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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I wonder who has more satellites over looking Ukraine: the allies, choosing to do nothing or Putin giving orders to destroy everything there? Judging by these pictures and videos, it looks like the Russian satellites lead to nefarious acts on the poor population.
Germany is a sorry case since they would face strong suspicion if they massively rebuild their military. But France left NATO before. Not sure why they chose to come back later. They certainly have more independent mind in this area than Germany.

Actually, I give India more credit than you would. India plays a balanced game between Russia and US. It seeks economic benefit from US but its close relationship with Russia helps maintain its own independence and freedom. It is a lot smarter than Ukraine which has given up its own independence and freedom long ago. There is a saying that says: if you trade freedom for safety, you deserve neither freedom nor safety.
If seeking an alliance with NATO is giving up freedom, then none of the European countries are free. The trope about freedom vs security usually reserved for domestic surveillance. It does not translate well when there is a invading bully who is trying to takeover the country. This idea of blaming the victim and calling the smaller country 'naive' for wanting to remain independent of a hegemon is no different from blaming a rape victim :laugh:

As for India's 'balanced' game, India does not have a choice in the matter. India has an illusion of choice, not a real choice given its dependency on Russian military hardware. If you look at the narrative in Indian media, majority support Ukraine's sovereignty. This is true from across the political spectrum except for left/right wingers. But everyone is just in a muted agreement that India does not have a choice in this matter.
If seeking an alliance with NATO is giving up freedom, then none of the European countries are free. The trope about freedom vs security usually reserved for domestic surveillance. It does not translate well when there is a invading bully who is trying to takeover the country. This idea of blaming the victim and calling the smaller country 'naive' for wanting to remain independent of a hegemon is no different from blaming a rape victim :laugh:

As for India's 'balanced' game, India does not have a choice in the matter. India has an illusion of choice, not a real choice given its dependency on Russian military hardware. If you look at the narrative in Indian media, majority support Ukraine's sovereignty. This is true from across the political spectrum except for left/right wingers. But everyone is just in a muted agreement that India does not have a choice in this matter.
Seeking an alliance with NATO WITHOUT your own strong defense is giving up freedom. In another word, a country without its own strong defense but relying on NATO is more of a leech on US taxpayers. It is not independence. It is dependence.
Are you serious??
Russia has the nuclear blackmail, pointing hundreds, if not thousands, of nukes over several countries, from God knows where. They would pulverize any approaching armies with tactical nukes and if they feel all will be lost then they will go down bringing the world down with them.
But, yes, in a conventional war, Russia is crap. It is so ironic that the Western nukes were the deterrent against the Soviet conventional power and now the situation is reversed. How the mighties [Russians] have fallen!!

Putin fears a nuclear war as much as anyone else...Every country that has nuclear weapons have had them trained on Moscow since the beginning of the cold war. he knows what would happen if he pressed the button. NATO should call his bluff.
Seeking an alliance with NATO WITHOUT your own strong defense is giving up freedom. In another word, a country without its own strong defense but relying on NATO is more of a leech on US taxpayers. It is not independence. It is dependence.
Most NATO countries are dependent on the US. That is why US gets to be the leader.

You don't think Ukrainians are fighting well on their own so far? :laugh:

They don't have technical parity because they are poor. That does not mean that they are a push over.. as Putin is starting to acknowledge. :cheers:
I think whats rarely discussed here is another factor. Germany turned 180*C and now started the worldwide biggest armament program. Its defense budget now is 3rd largest worldwide only topped by USA and China. In last 70 years Germany was rather a trade and technological super power but Putins attack on Ukraine changed this overnight.
Seeking an alliance with NATO WITHOUT your own strong defense is giving up freedom. In another word, a country without its own strong defense but relying on NATO is more of a leech on US taxpayers. It is not independence. It is dependence.

NATO, is a defensive organization, they're hardly likely to attack Russia.. Ukrainian mess is proving this to be the case
Not sure what your point is supposed to be. We know Russia doesn't have a reasonable or responsible leadership, that's been made perfectly clear. So relying on that as a goal is patently ridiculous.
Most NATO countries are dependent on the US. That is why US gets to be the leader.

