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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The contract is turning people away.

Tell me you've never packed for a ruck/tab without telling me you've never tabbed. What TAF is up with at rucksack. :rofl: Too many destiny players treating real war like Xbox.
Seems like Russian officers are leading and fighting from the front. Respect.

Where are the Ukrainian generals ??? Never mind found them:

Hiding in the bunkers and doing press conferences and begging NATO for help.
also talking crap about NATO who keep rejecting direct involvement

Some don't realize that according to most accurate estimates Russia has lost up to 6.000 soldiers,if we apply a ratio of killed to wounded at 1 for 3 that's close to 20.000 soldiers wounded and put out of action,out of the ~200.000 soldiers mobilized,not even adding more than one thousand vehicles assessed as lost. (destroyed,captured,abandoned),that's huge.

Not even adding losses of the DPR and LNR. But "operation is going according to the plans".

Russians have been proved to hide ammunations and weapons in vehicles marked with the red cross.

Just bomb them.
I would've sympathized with them had they treated their fellow Ukrainians in the East (DNR and LNR) decently and humanely - and had they stayed clear from Russia - West "big power" competition. They're being sacrificed for the West's goals of destabilizing Russia. Ukraine didn't belong in this competition, but sadly having a comedian president who most likely loves Israel more than Ukraine is what led them to this tragedy.

No country accepts a separatist movement by default. Russia did not accept Chechen separatist movement for example.

There were largely peaceful protests against Zelenskyy administration in Donbas but Russia was able to escalate this matter to a whole new level with its influence and intervention in said region in 2014. There is ample information in following sources:

Donbas was certainly home to pro-Russian group(s) and figureheads but not in its entirety - numerous sectors of Donbas were stable and under control of Zelenskyy administration. Heroic resistance effort to Russian invasion in Mariupol casts doubt on Russian narrative for Donbas at large.

Zelenskyy administration might be guilty of some miscalculations but its legitimacy should not be in doubt - a large number of Ukrainians answered the call of Zelenskyy administration to fight Russians. NATO can supply arms to Ukrainians but Ukrainians should be willing to fight Russians as well (which is the case). Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself is in Kyiv and continues to motivate his followers to fight for the country in spite of attempts on his life - this is hallmark of being a true leader. Credit where due.
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