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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


and US might soon have to fight Russia and CHina at the same time? smfh

The tragedy for Chinese is you will have non-white Asian people like @jhungary and @gambit fighting the Chinese while White people sit back and enjoy the show.

Ukraine is sample where Slavic are fighting on both sides while the Anglo-saxons are having fun.
Ukraine is sample where Slavic are fighting on both sides while the Anglo-saxons are having fun.
but you are ignoring the truth that there IS a divide between the Ukranian and Russian Slavics- they dont agree on the direction and policy of western-leaning and loving Ukrainian Slavics, and obviously Russian slavics saw Ukrainian slavic moves into NATO as a threat to their safety and future, so you cant oversimplify their identity and say no serious fracture exists there, because it does.
but you are ignoring the truth that there IS a divide between the Ukranian and Russian Slavics- they dont agree on the direction and policy of western-leaning and loving Ukrainian Slavics, and obviously Russian slavics saw Ukrainian slavic moves into NATO as a threat to their safety and future, so you cant oversimplify their identity and say no serious fracture exists there, because it does.

Ukraine is a mixed race state.

Western Ukrainians are German Aryan Nazis who are followers of Banderas while South & Eastern Ukrainians are Slavics.
the real question is can Ukraine take Severodonetsk and then Lysychansk?

both cities fell very fast to Russia and then Russia rolled down to the heavily fortified line at Bakhmut-Soledar-Seversk and they never really managed to break through it

if Severodonetsk/Lysychansk fall the Russians at the defensive line will be cut off and then entire Russian front in the East all collapse

Russia either needs to find a solution to the HIMARS or just pack this war up
But Lyman isnt THAT important or strategic actually, Bakhmut is far more important, and Ukraine is about to lose it...just rememvber that Ukraine war starts the same was Afghanistan war starts - feeling good, by the time this war goes into next year, US and west will dump Ukraine, because it will be a depressing, unfixable, LIABILITY, period. screenshot this.

Ukraine has all of the momentum and initiative. It’s all downhill for Russia from here. Russia has lost strategically and Ukraine is liberating its lands.

Interesting perspectives from people in Russia. They seem to believe that nuclear war is the only way for Russia to win.
I will bet Russia will win in the end. Definition of victory is all 4 territories will remain Russian and Ukraine will be in ruins. If I lose I will be gone from this thread forever. What say you!?
Had Putin aligned with your bet, he would have a much more focused ambition to take the 4 territories. Publicly stated that, and also geared his military operation accordingly.

Instead he denied up until January he had any plans, went all the way to Kiev, got butt kicked, and is redefining his goals to the 4 regions as a face saving measure. Not one about replacing the Nazi regime next door. Not sure why you would take a mult100 single file convoy to Kiev if all he wanted were the 4 regions
Why not? If countries can split. As South Sudan from Sudan, the US from Britain, Kosovo from Serbia, then countries can merge. We don't need more and more countries. We don't need thousands and thousands of countries.
Its not a moral argument: you have to be able to deliver on the ambition. Russians failed (and thats why this thread is active). Ottomans delivered on the ambition and gained more than what they lost.
Its not a moral argument: you have to be able to deliver on the ambition. Russians failed (and thats why this thread is active). Ottomans delivered on the ambition and gained more than what they lost.

Ottoman empire was destroyed in WW1. German empire was destroyed in WW1. British and French empires were destroyed in WW2.

Ukraine is massing up to 12K troops north and west of Kremina

Too many men in the army and women will have no children. Birth rate will be practically 0. 10 years from now war is still going on and Ukraine population fall to less than 20 million.
European men are the most aggressive and war mongering men on the planet. Nuke war in Europe is only a matter of when, not if.
last 200 year history would support that. But at least they killed over other people. Russians and Chinese excelled in killing their own. Stalin deliberately, and Chinese out of famine because of failed communist agriculture system in the 60s.

Ottoman empire was destroyed in WW1. German empire was destroyed in WW1. British and French empires were destroyed in WW2.

Too many men in the army and women will have no children. Birth rate will be practically 0. 10 years from now war is still going on and Ukraine population fall to less than 20 million.
Describing Russia and China? Yes you are. If your only hope is that Russia wins because of fertility ratio than you are in for a disappointment, for the other two countries you love. Its a global trend

Germany is far from Ukraine and is NATO member. Ukraine matters little in German people's lives. They say. It's not my country. It has nothing to do with me. Ukraine is not EU. Ukraine is not NATO. It's just a far off land in the eyes of the Germans which has nothing to do with them. To Germans, Russia is a more valuable market for consumer products considering Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine.
Idiotic remarks based on some useless data you have: you are neither in Germany , nor are you a politician in Germany. You have no basis for your information: your side is losing currently, both in terms of world opinion, and its own people leaving. So best you have is the persona you embrace to be spokesperson for China/Germany to keep a shred of dignity. ANd its going fast as you are a -57
Ukraine has all of the momentum and initiative. It’s all downhill for Russia from here. Russia has lost strategically and Ukraine is liberating its lands.

It is already starting to snowball. Lyman been much easier by latest accounts than I thought, as if Russian generals have given up on the inside, despite at least a regiment worth of forces there, which could've resisted for a while.

What has very apparently happened is that thousands of RU soldiers have dressed in civilian clothing, and escaped through woods under the cover of night. What the we seen later, captured on camera was just what was left.
this your first time following a war? let me give you some advice, wars go back and forward in momentum so its not even worth following most of the time. One side gets resupplied, makes gains and then the other side gets new toys and pushes back. Goes back and forward for years especially if no one is fully mobilised and throwing all their chips on the table.
You are right. But Russia has been losing momentum since withdrawing from outside of Kiev and its situation has only worsened. Best hope is to reverse the last month's gains against Ukraine, but its still way far from the stated aim of this 'special' operation and install friendly Govt which has been what every colonial expansionist does and Soviets did in Hungary and Afghanistan
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