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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I ma sure the people of Moscow feel very safe now.

A Russian diplomat has just requested an asylum, and safe passage to China in a Chinese embassy in a 3rd country I will not name.

Just seen news on Twitter of crapton of Russian VIPs fleeing Moscow to 3rd countries on private jets.

Last of rats jumped the ship.
The last time I had a Big Mac was literally yrs ago. How many yrs ago, I do not know. But ever since I found Five Guys, I stopped going anywhere else. Five Guys make the best burger. Spider-Man is Five Guys burger. Hawkeye is In-And-Out burger. And they argues about it.

But it is interesting, though. For so many here who railed against US, how much of US are in their countries at the cultural level? I love Italian and JPNese food, but MD are there as well and MD make good moolah there. I will admit am shocked at the Russian response at the coming loss of the American McDonald's burger, a culinary abomination that it is. :lol:
but McDonald is not present here
A Russian diplomat has just requested an asylum, and safe passage to China in a Chinese embassy in a 3rd country I will not name.

Just seen news on Twitter of crapton of Russian VIPs fleeing Moscow to 3rd countries on private jets.

Last of rats jumped the ship.

Thats what i meant earlier. They love luxus. Putin cant give them what they crave in his mega north korea. The smart russians run now as fast they can. When you are educated and talented...what can Putin offer you?
Cant russia sell its oil to china and china pay them? they have a bank that facilitates this. RMB:RUB acct. Sounds pretty easy, although I am not an expert on it. China makes everything, Russa could use its RMB reserves to buy whatever it needs.

Russia could also see oil to others for gold. Gold is easy enough to transport and can easily be converted ro RUB or even some hard currency. Its what Iran does.
Again, how much oil and gas do you think China need in a single year?

And RMB/RUB account is a non-starter, there are no way Russia can guarantee their currency as they pretty much run out of option to back their own currency after US, UK and EU (Together worth 90% of world currency reserve) pull the plug in Russia central bank.

I don't think you have any idea how bad it is, because effectively what the West is doing to is take away Russian central bank to support its own currency, as you cannot back Rouble with Rouble. That is backing something abstract with something abstract. This is not even done to Iran (well, they did it but in a limited sense) and the Sanctioning of NDF is only 5 billions or so, instead of the 300 billions Foreign Currency Russian own overseas.

So basically, by barring US and EU entity to do business in Russia and frozen their Asset in US/EU (including the UK) You effectively block the way Russia can raise fund. Blocking them off SWIFT is one thing (still big on Russia), you stop Russia by buying/selling overseas that uses SWIFT, you can still transfer money using any other mean (CIPS or even direct trade) but stopping Central Bank of Russia from exchanging USD, Euro and Pound, you take away the mean Russia can use to back it's own currency, which mean they only have 1 currency in that basket to choose from. RMB. Which mean either China undercut their own currency policy and move majority of their currency back home to back Russia, which will weaken Yuan, or you print more money (by offering more Line of Credit) to satisfy the trade volume with Russia, which will inflate Yuan. Either way is a bad move.

Gold is a tangible asset. Which mean it's physically thing, so how do you actually back an abstract thing with gold? Say today 1 rouble worth 0.0001 ounce of gold, you cannot change that exchange rate because that would mean "re-cutting" the gold. And there is a certain amount of gold a country can have and there is a limit of abundance. That mean you either overinflate it or you will suffer a slow development rate because you cannot back all the project until the previous one is finished and that gold is "released"

And then you have the civilian ownership of gold. Think about it, if I own, say a ton of gold (which worth around 61 millions USD), Consider Russia central bank only have access to 2300 ton of gold, if I use my ton of gold and go to Russia (61 millions dollar) I effectively own 1/2301 Russian Economy.....(that's 608 millions of dollar in 2021 term)

There is a reason why we move on from Gold since 1914.......
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In DC, I had so many heated discussions with my Air Force friends about the VKS. A lot of pizzas and booze, mine is bourbon. I am the most generous of the bunch, as well as the oldest, and I fought for the VKS at as many turn as possible. But I was outnumbered and out-argued.

