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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russians will be mainly relegated to high-altitude regime when the Ukrainians get supplies of the UK's StarStreak missile.

It flies at Mach 3+, max altitude of 5km and is very difficult to jam.

The war is just going to be more costly for both sides.

Given the lack of precision giuded munitions for Russia - they will be left with using Dumb bombs from high altitude - Russia is lucky that these systems will only be provided in the low hundreds - if that - so they will be centred around key locations that Ukraine needs to defend, C&C/ airfields/big cities etc..
Given the lack of precision giuded munitions for Russia - they will be left with using Dumb bombs from high altitude - Russia is lucky that these systems will only be provided in the low hundreds - if that - so they will be centred around key locations that Ukraine needs to defend, C&C/ airfields/big cities etc..

I'm wondering how many more long range missiles Russia can fire into Ukraine without endangering its homeland defense posture. They've already fired over 800. I imagine they've used a significant portion of their stocks set aside for this invasion.
A hardcore Anglo-Zionist newspaper, The Times (of London), leads its list of countries that don't follow Western policies by mentioning Imran Khan of Pakistan on top of the list. That's even though their bosom friend, Modi of India the Butcher of Gujrat, is not following their demand either.

Why are they so obsessed with Pakistan? Many reasons. For one thing, Pakistan may be economically weak, but is strong militarily. Second, Pakistan still has some credibility among Muslims. The West wouldn't want a Russia-China-Muslim alliance. Third, Pakistan is going to be the target of more sanctions, so they need to demonize it,

Hypocrisy and double standards on this issue are massive in the west. Pakistan did some critical things to help the west win CW1 but was not respected as a partner. Same reason why MBS won't take Biden phone call. India is in the Quad go bug them.

Pakistan has good relations with Ukraine. Pakistani's don't want to see Ukraine destroyed by war. That said.....Pakistan has too be neutral from a geopolitical perspective. Pakistan is focused on peace trade and development and won't be sucked into this conflict.
@gambit @jhungary just looking at the videos of Russian troops it seems that other than shooting rifles everything else is “no idea how this works so Im winging it”
Well, I am assuming you are referring to the Brovary Ambush. Yeah, that was really bad......I mean, if they are trained with armor assault or any type of training like that, they should know they should not run Armor up the MSR like that in tight column and without infantry support.

First of all, I would avoid running my tank on MSR at all, you would not see me doing that unless there are no other way of approach (And even if you don't have other way of approach, you can make one, I means that's what that 125mm gun is for) Then if I have to travel on any MSR in my tank, I would travel in a single file, that way if your lead tank is hit and disabled, you can just drove around it. And I most certainly would have dismounted infantry support my tank when I traverse thru an MSR.

That video, I don't know what's that. Honestly, I would expect the Ukrainian to do that, not the Russian.

Also, this is day 15, and Russia lost 2 other General, now it's up to 3 or 4 (I lost count, really) and the majority of the fight have not started yet, they have not attack Odessa, they have not attacked Kyiv and they have not attacked Dnipro yet, I mean, you are losing 3 or 4 general, about half a dozen Lt Col or Colonel and god knows how many soldier killed and captured for simply GETTING INTO POSITION OF ATTACK. You can already see how many Russia will lose during the main event.

You think getting into Kyiv is tough? I am pretty sure the Ukrainian would make every Russian bleed if they try to fight street to street. I honestly see the only way Russia can do that is with Chemical Weapon. Even then, this is not Aleppo, they are not fighting a rebel army or ISIS, Ukrainian have Civil Defence Training and proper MOPP equipment, I am not going to see any change other than the wholesale massacre of civilian, which in turn only further inflame the Ukrainian...

Stalled 40-mile ‘death convoy’ moving again as battle of Kyiv edges closer​

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Faye BrownFriday 11 Mar 2022 10:28 am

Convoy of Russian troops

The convoy has fanned out into towns and forests near Kyiv (Picture: EPA/MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES)
Russia is feared to be readying a massive assault on Kyiv after a stalled 40-mile ‘death convoy’ redeployed to surround the Ukrainian capital.
Satellite images reveal the huge mass of tanks and troops have now fanned out into nearby towns and forests, in an apparent bid to conceal themselves in civilian areas and prevent attacks.
Artillery pieces have been raised into firing position in a potentially ominous movement.
Tanks were also seen regrouping in towns near the Antonov Airport north of Kyiv – signalling a renewed push for control of the city.

The convoy had massed outside Kyiv early last week, but its advance appeared to stall as reports of food and fuel shortages circulated.

