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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The Russians would be better off being a colony of Russia unless they wish Sanghis raped them in their underwear.
I don’t think they are better off with own regime. Russia regimes thru history are mostly brutal. Russia is never a liberal country with individual liberty. There are just short periods where people in Russia enjoy some sorts of freedom. Stalin let millions Russians killed because they didn’t fit in his world view. He let millions Ukraine killed by hunger and starvation because of the same reason. Life matters little in Russia.


Verhungerte Bauern auf einer Straße in Charkiw (1933.) Die ukrainische Bevölkerung litt besonders stark unter Stalins Politik.Bildrechte: dpa
its really un ethical and so coward . f.u.c.k. china and dji the mavic three is more than a nuclear weapon in this war on both sides ... how people are diying is totally un ethical...
i really cannot inderstand the russian side!!! the soldiers can shoot it easly if they aim...
the grenade took 3 seconds to ground so the drone is only 100m above,,, they can shoot so easily... soldiers only group instead of fleeing and shoot without aiming!!!!!
i think not only nato or mostly U S equipment will be spotted in the coming ukranian offensive few weeks from now... we may see so soon the first large scale clash between a nato ground force in the disguise of ukranian uniform and the russian ground force!!
According to previous russian propaganda they have been fighting NATO forces for a long time in Ukraine. Its amazing how conspiracy thrives on this forum. Basically all “NATO forces” are contract soldiers working under union rights. There is no way NATO ground forces would be present in disguise.
its really un ethical and so coward . f.u.c.k. china and dji the mavic three is more than a nuclear weapon in this war on both sides ... how people are diying is totally un ethical...
i really cannot inderstand the russian side!!! the soldiers can shoot it easly if they aim...
the grenade took 3 seconds to ground so the drone is only 100m above,,, they can shoot so easily... soldiers only group instead of fleeing and shoot without aiming!!!!!

There are several methods to counter them but because of cost and widespread usage and low cost of drones they cannot be adopted widely. The em rifle that is generally employed against these types of commercial-modified drones has some flaws as well. There were some videos of jam resistant drones that were not effected from the em rifle pointed at it.

Assault rifles won't reach high enough when drones escape to higher altitudes and sniper high caliber rifles would be too bulky to carry around as well as targeting a flying target above several hundred meters would be very difficult. In the above video drone interceptor(around 2:48 mark) can be more useful with a kamikaze-small explosive option that can be used to target drones at higher altitudes instead of the proposed net throwing solution in the video.

Also the video mentions about lasers to take them down however in my opinion instead of taking them down with a hard kill a soft kill laser option is possible with a cheap laser pointer scoped rifle that has sufficient high power output that can block optics of drones. After the drone is detected a laser-rifle with a scope can jam its optics so it can't guide artillery or drop precise bombs on soldiers as long as its optics is distrupted. The rifle won't be heavy and lasers can reach several kms with high power blinding output easily.

This would be a temporary solution however as soldiers need to call support and escape to secure positions while drone optics is blocked by laser. It can be a somewhat cost effective solution and would work better against em jam resistant military grade quad-copter drones.

Detecting the quad-copter drone before it attacks would be the most difficult part as they are cheap small and high in numbers local solutions need to be developed for equipping soldier groups. Air defenses for other options can't cover large areas or compete against these widely proliferated small low cost drones. A possible detection alternative is Lidar. Drones can escape the radars being small but they can't escape lidars from short ranges. For short ranges and fixed positions like buildings or air defense sites lidar equipped vehicles can be used for detecting mini-drone attacks.

For a cheaper passive sensor early warning option acoustic sensors come to my mind tuned to the buzzing sound of quad copter drones. It needs a good filter to avoid other sounds and sound recognition processing to identify the drone. These can be installed on long poles mounted inside or near the trenches listening upwards for drone sounds and act as an early warning system for soldiers in the trenches maybe.