You don't think Ukrainians are fighting well on their own so far? :laugh:

They don't have technical parity because they are poor. That does not mean that they are a push over.. as Putin is starting to acknowledge. :cheers:
US politicians want to be the leader. Its taxpayers are the suckers.

I don't really know anything about who fights well in this war. All we have on the Internet is propaganda of various sorts. I don't pretend to know the ground reality through my browser. I only wish for a quick ending of the conflict so civilians can get back to their own lives and don't get themselves in the cross fire. So far, Russians are incompetent in bring in quick victories. So are Ukrainians. As I mentioned before, the thing I hate more than an unjust war is a prolonged war.

Wars are ugly business and often stupid. In 1949, Chinese communists and nationalists fought intensively and both soldiers and civilians suffered great casualty. 30 years later, those nationalists were invited back to China as honored guests to help investing in China and participating in China's great economic reform. What the heck was that war fought for?!

NATO, is a defensive organization, they're hardly likely to attack Russia.. Ukrainian mess is proving this to be the case
Not sure what your point is supposed to be. We know Russia doesn't have a reasonable or responsible leadership, that's been made perfectly clear. So relying on that as a goal is patently ridiculous.
The transition from defense to offense is very easy. At the moment when the opponent is so weak that it feels like a ripen fruit to pick, all you need is an excuse to begin offense. NATO has already transited in the name of peacekeeping. It isn't only when a NATO member is attacked, it authorizes an offense.

I think whats rarely discussed here is another factor. Germany turned 180*C and now started the worldwide biggest armament program. Its defense budget now is 3rd largest worldwide only topped by USA and China. In last 70 years Germany was rather a trade and technological super power but Putins attack on Ukraine changed this overnight.
It should if Europe needs its anchor to be strong.
US politicians want to be the leader. Its taxpayers are the suckers.

I don't really know anything about who fights well in this war. All we have on the Internet is propaganda of various sorts. I don't pretend to know the ground reality through my browser. I only wish for a quick ending of the conflict so civilians can get back to their own lives and don't get themselves in the cross fire. So far, Russians are incompetent in bring in quick victories. So are Ukrainians. As I mentioned before, the thing I hate more than an unjust war is a prolonged war.

Wars are ugly business and often stupid. In 1949, Chinese communists and nationalists fought intensively and both soldiers and civilians suffered great casualty. 30 years later, those nationalists were invited back to China as honored guests to help investing in China and participating in China's great economic reform. What the heck was that war fought for?!

The transition from defense to offense is very easy. At the moment when the opponent is so weak that it feels like a ripen fruit to pick, all you need is an excuse to begin offense. NATO has already transited in the name of peacekeeping. It isn't only when a NATO member is attacked, it authorizes an offense.
US politicians want US to be a leader and the taxpayers do not? Do you really believe that the average American does not want America to be the predominant power that it is today?! I'm not sure why that is a question in your quest to make the case for Ukraine is 'naive' :laugh:

I'm also an internet pleb no different from you. But I think Ukraine is punching above its weight from the fact that a country considered to be military super power is reduced to recruiting mercenaries from Syria and Africa to fight this war. :omghaha:

We should wait for such assessments from Pentagon to take them seriously. But they are certain to boost morale in the Ukrainian camp :cheers:
US politicians want US to be a leader and the taxpayers do not? Do you really believe that the average American does not want America to be the predominant power that it is today?! I'm not sure why that is a question in your quest to make the case for Ukraine is 'naive' :laugh:

I'm also an internet pleb no different from you. But I think Ukraine is punching above its weight from the fact that a country considered to be military super power is reduced to recruiting mercenaries from Syria and Africa to fight this war. :omghaha:

Add the fact that Ukraine capital is like only 60km away from that "super powers border".

I think thats the main thing we see now, how incredible weak Russia is. Its basicly contained by manpads and fire and forget weapons.

This is the best symbol for this:

Ukrainian farmers have taken more tanks than Stinger rockets 🤣
Add the fact that Ukraine capital is like only 60km away from that "super powers border".

I think thats the main thing we see now, how incredible weak Russia is. Its basicly contained by manpads and fire and forget weapons.
Like the superpower's hasty fleeing from Afghanistan?
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