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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Fire rips through Russian Ministry of Defence near the Kremlin​

>> Wow !!!!
The Russians are finished. They face the choice, becoming a colony of China or India?
If I was Putin I would chose becoming a slave to India. India is more human. Chinese would loot Russians until underwear.

The Russians would be better off being a colony of Russia unless they wish Sanghis raped them in their underwear.

Zelenski visits Poland. Russian defense line in Zaporozhye. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.05

Yeah sure . Neo Nazis are saints
No one are saint in war. Everyone have been in war know that, If you don't do stuff that you aren't proud of, you can't survive

That said, that particular incident is really Russian disinformation.

If you watch the entire clip, you would see that the Russian wounded was still moving, and the lone Ukrainian soldier went to check on him, and at 0:12 that Ukrainian soldier was being shot at, now I don't know if he has been shot at by the Russian under that APC, but you can clearly saw the dust kicking up from the bullet hitting around him.

The second "Close Up" scene we can see the Russian soldier no longer moving, suggest that this happened after the first bit. And he throws a grenade (With Grenade in hand already, which mean that is what he intended to do) to underneath the APC to clear that position

Most likely the gunfire came from under the APC, and if so, then either the Wounded Russian soldier fight back or someone hidden with that wounded and we can't see who do the fighting (Most likely that way) , either way, that render the encounter legitimate.

One explanation of this video is that Ukrainian soldier go and check on the APC and found out there are some Russian hiding under it, he drop a grenade in that position, in turn the Russian shot at him, and the grenade exploded, incapping the people underneath, then get close again to clear that position.

Otherwise no other explanation can explain the shot at around 0:12 except it either come randomly or from the Ukrainian side, which is not likely.
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General Rustam Muradov, a top Russian commander in Ukraine, has been dismissed in the wake of unsuccessful Russian assaults near the eastern Ukrainian town of Vuhledar, two Defense Ministry sources told The Moscow Times.​
Russian attacks on the strategic coal-mining town in January and early February resulted in heavy losses of men and equipment. In one notorious incident, dozens of Russian tanks were reportedly destroyed after being ordered to advance in single-file because of a lack of demining equipment.​
The removal of Muradov, a seasoned military commander with experience in Syria and the South Caucasus, offers a rare glimpse into the internal fallout from the Russian military’s failure to achieve any significant territorial gains in its monthslong offensive in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region.​

General Rustam Muradov, a top Russian commander in Ukraine, has been dismissed in the wake of unsuccessful Russian assaults near the eastern Ukrainian town of Vuhledar, two Defense Ministry sources told The Moscow Times.​
Russian attacks on the strategic coal-mining town in January and early February resulted in heavy losses of men and equipment. In one notorious incident, dozens of Russian tanks were reportedly destroyed after being ordered to advance in single-file because of a lack of demining equipment.​
The removal of Muradov, a seasoned military commander with experience in Syria and the South Caucasus, offers a rare glimpse into the internal fallout from the Russian military’s failure to achieve any significant territorial gains in its monthslong offensive in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region.​

Send more and more Russian tanks and soldiers over the same land mine fields outside vulledar is an insane military strategy.

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