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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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3.) Yes, that's what Fiat currency is about. This is not about how much you say it worth, this is about how much you can exchange it to other currency so it worth that value.

4.) I can tell you that if US and EU were to disappear down a hole, then currency is probably the last thing you need to worry about. And Trade will still go on if US and EU is not involved. It would be under a different system. And it cannot work internationally, also, that would not solve your problem.
I think it can work easily.

RUB is guaranteed by the industrial strength of Russia. It needs no other guarantee. And through trade it will find its true value.

example. Russia has a closed economic system lets say. but needs to sell its oil. We all know how much oil is on the world market. So it sells to china in some sort of RUB:RMB trade. They will come to an agreement as to the value of the RUB based on how much the sale of that oil will give the Russian seller. And the Russian seller will have an expectations of purchasing stuff from china himself with the proceeds of that transaction.

So 1 barrel of Russian oil will have to buy the Russian seller 100 loafs of bread in a Chinese shop and likewise 100 loafs of bread in a Russian shop approximately.

If the Russian seller of that one barrel of oil will be able to buy only 1 chewing gum in Beijing with it, he will know its not a fair price. So he will find another buyer or he wont sell.

If the oil seller manages to get a fair price for his oil and is able to buy 100 loafs of bread in Beijing, but upon returning to russia, is able to buy a house with that money, then it will be obvious to everyone that the RUB is too low and the value will adjust very quickly using market forces.

So this is what would happen. its bilateral trade using two fiat currencies and bypassing the international system. It can work and it will work.
A big problem with people like @gambit is that they cherry pick what Mearsheimer is saying. Mearsheimer is, of course, not going to condone this war started by Russia! Doing so would make him--a well known professor from a major American university-- discredited. But Mearsheimer is establishing a perspective about the Russian invasion viz a viz the perceived threats to Russia and Mearsheimer is showing the mirror to Americans about the American hypocrisy about the Cuban Missile Crisis,about claiming an entire hemisphere for itself, and about the illegal war against Iraq in 2003. Mearsheimer is factual while @gambit, in the words of @Avicenna above is truly doing 'obfuscation'.
To me the American illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 opened the gates for other countries to do the same! And let us not forget the consequences of that invasion and subsequent American-led and/or American funded wars in the MENA region, leading to horrendous consequences for tens of millions of people. How about considering the scale of the destruction and destabalization in that region??
But some are free to continue their 'obfuscation'! I think their problem is beyond even hypocrisy--their problem is a sense of entitlement, of 'exceptionalism'.
And the other thing is that Iraq,Kosovo,Libya and Syria are all far away from USA. Ukraine is right next to Russia and it had been a part of Russia for centuries. Russians didn't wake up one day and say "Oh let's invade a country".

And in the end...who paid for the 2003 Iraq War? Bush didn't go on a trial as a war criminal. Did anyone from Bush administration and the U.S. government get punished for all the chaos and false accusations of "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? For the killings of civilians accidentally or intentionally by U.S. forces and private security contractors?

They go and accuse the Russians of bombing and killing civilians. They call Putin a "war criminal".

I remember how back in 1999,2001 and 2003 every now and then,the State Department would talk about "mistakes". These NATO "mistakes" cost the lives of people. They would say "We had wrong intelligence,we thought Saddam was there" or "we thought the Taliban were there". And a school or a hospital or a house or a shelter would be bombed. And hundreds of people would die. And nobody would get prosecuted,nobody nobody imposed sanctions on the U.S. government and its people and the American army would just say "Well it's war,there is collateral damage in every war" and keep bombing.

They marched through Baghdad as liberators. They went in Afghanistan and liberators. I remember how Iraqis despised them and wanted them to go. Not all Iraqis of course. But many of those who even hated Saddam,wanted them to go.

And now they talk about Putin and Russia and say "Oh look,they think they are liberating Ukraine! The Ukrainians hate them,they don't want them there".
This is a terrible deep fake. Russians are not good at even this psy ops :laugh:

It is actually good that the Russians are not good at deep-fake psy ops. Such dubious work really suits your heros the Western governments. Is there a single Western governments leader who can talk with the simple and straight talk that Putin does ?
So, where did the Chinese extra CNY come from? It does not come out of a bank out of thin air

You either print it or you pull it from overseas. Either way, doing so will damage your currency value.
you just take it out of circulation in china. You dont have to print new ones. There is money in circulation in china.
I think it can work easily.