Point 1. That the VKS reached its logistical limits. Then who the hell told the generals they had enough to prosecute the war? Back in Desert Storm, we never ran out of 'bullets'. We had jets returned from a sortie, taxied in, refueled, re-armed, then taxied out, only to return to change ordnance, and we never failed. I literally had my jet changed from ground (all bombs) to air (all missiles) sortie within five minutes of hot refuel because of one phone call.

Point 2. This is my favorite.

As to why Zelensky was able to broadcast, I lean more towards the technical. It seems Poutine failed to anticipate Elon Musk and his satellite link stations. To cut Poutine some slack, I do not think anyone could have anticipated Elon Musk. For something as valuable as your president talking directly to the US Congress or the Canadian parliament or whoever outside Ukraine, you better make sure your president have the best connection possible as it could be his only chance. Did Musk do a James Bond 'Q' and somehow gave Zelensky a secure interweb connection no matter where and under what condition? Those virtual meetings were not secrets. So if Russian 'hackers' could not interrupt, maybe the best of of them were busy trying to scam money instead of being in the service of their country.
While I do think Russia is Culminating, I don't think it's Russian General that are running the show.

It's not as hard as you think to jam someone frequency, especially if you have a pretty good idea where that person is (Zelenskyy is in Kyiv) if this was us, we will use CIA voice trap, which basically an airborne asset that track all the call in a certain area. and you filter those call until you get Zelenskyy comm. Then you can jam it by either jamming the actual line of communication, or jamming the entire comm signal in the area. Plus, Zelenskyy press team told literally everyone when they are expecting that call, it's not hard at all to filter out his frequency and jam it.

But then they did none of that......

As for Elon Musk..........

I like how Rockstar portrait Elon Musk on GTA online...
we have heard of that , any body recall this one
Yea, good thing that this guy was not made the President for life to start a war :cheers:

They can put him constantly on the move. You can jam their communication, there are a lot of thing the Russia can do but they didn't...

HUMINT, ISTAR or anything the Russian can use to track down Zelenskyy, I mean, have you ever seen Saddam Hussein have 15 minutes to sit down and talk to Russia or their supporter? I mean this guy have made like 10 appearance during a war, I mean, if Russia is seriously mean business, they can use anything they have to track him down and force him to be constantly on the move, take out COMM structure......
I remember reading a few days ago that Russians were trying to flood the Starlink system, but the constellation was too redundant. Good publicity for Starlink :cheers:
I disagree with the invasion,but the West is to blame on this.

Yes the west ordered Putin to do a hitler attack on Ukraine. I heared von der Leyen herself forced Putin to bomb the theatre.

No buddy, Putin is to blame. He could have invested in education, culture and economy. But chose to make russia hyper corrupted mafia state and now taints his nation with blood of innocent people. For generations Russia will have to live with that guilt.
Yea, good thing that this guy was not made the President for life to start a war :cheers:

I remember reading a few days ago that Russians were trying to flood the Starlink system, but the constellation was too redundant. Good publicity for Starlink :cheers:
There are other way to do that. As I mentioned in my other post...

While I do think Russia is Culminating, I don't think it's Russian General that are running the show.

It's not as hard as you think to jam someone frequency, especially if you have a pretty good idea where that person is (Zelenskyy is in Kyiv) if this was us, we will use CIA voice trap, which basically an airborne asset that track all the call in a certain area. and you filter those call until you get Zelenskyy comm. Then you can jam it by either jamming the actual line of communication, or jamming the entire comm signal in the area. Plus, Zelenskyy press team told literally everyone when they are expecting that call, it's not hard at all to filter out his frequency and jam it.

But then they did none of that......

As for Elon Musk..........

I like how Rockstar portrait Elon Musk on GTA online...
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