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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Listen to what the Chinese spokesman said word by word, western media speculations are just BS, everyone who is not a fool can see which side China is on.

Go on, does China want break with Europe? Yes or No? Simple question.
Is your name Europe?

Russia wages war against Europe. The way the EU counters that, complete economic russian annihilation plus massive support in weapons for Ukraine shows we are not willing to accept any interference. China knows whats at stake. Interfer and get crushed out of Europe as well.

Ask your Government to fight directly with Russia? :toast_sign: What is stopping it from sending boots on Ground? :undecided:

Why should we when sending weapons sends russian soldiers into a meat grinder?
Russia wages war against Europe. The way the EU counters that, complete economic russian annihilation plus massive support in weapons for Ukraine shows we are not willing to accept any interference. China knows whats at stake. Interfer and get crushed out of Europe as well.
LOl, pretty a brave face you put for someone who is in big trouble now and is at great powers mercy. big talk won't help you out of this quagmire.
Up to Europe, China is in a postion of strength, Europe is the one who is in big trouble now.

Be careful what you wish for. Putin didnt expect complete economic annihilation either.

The way Xi acts proves that he has zero Intention to anger Europe. Just warm words for Putin. Nothing else. Keep it that way
Russia wages war against Europe. The way the EU counters that, complete economic russian annihilation plus massive support in weapons for Ukraine shows we are not willing to accept any interference. China knows whats at stake. Interfer and get crushed out of Europe as well.

Complete annihilation of Russian Economy My A*rse. You are still buying Russian GAS/OIL. :azn:
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When did I argue about Chinese aids? I argued with you about your claim that China is not with Russia, seems you again try to brazen it out, it's very despicable act.
Well, there are what China talk

And there are what China DO

I mean, sure, talk and talk, but your China government can't even dare to vote WITH Russia in this. As I said, I don't remember Russia abstained from the resolution. But the Gutless China did. Which is not even a thing because this is a shame vote anyway as Russia is always going to veto. Yet China didn't even vote with Russia on a shame vote LOL.

Action said louder than talk. As I said, REALLY go and support Russia, and see how you go??
I mean, sure, talk and talk, but your China government can't even dare to vote WITH Russia in this.
It's a different matter wether China will aid Russia or not, I never argued about it, I argued with you about your claim that China was not with Russia, now it's so obvious that you are trying to divert the point again.
Why should we when sending weapons sends russian soldiers into a meat grinder?

Aww - fighting Russia using Ukranian Shoulders, aren't you?:devil: How many Ukranian Cities & Citzens sent to meat Grinder?

Ukranian government is allowing Foreigners to defend Ukranian Territory. Instead of been a Keyboard Warrior, why not fight Russian forces? :azn:
LOl, pretty a brave face you put for someone who is in big trouble now and is at great powers mercy. big talk won't help you out of this quagmire.

There are only 3 great powers. USA, China and EU. Russia is a former power and in steep decline. So far China needs Europe to be neutral towards it to challenge USA. The moment China makes Europe an enemy marks the moment USA has won. Its that simple.

As i said, as long China keeps its current warm word support we wont have any trouble. The moment China helps an enemy of Europe means China is a war party and treated as such. Xi did not sound like he wants go that route.
Be careful what you wish for. Putin didnt expect complete economic annihilation either.

The way Xi acts proves that he has zero Intention to anger Europe. Just warm words for Putin. Nothing else. Keep it that way
Russia has everything we need, Europe doesn't. Eruope depends on Russia for energy, go figure.
It's a different matter wether China will aid Russia or not, I never argued about it, I argued with you about your claim that China was not with Russia, now it's so obvious that you are trying to divert the point again.
I am not talking about aid, I am talking about the UNSC and UNGA resolution. So you are saying China abstained from voting while Russia veto is "China WITH Russia"? Wow, some kind of pal are you

Dude, keep up with the post please, or are you just getting old?
Russia has everything we need, Europe doesn't. Eruope depends on Russia for energy, go figure.
seems like you Chinese Bank is too chicken shit to even trade with Russia too.

Again, talk is cheap.......LOL You talk about one thing, you do other. Typical Chinese Government.
I am not talking about aid, I am talking about the UNSC and UNGA resolution. So you are saying China abstained from voting while Russia veto is "China WITH Russia"? Wow, some kind of pal are you

Dude, keep up with the post please, or are you just getting old?
A vote just means China doesn't want to see the casualties, it doesn't mean China is not with Russia. You still suggest China is not with Russia? you are becoming helpless, want to start a poll here to find what sane people believe on this matter?
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