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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Russian civil aviation agency announced that they will contact Turkey and India for the supply of parts due to China's refusal to supply aircraft parts to Russia.

Turkey is one of Russia's sincere friends. We are one of the very few countries that try to warn Russia at the presidential level against this damn trap.
If you supply them, the west might cut you off as well. Its a tough situation for turkey.
Given how many Russian colonels and generals were KIA-ed, am wondering if Poutine started and use a war to eliminate potential political rivals and prevent a coup. Am not sure whether to take this seriously instead of a joke or believe the Russian Army is truly this incompetent. Or worse -- both.
This is an interesting twist in geopolitics.

Saudi Arabia and UAE don't want to take Biden's call but they will talk to Putin. Israeli PM wants Ukraine to surrender to Putin. Seems like everyone in the middle east is switching stripes and are cozying up to Russia. While the Arabs can afford to be independent of the US, I'm surprised that the Israelis would go against the interest of their patrons in the west. :whistle:
This is interesting and I cant figure it out. Its hard to believe that Americans wold allow these dictators they installed in the gulf to run again them.

Whoever left of the Neo Nazis (Azov) be saying now:

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I believe China already had a version similar to Javelins -- HJ-12
Iranians would appreciate samples. Hezbollah would benefit from system.
Russia missed a chance to bleed America in Afghanistan for 20 years. Yes, there was supposed to be some support given to the Taliban but, being a regional power, a LOT more could have been done by Russia to hurt America in Afghanistan. Also, if Russia decides to make the war too forbidding for the West even right now, it could arm various anti-Israel forces with lethality never seen before. It will be a regional war but it will end one way or another soon because Israel's American backers wouldn't put up with blood spilling in Israel.

Having said this... observing something is not the same as wishing something. I'd rather this war be over asap.
Russia would never in a million years arm people that seek to harm Israel.

3 sides, Northwest, East and Northeast. Check the compass again on the right map. Secondly, who told you they were coming in to take over the city? I think they've learned their lesson on urban warfare. At this time, the Russia military is now acting like old school USSR military, in other words, encircle, demolish and force surrender, or, level it. There is no limits to how barbaric this would gets when the generals behind this land at this last strategy. At this point, Russia is now fighting for it's own federation's survival so no care for anything else.

The US needed to impose a no fly zone with EU. That was the only hope left.
Why do Russians need to encircle a city in order to bomb it into rubble?
Russia would never in a million years arm people that seek to harm Israel.

Why do Russians need to encircle a city in order to bomb it into rubble?
25 percent israeli citizens speak russian. They are originally from russia.

Bond between israel and russia is very strong.
If Russia is not that weak as you depicted, Nato and US won't be such a chicken repeatedly making statement to assure Russia it won't militarily intervene.
They can directly intervene, but why not go in for the indirect conflict when the same goals can be achieved through half the costs and fraction of the losses? It's just military common sense learnt from decades of warfare.
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