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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


The Putin clowns are trying to say CNN is the voice of the side of Ukraine. When it is an exposed psy-op, a branch of the Pompeo/Bush cia.

Here is the Republican cia position on Ukraine:

cia Republican deepstater Kissinger

Kissinger says Ukraine should cede territory to Russia to end war​

Speaking at a conference at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Kissinger urged the United States and the West to not seek an embarrassing defeat for Russia in Ukraine, warning it could worsen Europe’s long-term stability.

Did nobody tell you that Russia has been screaming about it's red line for over 20 years and stated what the consequences of crossing those red lines would be? Despite knowing this and in violation of all written agreements, the West continued on it's treacherous path and now they're all acting like wolves in sheep's clothing. Russia has done what it has done in it's national interest despite the numerous attempts at solving the NATO question through diplomacy whilst being stabbed in the back by the likes of Merkel etc...
So enough of this Western BS narrative, I'm for more power to the East against the pig-headed hegemony the West has tried to gain over the world whilst destroying whole nations and governments in the process. You should understand this and get used to the fact that we are now entering a multipolar world. If any attempt is made to stop this process then I'm afraid it's WW3. The US will do everything in it's power to stop this happening and I'm afraid we are heading that way. As prophesised in many religions including Islam, the "Malhama" or "Great War" is near and so what I certainly won't do, is back the Zionist West who have been ravaging the planet for over 100 years. There plan to topple Russia won't work as it's not a "Iraq" or "Libya" they are dealing with.
Yes in Russian national interests. Hence why many countries joined NATO since they don't want a repeat of Russian taking control of their country. Why do you think many of the eastern European countries were so eager to help Ukraine? And remember who the President of Ukraine fled to back during 2014 revolution because of corruption. And remember what is happening right now in Belarus where their President is acting why Ukraine is hostile to them?
Yes, it would be dangerous driving over the trench, but they were already in a dangerous situation. Maybe they were even too close for the opponents to fire RPGs at the tank. It looks like a handgrenate was thrown at the tank at the beginning.

If the terrain is flat I dont think the tank can shot into a trench at this close range. I may be wrong.
Considering that the tank crew knew the Russians didn't have any atgms hence why they were able to drive that close to the enemy in the first place.
Europe's long term stability is assured by a crushing defeat of Russia in the Ukraine. A Russia that is bankrupt and cannot fund a military, secures long term stability in Europe. A Russia with only destroy heavy weapons. A Russia that retreated from the whole of Ukraine.

Did the USA during the 80s seek to have peace with the USSR by helping their economy and not have a embarrassing defeat in Afghanistan. Or did the US have operations to have the USSR collapse. Such as the mujahedin. Working with the Polish pope. And so on.

Europe is made vulnerable if Russia gets territory from Ukraine and wins, everybody know this. Russia gaining territory only emboldens Russia to try to take the Baltics.

Look at the Crimean annexation. Then Donbas. Then this new invasion. Russia was not defeated with the first two. If it was, it would be less likely to try again.
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There have been a number of videos showing Ukrainians employing Tanks against dug in infantry at point blank range. This indicates the Russian have little in the way of anti tank weapons, not even RPGs and no artillery or air support. Clearing trenches is a time consuming process but will be much quicker if the west can can supply more Mk 19 AGLs
If the USSR won in Afghanistan, and took territory from West Germany in 1989, then the USSR would have collapsed in 1991. Completely wrong. lol :lol:

Everyone should want Russia to be defeated, a crushing defeat. A post-war reality where there is barely any Russian trade between Europe/US and Russia. You want their ruble to collapse, their economy to collapse, their MIC to collapse, their ability to fight war to collapse. Unless you are on Team Russia with wanting Ukraine to cede territory to Russia and things go back to normal with Russia and trade, a few sanctions. Russia gets stronger, focuses on military and Putin invades the Baltic during a 'opportune' period.

If there was no Germany unification, communism did not end in parts of Eastern Europe. These would have made Europe's security safer and the USSR would have been weaker. If the USSR won a war against NATO in the 1980s, this would have been good for NATO and European security. This is essentially Kissinger's advise to Europe. Kissinger does not make sense.

Kissinger is an old Trump pal.


Trump is an old rockefeller pal.


Trump is part of the deepstate. The deepstate agenda is:

So yeah, if you want the EU to be destroyed later, EU should "be for Ukraine ceding territory and Russia winning" (Russia winning is taking territory). Which is the Kissinger/Trump/Bannon/Tucker/Flynn/Roger Stone and the other Putinite Trumper position.

Kissinger, Rockefeller, Trump, Pompeo... only care about USA agenda. Not the real security of Europe.

Maybe US could send Trump to Russia and Putin and Trump could share the same jail cell, that would be hilarious to see.
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The Saudis have been owned by the cia Republican deepstate since before Reagan.

The Saudis went along with the Russia Republican and Putin agenda to raise oil prices and gas prices for the Republicans to defeat incumbent Democrats, last autumn. The Saudis are still owned by the Republican deepstate. Tucker is the voice of the cia deepstate.

