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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Whoever marvels at the Russian losses should rather be amazed by the Russians' ability to extinguish in 24 hours approximately 80 central nodes in the Ukrainian air defense with 150 cruise and ballistic suppression means.

On the other hand, the Americans bombed for more than 12 continuous days with Tomahawk and B-2 stealth bombers, F-15 and F-18 specialized in electronic warfare, and finally AC-130 and A-10 to destroy only 22 central nodes in the Libyan air defenses of Gaddafi..

The following map shows the Russian gains inside Ukrainian territory, from March 11 to 18..

German Siemens company halts all activity in Russia. Which means the Sapsan highspeed railsystem will be non functional in a matter of weeks. Sapsan is a german made train based on german ICE3 system. Without Siemens maintenance it goes offline within a matter of weeks.

Whoever marvels at the Russian losses should rather be amazed by the Russians' ability to extinguish in 24 hours approximately 80 central nodes in the Ukrainian air defense with 150 cruise and ballistic suppression means.

On the other hand, the Americans bombed for more than 12 continuous days with Tomahawk and B-2 stealth bombers, F-15 and F-18 specialized in electronic warfare, and finally AC-130 and A-10 to destroy only 22 central nodes in the Libyan air defenses of Gaddafi..

The following map shows the Russian gains inside Ukrainian territory, from March 11 to 18..

View attachment 825356

Never seen a worse attempt of a doctored map

I really don't get it, if these countries have that much resources - why don't they cultivate it? Why aren't all the citizens rich?

Russia has enough billionaires to develop any natural resource 10x over. And a population so small even 10% of that wealth will make everyone a millionaire.

These 'natural resource' valuations are all b.s.
Have you ever been to,russia? I had a competition in Irkutsk in 2019. The country is degenerated to the core. No infrastructure, poverty galore and very uneducated uncultivated village folks. I hated evry day there. They are completly incompatible with Europe.

I would feel pathetic if we would fall so deep to ever need their help.
Irkutsk is in the other side of the world. It's a massive country.
I really don't get it, if these countries have that much resources - why don't they cultivate it? Why aren't all the citizens rich?

Russia has enough billionaires to develop any natural resource 10x over. And a population so small even 10% of that wealth will make everyone a millionaire.

These 'natural resource' valuations are all b.s.
They are cultivating it. Otherwise they would be more poor than South Asia :laugh:
Im a realist, putinist Russia is a threat for me. Now its weaker than ever before and from a tactical point its best now to kill it off. Once they are deputinized we can see what can be done there.

No, you are not a realist. Russia would be 'deputinized' by nature in 30 years MAX. He's already 70. And Russia, from the west of the Urals, would have gone to its natural destiny as part of Europe.
This was, as I have repeatedly said here, is basically an American Neocon war to grab Russia's immense riches. They just couldn't wait for Putin to pass away. A Russia without Putin would likely be a Russia of a Yeltsin at worst or a Medvedev at best. Russia is the Sick Man of Europe and Putin is probably its last gasp of breath trying to regain some lost imperial dignity. People like Putin are born once in a century or two. When they pass away then a whole era ends. History will remember him long after we are gone from this forum or for most of other contemporary leaders. But even with Putin, Russia doesn't have the resources to take on NATO countries. Quit making up wild claims. USSR was also hyped up and that we found out later. Bide your time. The fruit of Russia will fall on the lap of Europe before long.
And stop the damn war.
They are cultivating it. Otherwise they would be more poor than South Asia :laugh:

I mean $75 trillion in Russia apparently, are they digging it out with teaspoons?
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