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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Congrats to the Russian army, they finally managed to shoot down 1 of them.

Even if the crashed aircraft made just one successful sortie, it caused more damage than its material value to the Russian army. And while one party loses its vehicle, the other party loses its personnel. That's the frustrating advantage of these tactical UAV systems.
Crazy footage of a russian troop transporter hit with Panzerfaust. You see its disabelled and smashs off road at end.

Russians really throw their soldiers into meat grinder
Big enough to win an election.

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They didn't have the chance yet.

But didn't USA try to change the government in Cuba as well? And I'm not a communist. I'm just talking about the double-standards.

Ukraine was off-limits for the West. But you had USA,Britain and a lot of NATO and EU leaders trying to make Ukraine into an American protectorate.

If Mexico had joined the Warsaw Pact,would you have felt ok with that? If Canada had joined the Warsaw Pact let's say,would you have tolerated that?

Now take a deeper look:

Petro Poroshenko's popularity was in decline over the years due to corruption allegations among other factors. This matter was captured in following article:

Corruption allegations had basis to them:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy turned out to be a much smarter and compelling politician. He used his celebrity status to his advantage to connect with people and build his credentials. This ground reality is well-explained in following article:

Petro was later charged for colluding with Russians to intervene in Ukranian political landscape.*

Corrupt politicians are the worst kind of scum. These people prioritize their own gains over that of the country. WE Pakistani understand this issue very well.

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*Let us consider neighborhood politics for the sake of argument.

USA had problems with Canada and Mexico in earlier times.

1. USA and Canada fought a war for territorial settlements while Canada was under British protectorate.

2. USA and Mexico fought a war for territorial settlements while Mexico was under Spanish protectorate.

But neighbors should learn to co-exist and the 3 are doing fine in this respect in current times.

Calls for annexing Canada are made from time-to-time but American politicians do not entertain them.

They do not desire instability in Canada. This is about responsible neighborhood.

Canada and Mexico do not feel the need to arm themselves to the teeth and will not entertain Russian offers to this end in any case.

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NATO bloc reached Russian borders years ago. How many countries Russians can prevent to join it now?

Russian actions in Ukraine have created debate in Sweden and Finland to explore mutual defense cooperation and to join NATO.

Kosovo has requested NATO membership as well.

Russian expedition is proving to be very costly on the other hand:

This is why it is important to think rationally in the larger interests of your country. Problem is that dictators have no accountability - country be damned.

Biden administration is willing to provide relief to Russia for its dealings with Iran:


My assessment many pages earlier:

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13596248

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Coming back to Ukranian political landscape:

Putin should have reached out to Zelenskyy instead of betting on Petro in Ukraine. He misread Ukranian political landscape and this would be in part due to his advisors who were in hubris as well.

Putin should consider a political settlement with Zelenskyy, reorganize his own political system back home and replace his advisors in the process. This is the way forward for him. I am not sure what he will achieve otherwise.

@Qutb-ud-din Aybak
Volodymyr Zelenskyy turned out to be a much smarter and compelling politician. He used his celebrity status to his advantage to connect with people and build his credentials.
There's no doubt Zelensky was a much smarter and beloved politician than Poroshenko. He is much more charismatic compared to the previous 2 presidents who ruled from 2014 onwards.
Well, this war on the other hand show how strong is US Dollar. Not the weakness.

Economy of Russia crashed overnight because US refused to allow Russia Central Bank to exchange USD, and freezing all the oversea Russian central bank asset (Estimated at 300 billions) which left Russia holding their rouble and gold alone. You cannot exchange those gold or oil or any resource because you cannot issue either buy/sell order from overseas, which majority uses SWIFT, the only logical way is for Russia to trade with China with a tangible trade. (eg Oil for Electronic). But how much can you trade tangibly? And what happen if Russia want something China don't have? IC Chip for example?

Just because China and Russia (or if you bring along Iran or Syria as well, it wouldn't matter much) promote regional trade, that does not mean they can dethrone USD status as world reserve, because unless China is willing to use Ruble domestically and Russia is willing to use Yuan domestically, it did not change the fact that you cannot use someone else's denomination in your own country, which mean you need to exchange it somehow.

And it would be stupid at least for China to start using Ruble as official denomination. At least right now it's not feastible.
Russian economy will face difficulties in the foreseeable future but it is not going to crash. It is being removed from SWIFT and being sanctioned by the western world. I am sure Russian strategic planners were fully aware and made their calculations.

