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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Germany now constructs its own hypersonic weapon

I know but Russia cant be allowed to exist in this form any longer. Prime target must be deputinisation. We cant allow this rabid regime to exist. It has to be crushed like hitlerism.
When we see a news lady bold enough to get on live TV and protest with a sign saying 'propaganda', either the Russian people are brave from being foolish or brave because they know they have the numbers.
When we see a news lady bold enough to get on live TV and protest with a sign saying 'propaganda', either the Russian people are brave from being foolish or brave because they know they have the numbers.

That we have a hitleresque regime like this in 2022 is unimaginable. I know there are russians who fight against this
So what does TeRrorisT TV want to say ? That just like Saddam's soldiers in Kuwait the Russians will come into the bunkers and throw the babies out of their cradles ? So what is stopping the great Mr. Fighter-For-Freedom-And-Democracy Zelensky from talking to the Russians and evacuating those babies out of Ukraine ?

Why do you support a criminal regimes imperialist war against a weaker neighbor?
Why do you support a criminal regimes imperialist war against a weaker neighbor?

Why do you support Zelensky whose puppeteer masters / criminal regimes in the West have long been waging imperialist wars against small, weaker countries ? Has been happening since 1950 at least.
That we have a hitleresque regime like this in 2022 is unimaginable. I know there are russians who fight against this
A revolution always get attention and one major reason is because governments needs to know, or have an educated guess, that who they will have to deal with when the revolution is over. But that Russia is a nuclear weapons state, and that we cannot attack Russia directly, that leave the de-Putinization process to the Russian people. What if there is a revolution, city by city, and Poutine decides to lash out at his own people, even to the point of going nuclear inside Russia? Or even outside Russia? DC, London, Paris, just to name a few?
So what does TeRrorisT TV want to say ?
The illegitimate son of soviet-era indoctrination talks about something, again, look... That terrorist channel is by far the international media organization that publishes the most articles on the Indian Muslim community in the world While, RT, Ria Novosti did the opposite..

If the terrorist accusation can be so easily made, someone would easily see a troll like you living in an alternate reality as nothing more than a Russian ball-licking dog. Be carefull on your words.
Please stop spamming the forum. And stop accusing nations and institutions of fictitious things just because they share opinions and information. Dont spread political or nationalistic hate, dont use social issues for inciting political hatred, stay away Indoctrination and Baiting. All are written at forum rules.

Spamming the forum is you and your three friends : one French, one German and one American.

And I reported your foul post.
Spamming the forum is you and your three friends : one French, one German and one American.

And I reported your foul post.
You can report all messages. No problem. I am one of the members of this forum who writes the most about how rotten NATO is. Damn Erdogan too... To whom and how have I reacted so far about these... My message history is clear...

My only reaction is that my nation and values were attacked in violation of forum rules. Your sick mindset and obsessions may be on a clinical level. However, this does not in any way authorize you to break the forum rules. And if you start insulting and humiliating, someone respond in the same way. It's that simple. @LeGenD @waz

If the Forum Mods don't warn against your vile attacks, I'll already have a clear idea of the quality here and reconsider to being here.

Russians: There are American labs in Ukraine
Americans: There are no labs in Ukraine
Russians: We have proof that American labs in Ukraine are researching biological weapons
Americans: That's just Russian propaganda
Russians: Here's the proof
Americans: Haha Russians are lying again,don't believe them,they invaded Ukraine they are evil
Russians: We're getting the labs

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