Below example uses a microphone array as an acoustic sensor. It also uses radars and cameras but to make it cheap and widely available to be equipped by soldier groups in trenches there is no need for radar but microphone array and cameras are enough for early warning and short range detection.
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Did nobody tell you Russia invaded the Ukraine they're picking off bits of Georgia and Moldova while threatening Finland and Sweden. If you don't know what's going on I suggest you refrain from commenting!

Did nobody tell you that Russia has been screaming about it's red line for over 20 years and stated what the consequences of crossing those red lines would be? Despite knowing this and in violation of all written agreements, the West continued on it's treacherous path and now they're all acting like wolves in sheep's clothing. Russia has done what it has done in it's national interest despite the numerous attempts at solving the NATO question through diplomacy whilst being stabbed in the back by the likes of Merkel etc...
So enough of this Western BS narrative, I'm for more power to the East against the pig-headed hegemony the West has tried to gain over the world whilst destroying whole nations and governments in the process. You should understand this and get used to the fact that we are now entering a multipolar world. If any attempt is made to stop this process then I'm afraid it's WW3. The US will do everything in it's power to stop this happening and I'm afraid we are heading that way. As prophesised in many religions including Islam, the "Malhama" or "Great War" is near and so what I certainly won't do, is back the Zionist West who have been ravaging the planet for over 100 years. There plan to topple Russia won't work as it's not a "Iraq" or "Libya" they are dealing with.
Did nobody tell you that Russia has been screaming about it's red line for over 20 years and stated what the consequences of crossing those red lines would be? Despite knowing this and in violation of all written agreements, the West continued on it's treacherous path and now they're all acting like wolves in sheep's clothing. Russia has done what it has done in it's national interest despite the numerous attempts at solving the NATO question through diplomacy whilst being stabbed in the back by the likes of Merkel etc...
So enough of this Western BS narrative, I'm for more power to the East against the pig-headed hegemony the West has tried to gain over the world whilst destroying whole nations and governments in the process. You should understand this and get used to the fact that we are now entering a multipolar world. If any attempt is made to stop this process then I'm afraid it's WW3. The US will do everything in it's power to stop this happening and I'm afraid we are heading that way. As prophesised in many religions including Islam, the "Malhama" or "Great War" is near and so what I certainly won't do, is back the Zionist West who have been ravaging the planet for over 100 years. There plan to topple Russia won't work as it's not a "Iraq" or "Libya" they are dealing with.

There was never any real prospect of Ukraine joining NATO. Such a move would have needed the approval of every member state, which would never have been forthcoming. Nor would membership pose a credible threat to Russia, a nuclear state. This conflict has nothing to do with Russian national security and everything to do with Putin's imperial ambitions, it is a land grab, pure banditry, nothing more.
Did nobody tell you that Russia has been screaming about it's red line for over 20 years and stated what the consequences of crossing those red lines would be? Despite knowing this and in violation of all written agreements, the West continued on it's treacherous path and now they're all acting like wolves in sheep's clothing. Russia has done what it has done in it's national interest despite the numerous attempts at solving the NATO question through diplomacy whilst being stabbed in the back by the likes of Merkel etc...
So enough of this Western BS narrative, I'm for more power to the East against the pig-headed hegemony the West has tried to gain over the world whilst destroying whole nations and governments in the process. You should understand this and get used to the fact that we are now entering a multipolar world. If any attempt is made to stop this process then I'm afraid it's WW3. The US will do everything in it's power to stop this happening and I'm afraid we are heading that way. As prophesised in many religions including Islam, the "Malhama" or "Great War" is near and so what I certainly won't do, is back the Zionist West who have been ravaging the planet for over 100 years. There plan to topple Russia won't work as it's not a "Iraq" or "Libya" they are dealing with.
Did nobody tell you Russia invaded the Ukraine they're picking off bits of Georgia and Moldova while threatening Finland and Sweden. If you don't know what's going on I suggest you refrain from commenting!
Only that there were no agreement between Soviet Union and NATO for NATO not to expand Eastward. At least according to the person who negotiate the Agreement himself Mikhail Gorbachev on a RBTH article, RBTH is owned by RT by the way

I posted this probably for the 10th time now.....

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