As you rightly pointed out, China will be the major power that has the capability and capacity to supply Russia consumer market, which has been vacated by Western business. It presents a good opportunity for Chinese business to capture Russian market. China can provide any consumer goods that are possibly available in this world. Naturally some electronic goods will face difficulty if there are any western made components but it will provide fantastic incentives for the growth of Chinese alternatives.

As long as inflation of consumer goods is low, Russian economy and society in general will fare steadily. I am sure many people will be disappointed to see that.

Naturally China and Russia will be trading with non USD going forward, and again that provides a strong incentive to accelerate the development of the new currency scheme. It could be the digital RMB in the end.

By the way, Russia or China does not need to use other party’s currency domestically as you mentioned. The currency they receive from international trade is separate from the home currency. For example Russia can receive RMB from selling oil and gas to China, they will turn around to use the same RMB to buy consumer goods and everything else from Chinese market. RMB will only serve as a medium of trade only. Russia has been running trade surplus with China so buying more Chinese goods can balance it out nicely.
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It is being removed from SWIFT and being sanctioned by the western world. I am sure Russian strategic planners were fully aware and made their calculations.
If they were aware of the western moves then they allowed the west to have 315 billion of their own reserves. very generous people those Russians.
We are now three weeks into the Russia-Ukraine war. Where is the VKS?

The most resounding Soviet affirmation of the dominant role played by air power in Desert Storm came barely two weeks following the cease-fire. Not surprisingly, it emerged from an interview with the chief of the main staff of the Soviet air force, Lieutenant General A. Malyukov. After suggesting that the war had constituted "a textbook example of what air supremacy means-both for the country that gained it and for the country ceding it to the opponent," the interviewer asked the general whether he felt the war had reflected a practical application of the American "Air-Land Battle" doctrine.​
In a reply that showed much perspicacity, General Malyukov answered: "I do not think so. There was no classical 'air-land battle.' Why? The point is that this war-and here General Dugan comes to mind-was obviously conceived from the outset as an air war to wear out the opponent by means of air strikes, disorganize his command systems, destroy his air defenses, and weaken the ground forces' striking power. In terms of the choice of objectives, it was more a case of a classic air offensive. And these objectives were achieved. Broadly speaking, this is the first time we have seen a war in which aviation took care almost entirely of all the main tasks [emphasis added]."​

Basically, what Malyukov said 31 yrs ago that US airpower came to %90 of forcing an enemy into submission, that US airpower %90 scrapped the concept of 'air-land battle'. Or more like %90 air and %10 land. Apologies to our Army and Marines brothers and sisters. What have the VKS done for itself for the past 30 yrs? Apparently, with the last three weeks showing the world: NOTHING. The Su-57 does not qualify as an achievement. When this war is over, the Su-57 will be relegated to the museum.

With the Russia-Ukraine war, the world was looking for a Desert Storm replacement. Instead, the world was forced to return to Desert Storm as example of how far airpower have come, how much US airpower can do, and that the world's second air force failed by a miserable margin even just to meet the par set by US airpower, let alone hope to surpass. Thirty yrs passed and all the VKS done was produced one new platform and when the air force was called into battle, it failed its ground forces brothers.

It is not just any one observer of this war but of the entire world that the time for being generous to the VKS is over. Maybe it is time for all the VKS generals to commit seppuku by impaling themselves on the pitot probes of their jets.
Could it be that the Russians are holding back VKS resources in the expectation of possible clash with NATO as this situation develops? Just wondering :undecided: :pop:
I have a question. Is Poland willing to accept Lviv as Polish territory?

Now Russia is not even willing to set up a no fly zone in Lviv. Obviously, Russia does not want Lviv.

I can understand why Russia doesn't want Lviv, but the Polish govt may not be willing to accept this territory.

Is Poland willing to accept Lviv? This is a large territory, and Lviv's residents are mainly poles and Lithuanians. But Lviv is poor, and Lviv has millions of Ukrainian refugees, and that means Poland borders Russia directly. Of course, I think the EU certainly wants Poland to accept Lviv, but I want to know how poles think about this issue.
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Several Russian MOD planes heading to Siberia ?



One of the planes bound for Siberia is the Russian Federation's presidential command plane, the Russian Air Force One.

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