Having your enemies win wars is a bad thing. Getting Ukraine to cede an inch of Ukrainian territory is a loss.

You know Sanna Marin is not the deepstate, when she is opposed to the Kissinger, Trump, Pompeo, USA Washington agenda.

Here is a real leader:

Video of Finnish PM Explaining Putin's 'Way Out' of Ukraine Viewed 4M Times​

Europe is opposed to the USA deepstate agenda of weakening Europe, and strengthening Russia by allowing Russia to win in Ukraine.

This is a proxy war of Russia Republicans and Putin vs the EU. The German foreign minister is completely aware of this.

This war was staged by Putin and cronies against Europe. USA is only arming Ukraine, so it does not lose Europe. And Europe get independent after the war. The US is wargaming the loss of Europe to independence from Washington and believed it needed to spend tens of billions in a show of effort to hold onto Europe politically. So a couple dozen HIMARS and a couple dozen Abrams in the next year, and "Europe defended".

The money spent on Ukraine from Washington is not there to crush Russia and to have Russia retreat and be weaker, it is there as a show, as an act, it is only agenda. You think Washington actually cares about NATO Europe, let alone Ukraine. You are joked.
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The Putin clowns are trying to say CNN is the voice of the side of Ukraine. When it is an exposed psy-op, a branch of the Pompeo/Bush cia, according to Fox News.

Here is the Republican cia position on Ukraine:

cia Republican deepstater Kissinger

Kissinger says Ukraine should cede territory to Russia to end war​

Kissinger is a fool. Why anyone must cede own territory to anyone for peace? What world we are living? Jungle?
Even if Ukraine cedes territory to Russia the war won’t stop. Putin’s aim is to exterminate Ukraine as nation and race. In his mind Ukraine has no right to exist. It’s better to fight until the bitter end than surrender then end in gas chambers.
Only that there were no agreement between Soviet Union and NATO for NATO not to expand Eastward. At least according to the person who negotiate the Agreement himself Mikhail Gorbachev on a RBTH article, RBTH is owned by RT by the way

I posted this probably for the 10th time now.....
Actually there was an agreement that all sovereign countries explicitly had rights to join NATO and all NATO countries had an explicit right to accept an application.
This was the 1997 Founding Act signed by Russia and NATO.

What a foolish and ill informed comment. Pakistan did no such thing.

I expected a better response from you, because even when we disagree you at least tried to remain in the realm of reality.
Benazir Bhutto has made public statements about this.


I even remember seeing the interview on TV.
Benazir Bhutto has made public statements about this.

View attachment 923556

I even remember seeing the interview on TV.
And? She also claimed she wasn't corrupt, yet we know she was.

The truth is that the taliban already existed before Pakistan got their hands on them. If Pakistan had created them, they would have actually been under Pakistani control and wouldn't have hindered Pakistani interests in the region.
Read my post: run out of Pakistan is what I said and I explained what it means to be run out of Pakistan. Stinger training was not done by Pakistanis but the rest of training on resistance was run by the ISI. Soviet pilots getting shot down by Pakistani F-16s (and subsequent defections to Pakistan) also didn’t know they weren’t coming back. So what if Stingers weren’t out of Pakistani stock. Poland is not delivering Leopard IIs but they go through Poland. Poland is active against Russians.

You are just bitter that Iran had nothing to with it, and all Iran is doing busy triggering wars between Muslims and sat out at least one fight against the infidels.

Even the future VP of Russia didn’t return after an air to air duel.

Also look up huge Ojhri camp explosion which was one of the staging areas that weapons into Afghanistan and was likely a result of sabotage or accident (it happened at the tail end of the war in 1988 so likely an accident).

My point is that Stinger’s didn’t show up in a FedEx box at a cave in Herat to be fired. An entire logistical chain and weapons,intellegience apparatus existed.
what are you talking , the only soviet plane they destroyed was an an-24 that turned out actually was defecting to Pakistan :undecided: , the rest were Afghan airforce fighters(excuse me bombers and some mil-8 that even were less in number than fingers of two hand) when faced with soviet fighters thy managed to shutdown their squadron leader.
and as you admit the training on stinger was done by Americans not Pakistan Army and they come from USA inventory not Pakistan and what really changed the tide of war were those stingers. and they exactly come into Afghanistan as I explained . a corrupt senate member and his lady companion.

and i don't recall i ever talked about Iran , if you want to knew Iran stand about Russia presence in Afghanistan at the time was it has nothing to do with us, we don't care we have our own problems.
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And? She also claimed she wasn't corrupt, yet we know she was.

The truth is that the taliban already existed before Pakistan got their hands on them. If Pakistan had created them, they would have actually been under Pakistani control and wouldn't have hindered Pakistani interests in the region.
Taliban got an enormous amount of recruits from pakistani madrassas.
Pakistan had a large part in growing the taliban.

“Sometimes the dog bites the hand of its owner”
(Or to put less simplistic, large minority in pakistan supported and tolerated hardline islam and were blind to risk nation/society)
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