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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Considering that the tank crew knew the Russians didn't have any atgms hence why they were able to drive that close to the enemy in the first place.
Alot of footage of this encounter has been released. This place has been captured and lost several times it seems. The russians fired some sort of anti tank missile/rocket towards the tank when it was approaching the trench. They missed twice. I dont think the tank crew noticed it.
Two tanks and one infantry fighting vehicle took part in this assault, and the tank did run over the trench in the end before ukrainian infantry arrived.
Must be an importent area considering the many clashes. Maybe that is why the ukrainians decided to take the chance.
Taliban got an enormous amount of recruits from pakistani madrassas.
Pakistan had a large part in growing the taliban.

“Sometimes the dog bites the hand of its owner”
(Or to put less simplistic, large minority in pakistan supported and tolerated hardline islam and were blind to risk nation/society)
Support is completely different and there I do agree, but the creation of the taliban is something had nothing to do with the Pakistani state.

Ukraine slaying its own soldiers; 'Cynical and cruel Kyiv...' Details​

14 Ukraine soldiers gave up front of Russians than later the Russians went back left those Ukrainian soldiers where they found them. They came back after few hours found out the Artillery of Ukr fired on the same spot where these Ukrainian soldiers communicated with Russians.

And? She also claimed she wasn't corrupt, yet we know she was.

The truth is that the taliban already existed before Pakistan got their hands on them. If Pakistan had created them, they would have actually been under Pakistani control and wouldn't have hindered Pakistani interests in the region.
Pakistan ”created” them by making them a viable organisation from a small band of nobodies.
That means providing them the money, the weapons and the training they needed for their takeover. They would not have been able to take over Afghanistan without massive Pakistani support.

Bakhmut - the battle for railroad and bus stations. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.07


Bakhmut - the battle for railroad and bus stations. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.07

Everyone is concerned with Bakhmut these days as it is very important for eastern operations but another thing to note for in the video is there is an increasing Ukranian grouping in the right bank of Kherson region.

It is generally expected that Ukrainian counter offensive would try to establish artillery fire control over railways supplying Crimea through Mariopol - Melitopol. Simultaneously another item would possibly be an amphibious landing operation on Kinburn spit beaches establishing a foothool left bank of Kherson for further operations. It can be by boats and amphibious ships. Ukraine has already fire control over that area.
Are Russian defense lines perpared for an attack coming from Kinburn spit as well that would be a necessary question. If they don't have enough preparation to establish control over the spit after the Ukraine landing operation then it would be a big problem for Russia. Ukraine would portray this as their D-Day Omaha beach type of operation towards Crimea.

https://****/sitreports/6865 🖕🖕🖕🚽🚽🚽😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣⚔️🇺🇸🐮💩 Analysis of the Situation in Ukraine by US Milbloggers of "Institute for the Study of War" (ISW):

🤥🇺🇸🇩🇪🇺🇦: Stupid drivel without real content and a few battle text modules. The ISW losers are on a typical US level. I can also think of Vice President Camel Harris, Biden's Beauty, Kirby and other representative morons. The downfall is unavoidable. 👉🚽

⚠️ Warning! ISW is a troll entity linked to the US regime. The henchmen spread propaganda and disinformation instead of providing a picture of the situation on the front, which is evident from the mostly fruitless frontline information.

💬 The Text is quoted verbatim, including the often horrifying misspelling of localities. The respective source is linked in the footer.

🔻 April 6 Key Takeaways 👻

▪️ Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Moscow on April 5 and 6 to discuss further Union State integration, with Putin likely focused on strengthening Russian economic control over Belarus.

▪️ Lukashenko delivered boilerplate rhetoric that continues to indicate that he has no intention of involving Belarus further in Russia’s war effort.

▪️ Russian commanders are reportedly constructing specialized company-size units within key frontline formations engaged in urban combat to reinforce the diminished combat effectiveness of most Russian units.

▪️ Russian forces will likely deploy these “Storm Z” units along the Avdiivka–Donetsk City frontline.

▪️ China continues to rhetorically downplay its support for Russia and demonstrate that there are limits to the declared “no limits” Russian–Chinese partnership, but it will not be a true neutral arbiter in the war.

▪️ Russian forces conducted limited ground attacks along the Kupyansk-Svatove-Kreminna line.

▪️ Russian forces continued ground attacks in and around Bakhmut and along the Avdiivka–Donetsk City line.

▪️ Ukrainian officials indicated that Russian forces are able to maintain a suitable rate of artillery fire in prioritized areas of the front at the expense of other sectors.

▪️ Russian forces may have withdrawn equipment from occupied Crimea for redeployment elsewhere in southern Ukraine out of fear of a Ukrainian counteroffensive.

▪️ Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu visited Russian Defense Industrial Base (DIB) enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast to monitor the implementation of state defense orders.

▪️ Russian President Vladimir Putin held one-on-one meetings with Russian occupation authorities.

****/sitreports /@TheStudyofWar/👻/
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NATO Europe was only used during the cold war to defeat "not a threat Soviet Union". USSR wanted to join NATO to ease tensions.

I told the Chinese years ago to join QUAD to ease tensions, and the Chinese communists got their snowflake feeling hurt and took offense. This was before I researched and found out USSR wanted to join NATO. USSR did not want war with the USA; before the Warsaw Pact, they wanted to join NATO. After the collapse of the USSR, and freedom reached Eastern Europe. And the Warsaw Pact nations in Eastern Europe had liberty. The USA no longer needed NATO in defeating Moscow. NATO has been a relic of the cold war since 1991, when the cia took over the Kremlin.