RUB is guaranteed by the industrial strength of Russia. It needs no other guarantee. And through trade it will find its true value.

example. Russia has a closed economic system lets say. but needs to sell its oil. We all know how much oil is on the world market. So it sells to china in some sort of RUB:RMB trade. They will come to an agreement as to the value of the RUB based on how much the sale of that oil will give the Russian seller. And the Russian seller will have an expectations of purchasing stuff from china himself with the proceeds of that transaction.

So 1 barrel of Russian oil will have to buy the Russian seller 100 loafs of bread in a Chinese shop and likewise 100 loafs of bread in a Russian shop approximately.

If the Russian seller of that one barrel of oil will be able to buy only 1 chewing gum in Beijing with it, he will know its not a fair price. So he will find another buyer or he wont sell.

If the oil seller manages to get a fair price for his oil and is able to buy 100 loafs of bread in Beijing, but upon returning to russia, is able to buy a house with that money, then it will be obvious to everyone that the RUB is too low and the value will adjust very quickly using market forces.

So this is what would happen. its bilateral trade using two fiat currencies and bypassing the international system. It can work and it will work.
Let me ask you a simple question.

What would a Chinese Bread seller do if Russian pay them 1 barrel of oil for 100 breads?? Can the Bread seller than sell it? How? Go to the corner of a street and sell it on the road side? I mean, it may make sense if only him doing that. But then how about the same Russian who gave a Chinese Furniture Seller 1 barrel of oil for 100 chair? Or a mobile phone vendor 100 mobile phone? Or 100 pack chewing gum? How are you going to get rid of the oil? I mean, I made 100 bread, all those material I put into making that 100 bread I cannot get it back because I wasn't paid in Money but I got paid by a barrel of oil...., but I can't use the oil, it's not refined and I can't just put it in my car, nor can I sell it, it's not like there is a "oil r' us" in every corner in Chinese street taking rogue crude oil from Chinese street vendor....

And if I were that vendor, I would just sell 100 bread to another Chinese vendor or to a Japanese buyer to get 100 Yuan. Why would I go all in and deep into trouble and being a fender of rogue oil when I can just sell it to other for cold hard cash?

As I said, it may work in your mind, but it is not how economy work...I mean, you are free to believe you can do that, but all I am saying is this is not how economy works....
you just take it out of circulation in china. You dont have to print new ones. There is money in circulation in china.
How do you take it out of circulation in China? You need them to do domestic trade.......
This is more or less expected.

India need to do this to protect its own investment in Russia. But I don't see this is going to be that big of a scale, probably enough to prop up Indian investment....
India will walk through this mess like it is on a landmine dispersed with gold nuggets. India's foreign policy is not fully independent because of the different economic and security dependencies that India has on global players. Yesterday, WH press secretary said that India's oil deal with Russia is morally wrong but not against sanctions that have been put on Russia thus far. In the past, India has both acquiesced and rebuffed Washington's oil sanctions against Iran.

My best understanding of Indian gov. in general is that these global issues between big powers are not something that India will care too much about. This is historically the case. Public sentiment in India can be with Ukraine because of Russia's outright invasion, but that does not have any influence on India's foreign policy. Indian people do not think about foreign policy when they head to the ballot box. There are plenty of other domestic affairs that Indians care about. Majority of 'em cannot point Ukraine on a map anyway :laugh:
From the first days of the war, the Russians continue to bomb Kharkov heavily from the air and from the ground. Fire broke out in some of the places hit today. However, the Russian army was unable to take the city. They inflict heavy casualties in residential area conflicts.
It is actually good that the Russians are not good at deep-fake psy ops. Such dubious work really suits your heros the Western governments. Is there a single Western governments leader who can talk with the simple and straight talk that Putin does ?
Yes, I remember a guy from Germany who had similar talk. He shot himself in a bunker subsequently. Silly fellow :undecided:
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