US officials said Ukrainian troops also targeted it with anti-tank missiles
Yesterday, a top Russian commander was reportedly killed after some of the convoy was destroyed in a Ukrainian ambush that saw Moscow suffer another setback in its goal of seizing the capital.
Ukrainian forces unleash devastating ambush on Russian tank column near Kyiv

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Still, the immediacy of the threat to Kyiv was unclear as of Friday. A US defence official speaking on condition of anonymity said Russian forces moving toward Kyiv had advanced about three miles in the past 24 hours, with some elements as close as nine miles from the city.
The official gave no indication that the convoy had dispersed or otherwise repositioned in a significant way, saying some vehicles were seen moving off the road into the tree line in recent days.
Meanwhile, the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) sad it is still ‘highly unlikely’ Russia has successfully achieved its invasion plan but will likely ‘re-posture’ for a renewed offensive.
‘Russian ground forces continue to make limited progress. Logistical issues that have hampered the Russian advance persist, as does strong Ukrainian resistance,’ MoD said in an intelligence update.
‘Russia is likely seeking to reset and re-posture its forces for renewed offensive activity in the coming days. This will probably include operations against the capital Kyiv.’
epa09816366 A handout satellite image made available by Maxar Technologies shows resupply trucks and probable multiple rocket launch deployment in Berestyanka, Ukraine, 10 March 2022. EPA/MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES HANDOUT -- MANDATORY CREDIT: SATELLITE IMAGE 2022 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES -- THE WATERMARK MAY NOT BE REMOVED/CROPPED -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

The convoy has dispersed int forests surrounding Kyiv (Picture: EPA)
A satellite image shows a military convoy near Invankiv, Ukraine February 28, 2022. Satellite image 2022 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. MANDATORY CREDIT. DO NOT OBSCURE LOGO

The convoy was slowly advancing directly towards Kyiv but appears to have regrouped (Picture: Reuters)
It comes after Vladimir Putin reportedly sacked eight top generals in anger over the slow pace of the invasion. The Russian leader is also said to be enraged with leaders of the FSB security service for handing him intelligence suggesting that Ukraine was weak, riddled with neo-Nazi groups, and would give up easily if attacked.

Oleksiy Danilov, head of Ukraine’s security council, said Moscow believed it would seize Kyiv in two to three days.
‘It hasn’t happened and never will,’ he said, adding ‘desperate’ Putin has ‘now switched to a different tactic’ by changing leadership.
Western officials said Russian forces have made little progress on the ground in recent days and are seeing heavier losses and stiffer Ukrainian resistance than Moscow anticipated.
But Putin’s forces have used air power and artillery to pummel Ukraine’s cities.
There are fears that as the isolated despot grows increasingly frustrated, he may resort to more extreme measures to achieve his aim, such as using chemical weapons.
The West has stepped up efforts to isolate and sanction Russia, particularly after a deadly airstrike on a maternity hospital in the port city of Mariupol that Western and Ukrainian officials decried as a war crime.

Russia has lost enough armoured vehicles to equip the ENTIRE German army​

The Russians had to use the roads because offroad mechanised infantry would be stuck in Ukranian mud plains... Unfortunately, the Russians didn't anticipate that every Ukrainian will be armed with a shoulder mounted MANPAD and rocket launchers and their assault will turn into the highway of death....

As a Russian strategists, you need to carpet bomb all convoy approach areas just ahead of the mechanized decision.... For that you need air superiority and close air support.

Reach city centres and use artillery and turn rubble before entering.

War is bloody. You cannot do it in a clean manner if the West has armed the local population to the teeth.

Iraq was different... The population was not armed so the Americas could afford to do the shock and awe with precision weapons on TV and then roll in.
Well there is contract and investment done by the local partners, pulling out suddenly from Russia is not a wise thing to do. Contracts needs to be respected and the war is not the fault of their Russian partners.
I wouldn't say that if I own any Franchise in Russia.

And no, if they continue the control, they will get punished by the US State Department, I would rather break contract than pay the fine if I was the head of McDonald or Yum. You are talking about a fine that's about 10-20 times of what that contract forfeiture will cost, not to mention the chances of getting Boycott in the US. People are already talking about boycotting Subway in the US.

At the end of the day, it's about whose market is more important for those US Franchise? Russia or US.
“Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has primarily succeeded in materializing his worst fears: a unified West, a more militarized Europe, and a stronger, more attractive NATO.”. Putin Is Creating the NATO He Feared

I think NATO is creating the NATO Putin feared. Damned if he did, and damned if he didn't.
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