USA only wants slaves, Yeltsin was a USA slave. Today, there is no need for NATO in the opinion of the USA when the USA owned/owns Russia more than independent Europe. Though the US had to continue the cold war era policy of freedom, democracy and liberty in the 90s because there was only void or Communists in an anti-Europe, pro-Russia stance. There were no Trumps in politics, there were no Bannons in the MSM. There was a golden era of spreading liberty and that meant NATO expansion.

The Trump agenda is the USA agenda of a post cold war era. Leave NATO and have buddy Putin invade and occupy much of NATO Europe. US owns Russia more than Europe with Project Hammer and the post cold war looting of Russia by Bush cronies allowed by Yeltsin. Side with the team you own - Russia. Side with Team Russia that is on your political party side of cia Republicans.

NATO expansion and pro-NATO was the policy of Washington in the 1990s; both Republican cia and Democrats. This was seen by Washington as the projection of US hegemony. So Yeltsin promoted the policy of his handlers - the cia. Russia was of no threat to Europe in the 1990s.

When cia vetted Putin took over and promoted nationalism and aggression, is where Washington saw their chance at weakening rival EU. By around 2006, Putin had turned into a fake populist figure among Westerners. While the cia agents in the Kremlin may no longer be there as they were with Yeltsin. Washington has three links and ties to Putin. Firstly, the Chabad that run the economy of Russia. Secondly, the Russia Mafia with ties to Trump, Putin and the cia. Thirdly, are the Putin Oligarchs with ties to Tories and Trump. Putin's cronies and friends are Trumps, Tories and cia friends. Trump is the cia Republican deepstate of PNAC.

Revealed: Boris Yeltsin privately supported NATO expansion in 1990’s​

Declassified British files show how Russia’s President repeatedly told his Western counterparts he was “not against” NATO expansion—and even devised a flagship agreement with NATO to bring the Russian people onside.

The voice of the criminals in Russia has extensively been Zhirinovsky, going back decades before Putin. Zhirinovsky took the position of Russia in the 1990s that we see playing out today with Putin and Russian expansionism and warmongering. And I would not be surprised to learn Zhirinovsky had ties to the Chabad, Russian Mafia and/or Oligarchs. Zhirinovsky was the pioneer of promoting Russian aggression, when Yeltsin was in the Kremlin and promoted weak policies.

USA during the 1990s only had pro-NATO media, pro-NATO policies, pro-NATO agenda. They were living in the golden era of a post-cold war period. I explained this many times previously. Where NATO Europe supported the cold war era globalist agenda of freedom and democracy. To have cia Republicans attack NATO then would have been foolish. You win against the USSR, then vilify your allies would have been a terrible policy. Putin was groomed to be the fake populist to lead the anti-Europe 5th columnists to destroy the European Union. After the failure of neoconservatism, and the plummet of US prestige in Europe and around the globe, the US deepstate played their Trump card, ended the war on terror and used fake populist and fake anti-deepstate Trump for the PNAC agenda of defeating rival Europe, stopping the rise of China and pro-conflict with Iran. For the European Union to be invaded, the US wants Trump and Russia Republicans to leave NATO abandoned. The media in the US try to make Trump perceived as the victim, so the demand to destroy Europe and the liberal order is from the morons that believe Democrats are ruining America and Trump is going to make America great again. The US Russia Republican cia deepstate is relying on the uneducated and fools to usher in an Entente order planned over 100 years ago of London, Washington, Paris, and Moscow with Balfour Israel. That Entente disorder does not include the European Union, it does include a Putin Russia. A pro-Trump Russia.

This is why the Brexit nationalists of Farage, French nationalists of Le Pen, Trump nationalists feel no threat from Putin, in fact they side with Putin. After Trump and Putin burn down the globe... Washington, London, Moscow and Paris get a seat at the table to be the global powers with Balfour Israel. There is no planned seat for the EU or China. Trump and Russia Republicans take out China and stop the rise of China and loot China. Putin is tasked with destroying Europe, east of France.

This is why Europe needs to re-arm. Russia Republicans don't want a US defended Europe.

Germany needs ICBM nukes in this scenario of Russia Republicans abandoning Germany and Putin threatening Europe.

Edited for more:

To sum up.

The US cia are manipulating the populists to achieve cia ends.

In the USA, if you hate globalism and jobs shipped to other nations, then the cia says Trump is your fake populist hero. Trump is "going to punish China and the Mexicans".

In the Global South and Asia, if you hate the Washington wars, aggression and US imperialism, the cia Bannon and Tucker crowd tell you, "Putin is going to punish whitey liberal Europe for you".

The cia Republicans want both China and the EU bumped off and are using manipulation and deception to achieve their ends. Trump and Russia Republicans are the deepstate behind both agendas.

The British are behind this entire agenda and here is their "king":

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Pakistan ”created” them by making them a viable organisation from a small band of nobodies.
That means providing them the money, the weapons and the training they needed for their takeover. They would not have been able to take over Afghanistan without massive Pakistani support.
The taliban was already winning battles long before Pakistan got involved with them.

Pakistani support just made things more efficient.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Stick to your lane.
The taliban was already winning battles long before Pakistan got involved with them.

Pakistani support just made things more efficient.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Stick to your lane.
The Taliban were formed in September 1994, and Pakistan started supporting them in October 1994. They won their first major victory in November 1994.


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