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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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According to independent countings from Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki (Russian social platforms),they counted so far at least 4300 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine.

Some of them ;




It's not the number, but how do you pay for it or what do you trade it for?? You are talking about a situation where Russia cannot pay you in cash or currency, and you do not have enough extra RMB hanging around to support both trade between Russia and China.

Also, you are talking about an entire Russian economy (or half, if you say it like that), how are you going to support that?

And finally, to be honest, what you are saying is a bit "Wishful Thinking", of course if China can do that, Russia will be alright, but would China even consider doing that is another issue altogether.

There is a bank in China called BKCL, which has been responsible for trade settlement between China and Iran, Venezuela and other countries since 2007.
Of course, USA has repeatedly sanctioned BKCL, but it is useless. Because this bank has no business in western countries. The bank's shareholders are three state-owned enterprises: PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC. But it is strange that USA has never sanctioned these three state-owned enterprises. Because these three companies send more than 500 million tons of oil orders to other countries every year, Wall Street oil tycoons will kill any Western politicians who want to sanction these three companies.
Therefore, we know very well how Russia will trade with China.

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Well, this war on the other hand show how strong is US Dollar. Not the weakness.

Economy of Russia crashed overnight because US refused to allow Russia Central Bank to exchange USD, and freezing all the oversea Russian central bank asset (Estimated at 300 billions) which left Russia holding their rouble and gold alone. You cannot exchange those gold or oil or any resource because you cannot issue either buy/sell order from overseas, which majority uses SWIFT, the only logical way is for Russia to trade with China with a tangible trade. (eg Oil for Electronic). But how much can you trade tangibly? And what happen if Russia want something China don't have? IC Chip for example?

Just because China and Russia (or if you bring along Iran or Syria as well, it wouldn't matter much) promote regional trade, that does not mean they can dethrone USD status as world reserve, because unless China is willing to use Ruble domestically and Russia is willing to use Yuan domestically, it did not change the fact that you cannot use someone else's denomination in your own country, which mean you need to exchange it somehow.

And it would be stupid at least for China to start using Ruble as official denomination. At least right now it's not feastible.
Yes indeed and as the US markets are indicating govenments globally have taken notice and are moving their national reserves from the dollar. Alternatives will be found. The world knows now the real power is the economic power. Even more so than military. Just watch this space
are you aware of cased that Canadian or Mexican bombing American ethnic for 7 years at his time
There are a lot of things that I'm not aware of. All of them are not related to this discussion here. You can take the liberty to educate people like me by discussing about them in separate threads. For now, please do not haunt me with more historical tragedies. I'd like this thread to be relevant with the latest tragedy that Putin has unleashed :undecided:
If a Chinese citizen buys an iPhone in China, but his iPhone cannot be used because of traveling to Russia. Then the iPhone will violate China's consumer rights law, and Apple may be sued and fined.
If Apple blocks a mobile phone only by virtue of its location, it will get into a lot of trouble. Unlike the US govt, the Chinese govt has never shown mercy on these multinational groups.

It will be unblocked back in China. Just not work in russia

Russian attack on Ukraine a total military planing disaster. They thought they will capture few cities and then go straight to capital but they failed to understand how they will secure supply lines? same mistake Gen Musharaf did he totally ignore about logistics.
If Ukraine got contentiously support and arms from outside I fear Russian forces will trap inside Ukraine and would die but before that Putin would force to use nukes.

A big debacle by Russian military planners.
Your thoughts Sir.
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