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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia advanced 4km in the whole month of February. Better hurry this pincer encirclement. Before leopards & Bradley’s pull up …….
There are two brigades of Ukraine army at southern flank of Bakhmut. they will hinder the complete encirclement by Russia troops as long as possible. Meanwhile Ukraine artillery fire days and nights on those Russians pincer’s northern and southern.
Theoreticaly yes. But cause of Bakhmut can not run away - and the Ukrains in Bukhmut also cant - it is correct from Wagner to take the swing with them and take advantage to the north-northeast, direction Jampil, taking Nykyforivka and Rai-Oleksandrivka, to cut of Seversk and the little ones around. While at the same time from north-northeast RuAF go Torske/around Torske/jampil, cut of Seversk and the little ones around too. So Seversk an all the littleones around will be in a cauldron too. Then first Bakhmut finish and then Seversk finish.



No, i dont think i talk to much. Ukraine cant stop it.
Torske/Saritschne, Jampil, cut off Seversk.
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