security too. They will throw a tantrum but eventually get over it and those serbs who are lucky enough to be citizens of Bosnia will be proud nato soldiers serving the cause of freedom and justice.
Alright - take your revenge for czar against putin after 5 centuries. Any plans to revenge against spain for moor empire too ?
Playing nato against russia is playing with fire. You are likely to get burnt like Ukraine right now. A small country shouldnt play such stupid politics instead of neighborly relations.
But what of the Volga Tatars. how many of them are left? They used to dominate the area in population. Now they are just a few million. And you would be against Russia invading Kazakstan and taking more muslim land right? You would be against russia expanding its borders on the Caspian sea right?

The President of the Central Bank of Russia of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, is a Volga Tatar. So is Kamila Valieva the Olympic gold medalist. Whatever the past the Volga Tatars are doing okay in Russia today.

Russia will not invade Kazakhstan, because Kazaks are not killing Russians who live there, unlike Ukraine which killed 15,000 of them. Russians live peacefully in Kazakhstan.

But I understand your point of view. Bosnians need to deal with Serbs and Russia supports Serbia. So Bosnians don't like Russia.

If someone looks at the world from a very detached Muslim perspective, like I try to do, what one finds is that there are Muslims all over the world and they've had conflicts with everyone from one end of the world to the other. If they don't have a conflict now, they had one some time in history. The conclusion would be that everyone is an enemy. But then, Muslims have had conflicts with each other, so even Muslims are the enemies of Muslims.

So, where does that leave you? With exactly the situation we have today. Muslims fighting with everyone else and Muslims fighting against each other.
Alright - take your revenge for czar against putin after 5 centuries. Any plans to revenge against spain for moor empire too ?
Playing nato against russia is playing with fire. You are likely to get burnt like Ukraine right now. A small country shouldnt play such stupid politics instead of neighborly relations.

They are essentially advocating a might makes right position. Basically they believe NATO is good because NATO is strong.

I'm fine with that. They should come out and admit it though.
They are essentially advocating a might makes right position. Basically they believe NATO is good because NATO is strong.

I'm fine with that. They should come out and admit it though.
Unlike what they like to believe, NATO wont be paying for security for every diddle little country and waging wars on their behalf against russia and their neighbors . NATO will do things at their calculations. These silly people will get burned playing giants for games.
Mariupol is so important for Russia that they are allowing the defending forces to leave in peace with their weapons as long as they leave Mariupol. Target next is Odessa, if not some ceasefire agreement.
Putin is hellbent on cutting Ukraine's sea access. I think the Sea of Azov is already taken by Russia.
The problem is that much of Mariupol is already destroyed. Both Mariupol and Odessa had a lot of Greeks and Ukrainians who live in Greece and have relatives there. The TV channels here are talking about the Russian bombing of the mall without even mentioning that the Ukrainians were using it as an ammo depot or that they were firing from nearby.

They talk and talk about Ukrainian soldiers who fell and were given funerals and heroes and this and so many people died and they talk as if it's the first war they've seen in their lives.
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