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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The debut of the show involved Byers' father faking his death to uncover a conspiracy to hijack an airliner and fly it into the world trade center. The Lone Gunmen try to get to the truth of his supposed death and uncover the conspiracy.

One retrospectively relevant aspect of this pilot episode is that the airliner has been hijacked (via remote control of the plane's autopilot) and, by the end, both Byers and his father have boarded the plane to try to stop the hijacking. Through the aid of the other Gunmen, they are able to regain control of the plane and just miss crashing into the World Trade Center with the airliner. This episode aired about six months before the actual September 11 attacks against the World Trade Center later that year.

And even without proves at all, who can believe that 911 attacks were not (at least) allowed by USA deep state? someone besides you?
lol, a lot of those to go around if you want to believe.

For example. Before we all know US government uses computer network to monitor American using PRISM which was disclosed by some dude named Edward Snowden on May 20 2013, a little TV show called Person of Interest have already talked about an AI computer system monitor everyone of us using any camera and surveillance method available to them by the NSA in 2011.

Does that mean Christopher Nolan did not have "At least" some knowledge of such program exist?

How about some movie called "Contagion" predicted correctly how COVID pandemic impact the world? I mean, that 2011 movie predicted how exactly the world react when it was hit by the pandemic, down to people going to supermarket and hoard toilet paper?

And then there are countless prediction Simpson made about future that come true.

Does that mean the writer of Simpson is behind a lot of world event??

As a person who do data processing for a living, it's NOT REALLY that hard to predict stuff, data goes where it would normally go, abnormal/anomaly is really not something happen all the time. As I stated in this thread alone, I have made 6 prediction of this war and 5 of them come true. Does that mean I have some insider knowledge on Putin or Zelenskyy head? Or am I the one pulling the string on this war? Absolutely not. I just know how to run data.

On this end, it's not really hard to predict a 9/11 style attack would happen, now, whether or not you can predict when (September) and where (New York City/Maryland) is another issue, to predict that correctly, you would need a lot more data than just try to predict attacking using civilian airliner. Previous attack pattern, ideas, and common data can be used to extract the outcome of this event, that does not mean it they know about it.

On the other hand, those kind of attack (you need to sneak people in, learn how to fly and etc) those attack were planned LONG AGO before March 2001. So they didn't predict 9/11 happens. It happens when someone have this plan to use 4 aircraft and attack some target, and that most likely formed sometime before 1999.
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I should not write on Saturday; but ...

It took the Russians 20-30 million to get to Berlin, and they withdrew, and you say they must now withdraw from the Ukraine which the Bolsheviks made from Polish and Russian lands and which is controlled by a kamikaze regime in the service of London and Washington.

Well, you will explain to me how after 30 years of deceit and false promises you are going to convince the Russians.

Do you seriously use the terms ‘the Russians’ and the soviets “ interchangeably? Do you know how many Ukrainians, Belorussians , and other people fought for the Soviet Union against Germany and died in this war ? By saying that ‘the German invasion killed hundreds of thousands of Russians “ , you’re simply making other victims invisible , supporting the old imperial narrative . The question is , are you aware of doing that or is it simply out of ignorance?

If someday USA falls and 911 attacks real autorship is disclosed, what will do people like you guys?

I dont need any data, 911 attacks couldnt have happened without some high collaboration inside USA state.

And that's the hugest lie ever of any state in mankind history.
China reportedly gives drones and rifles to Russia. Ccp makes China to target of western sanctions and military response.
And looks who begins cutting the tie to Russia. Israel will deliver anti drone systems to Ukraine.

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj und der israelische Außenminister Eli Cohen am 16. Februar in Kiew

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj und der israelische Außenminister Eli Cohen am 16. Februar in Kiew Bild: AFP
If someday USA falls and 911 attacks real autorship is disclosed, what will do people like you guys?

I dont need any data, 911 attacks couldnt have happened without some high collaboration inside USA state.

And that's the hugest lie ever of any state in mankind history.
The very fact of "Conspiracy Theory" usually cannot answer the question why.

Why would we, or the US government need to bring down the Twin Tower in order to "Justify" the invasion of Afghanistan, when we can just do an Iraq and invade without a reason?

Like my mother used to say, I don't need to lie to her when I want to ask her for money, she will give me whatever I asked for regardless, there are no need the reason to lies. Of course, if you want to lie, you can, but that does not mean there is a point,

I don't know whether or not US government is involved in the 911 attack, and either do you, you can believe whatever you want, and no matter what people said is not really matter, the problem is, even if US government did this like you said, so the F what? Does that mean US is the bad guys here? Well, you are going to think that regardless anyway (otherwise you wouldn't think of this "US is behind this" is legit), so even if we forego the "why" it still wouldn't change anything.

The destruction of Iraq was something desired by the Likud, desire expressed in public in front of the television cameras in Congress in Washington.

On the other hand, the Ukrainian Gambit, sacrificing Ukraine to destabilize Russia, is not to Likud's liking.

On this issue the ZioCons are divided.

The fracture between the local-Ziocons and the imperial-global-Ziocons is really interesting.

E x a c t l y

Little by little we have been waking up, we look back to our past to what we thought and we feel deceived, we were young and naive, and some of us are very tired of lies.

E x a c t l y

Little by little we have been waking up, we look back to our past to what we thought and we feel deceived, we were young and naive, and some of us are very tired of lies.
Conspiracy theories and praising Tucker Carlson. Whats next, Alex Jones?
You seriously need to climb out the rabbit hole.

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