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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Russians have been pushed back to just West of Kherson. That front is not doing well for Russia, especially since they wanted to push on Odessa.
I don't know what they wanted to do and they don't seem to know what they wanted to do themselves. They don't seem to have a clear target. Like no plan. And no logistics anymore.
Me a 5th column? DSE? Get serious.

Just because I talk about Western hypocrisy on this matter doesn't mean that I'm a communist. My family's anything but communist. But I can't reveal much here.

We can talk about western hypocrisy when we killed Russia. Before that, we have to stay united.
I don't know what they wanted to do and they don't seem to know what they wanted to do themselves. They don't seem to have a clear target. Like no plan. And no logistics anymore.

I don't know the strength of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, but if Russia gets pushed out of Kherson, then all Russian forces west of the river are cut off. Pretty dangerous situation for Russia. Wouldn't be surprised if those forces are hauling tail back to Kherson.
We can talk about western hypocrisy when we killed Russia. Before that, we have to stay united.
Killed Russia? What are you like,a freemason? Zionist? Evangelical preacher?
Ukrainian account using Gothic German fonts,talks about "Nazi Russian Army". It's beyond ridiculous.

Did you notice all russian generals faces are so puffy rounded. Is this a genetic thing or alcoholic abuse? Thats a serious question because i noticed on that post with killed russian generals and colonels. They all have round, puffy faces.

White spread alcoholic abuse can be a reason for their bad decissions.
Buddy, i cant take countries serious that are poor. Sorry.

You are a Keyboard Warrior, nothing else. You are on a Defence forum of a similar Country? :azn: Again Grapes are Sour - US & EU can do zilch against India. :enjoy:
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Putin is a pencil pushing former spy, which is why Russia's influence in Europe was so strong prior to the invasion, to the point that Putin could have someone killed in the middle of a European capital, and the Europeans would do nothing. He is however NOT a soldier, which may explain why this war is going so poorly. Spies don't can't conduct warfare, and it seems his generals were to afraid to tell him that his timetable and plans were too unrealistic.

There has not been consistent patterns indicatiing Putin has a history of leaving tasks to unprofessional in his administrations. The more likely causes of Russian forces' stagnant progresses in the Ukraine conflict are more of Russia's capabilities. Russian used significantly less smart bombs, precise bombs than American counterparts in Iraq, Syrian, Afghanistan invasions. The reason is simple: MONEY. Russia has been sanctioned for a long time (not just recently) and its economy has not had any stellar run since the Soviet Union disintegrated. The Russians could develop all these advanced weapons but just didn't have the money to manufacture in great quantities. Yet Russia has huge stock pile of Soviet-era ammunitions that could be used against a technologically-leveled opponent.

You could tell Russia is very cash-strapped by looking at how slow they upgraded/built their naval ships, fighter jets, etc. Basically Russia relies on its missiles and nuclear bombs to protect the motherland. Putin as well as his generals know very well Russian forces cannot fight NATO in a conventional, modern war. But they knew they could defeat Ukraine because Ukraine's forces depend on even older machines from the Soviet era. Lacking precise weapons, Su-34's and Su-25's have to fly low to bomb and thus left themselves vulnerable to manpads.
Indeed, Kraetoz, though Indian mainstream electronic media is certainly anti-Russia but generally to your millions we can add the a few million Syrians, then Venezuelans, Cubans and I am sure North Koreans and there was an interview posted by @beijingwalker two or so days ago of Kazakhs on the streets of Almaty and one girl said that if Russia went to war against the world ( yes, Mr. Viet, your "world" ) then her country will be with Russia too.

However, if Mr. Viet's "world" is what the White House and Number 10 Downing Street show him to be then what can anyone say ?
2/3 of world economic powers support Zellinski even the oil sheik Singapore.
Russia economy today is 25 pct lower than Italy. When this war ends Russia economy will be 75 lower than Italy.
I took a short break from the Forum and when I came back, I found conversations in this thread to be out of hand with me getting tagged left, right and center. Dang... :sad:

I have removed a number of off-topic posts.

@Titanium100 has a point about US spending 30 years "cannibalising allies" I am 100 percent agree.

US, and Biden now got the "get out of jail free card", and a mandate to reset its relationship with allies, and it's still very mixed results, to outright failing even under current circumstances.

This war gave NATO a new raison'd'etre, but not necessarily to US foreign relations.
I see your point, but European countries also became complacent and decadent?

Donald Trump had better judgement of global developments and how to handle them TBH. Pakistan's PM Imran Khan got along with him as well.

I felt the need to address speculations about China and NATO.

I explained how Putin rejuvenated the Western hemisphere in following post:

Thanks for your pointer nevertheless.
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