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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Time to bury the Russian stock market.

The New York Stock Exchange never closed during WW2.
Short sellers cant crystallise gains until market opens. when it does there are going to be a lot of new billionaires in the west and a lot of bankrupt people that bet on russia. So the Russian stock market might not open again. I dont see what reopening the market will achieve for russia. It is not a place to raise capital anymore. Its where companies go do die.
So you don't want to die in WW3 but it is ok for the Ukrainians to die and for the west to use them as cannon fodder for western strategic interests.
What does that even mean? Nobody "uses" Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Their country is being invaded under a false pretext and they are defending it with their lives.
I mean if you don't want to directly engage the Russians then also don't provide weaponry to their adversaries which lead them to use more lethal force in urban centers causing more casualties.
I simply cannot follow your logic. If NATO intents to support Ukraine in defending their country against an invader (Russia) but cannot confront the invader (Russia) directly for obvious reasons, then supplying the Ukrainians with means to defend themselves is the least they can do.
Instead of striving for peace and telling the Ukrainian power center to strive for neutrality of Ukraine and to end this conflict you are actively engaged in prolonging it.
One cannot expect Ukraine to be neutral towards Russia after all what happened.
So behind this façade of helping the Ukrainians all you are doing as someone in this forum aptly put ... Is fighting the Russians till the last Ukrainian and treating them as cannon fodder for an objective they cannot achieve.
When have I claimed to be helping Ukrainians? This was never about me? You are jumping from one assumption to the other.
And before you climb the high horse of fighting for freedom look into western history of mass murders and atrocities committed under the name of spreading democracy in Vietnam, Afghanistan, WMD in Iraq, Libya and countless others. Your hands are painted red with blood of innocent lives lost by the bombs & chemicals dropped by the West. Shame on you and shame on the west who think they have the moral high ground here.
This is totally unrelated to both the discussion and the thread. You can send a letter or an essay to Stoltenberg and complain if you like but I am not a NATO representative. I merely gave you the reason why NATO refrains from entering a direct confrontation with Russia. Relax.
Equipment from Ukrainian forces captured by pro-Russian DNR forces in the last few days

The Russian army seizes more Nlaw launchers, Uragan launchers and tanks from a Ukrainian camp


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You were one of my favorite member. But here I am watching with amazement you turn into an account that mediates fake news/ propaganda in favor of Russia. It seems You never questioning the things you share. Normally, I don't interfere in such situations, but since you keep repeating the same thing, I have to say stop.

The photo you used here is from the 2020 Karabagh war. There is currently no visual evidence that supports the downing of any Ukrainian TB2s.

Btw, While the whole world, including Russia, imposes a heavy weapons embargo on your country, this TB-2 will fly with your country's emblem.
What does that even mean? Nobody "uses" Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Their country is being invaded under a false pretext and they are defending it with their lives.

I simply cannot follow your logic. If NATO intents to support Ukraine in defending their country against an invader (Russia) but cannot confront the invader (Russia) directly for obvious reasons, then supplying the Ukrainians with means to defend themselves is the least they can do.

One cannot expect Ukraine to be neutral towards Russia after all what happened.

When have I claimed to be helping Ukrainians? This was never about me? You are jumping from one assumption to the other.

This is totally unrelated to both the discussion and the thread. You can send a letter or an essay to Stoltenberg and complain if you like but I am not a NATO representative. I merely gave you the reason why NATO refrains from entering a direct confrontation with Russia. Relax.

Oh come on !!!! really you cant understand.

Nato is like a big kid who gives money to a naïve smaller kid and ask him to slap another big kid who took his lunch money. He does and gets beaten really hard. He comes back and the first big kid gives him money again and a glove and ask to slap again saying it would be better this time. This small kid who is already angry of the beating & is emotional he takes the money and the glove and goes back and slaps again. This time he gets twice the beating and cycle continues.

Do you see anything wrong with the scenarios or do you think the big kid giving money is doing the right thing ? I tried to make it simple so you can understand it easily but please don't take it literally.

Why can't you expect Ukraine to be neutral. You expected the exact neutrality from the Taliban when you left, that their land and government won't be used to create trouble for the west why not the Ukrainians ?

I understand you are trying to explain why Nato is avoiding direct confrontation and I agree with you 100% that it should not do a direct confrontation (my chicken shit comment does not mean they should enter the conflict actively). What I am trying to convey to you is to stop arming Ukrainians which will lead to nothing but more bloodshed and loss of life. The other thing I am trying to convey is that the West does not care about Ukrainian lives as long as they can be used as cannon fodder to fulfill their bottom line. That is where the blood lust of the west and the naivety of the Ukrainians can be observed.
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