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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

this your first time following a war? let me give you some advice, wars go back and forward in momentum so its not even worth following most of the time. One side gets resupplied, makes gains and then the other side gets new toys and pushes back. Goes back and forward for years especially if no one is fully mobilised and throwing all their chips on the table.
I see you are more relax you are in Australia far away from this war. Here in Germany people are very nervous. Less about inflation. More about, once Ukraine is taken, russian hooligans and rapists will knock door here.
I see you are more relax you are in Australia far away from this war. Here in Germany people are very nervous. Less about inflation. More about, once Ukraine is taken, russian hooligans and rapists will knock door here.

Germany is far from Ukraine and is NATO member. Ukraine matters little in German people's lives. They say. It's not my country. It has nothing to do with me. Ukraine is not EU. Ukraine is not NATO. It's just a far off land in the eyes of the Germans which has nothing to do with them. To Germans, Russia is a more valuable market for consumer products considering Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine.
I see you are more relax you are in Australia far away from this war. Here in Germany people are very nervous. Less about inflation. More about, once Ukraine is taken, russian hooligans and rapists will knock door here.
Germans got their weiners cut off by Russians in WW2 so they are barely men these days of course they are afraid. Russia and Ukraine is fighting over a small region populated by Russian people not Ukrainian people. Russia isn't going for the whole country either its just trying to absorb Russian speaking people back into Russia. You should think for yourself instead of having victim coloniser inferiority complex where you have to worship what the white westerners tell you to worship. Don't be an Indian.
Germans got their weiners cut off by Russians in WW2 so they are barely men these days of course they are afraid. Russia and Ukraine is fighting over a small region populated by Russian people not Ukrainian people. Russia isn't going for the whole country either its just trying to absorb Russian speaking people back into Russia. You should think for yourself instead of having victim coloniser inferiority complex where you have to worship what the white westerners tell you to worship. Don't be an Indian.

No point talking sense into him. He is a Vietnamese German wannabe.

These European suckers are licking their wounds. The whole world is witnessing how Western hegemony is being challanged in broad daylight. One country Russia is pouncing on them all.

We were promised that Russian economy would be annihilated and Russia won't be able to fight within days. Here we are. The tables have been turned. Russia is turning off the gas tap and we can see the effects in many European capitals. Inflation is getting higher. The European economic crisis instigated by the war in Ukraine is real. It was supposed to be a one-way street.
This is what the losing side has to go on: hope for the future and misery of the winner in their mind. This is exactly what Putin's advisers are counting on that led them to this place where they have to stage fake referendum and a parade while getting another city surrendered.
They just lost the entire Kharkiv Oblast and now Lyman. Ukraine has all the momentum and initiative. Stop lying to yourself.
But Lyman isnt THAT important or strategic actually, Bakhmut is far more important, and Ukraine is about to lose it...just rememvber that Ukraine war starts the same was Afghanistan war starts - feeling good, by the time this war goes into next year, US and west will dump Ukraine, because it will be a depressing, unfixable, LIABILITY, period. screenshot this.
Your predictions are hot air. Everyone knows that I predicted trouble for European economies when the Ukraine war started. All the Europhiles on this forum thought that Russian economy would be eliminated within weeks. That didn't happen and the war is raging on. The Europeans are now readying for a cold winter.

Russia has annexed important Ukrainian border areas and the Western powers have just looked on angrily. That is a nutshell the bitter truth.
Pain continum is relative: it doesn't take a genius to predict that.
Europe is closer together, may have to drop their home temps by 5 degrees, pay more energy, and beer. They are still moving as an economy (slower). Restaurants are full, airports are full, Eurorail running at capacity. Oh and nobody from NATO is dying and citizens not running to enemy. That may sound selfish but its a fact

Instead, Russia is losing its army, its prestige, 100s of thousands leaving, its world suppliers now pariah third rate nations like N. Korea.

Dealing with a cold winter vs. what Russians have to deal with was in every European leader's calculus. What are you going to predict when its March?
I’ve previously pointed out over 2/3 of active duty are white so you’re fake news

After OnlyBlackLivesMatter, Entiffa, Defund the police movements and forcing service people to take untested vacccines, White people are no longer interested in joining any services.
But Lyman isnt THAT important or strategic actually, Bakhmut is far more important, and Ukraine is about to lose it...just rememvber that Ukraine war starts the same was Afghanistan war starts - feeling good, by the time this war goes into next year, US and west will dump Ukraine, because it will be a depressing, unfixable, LIABILITY, period. screenshot this.

Kherson is the key, if Ukraine can take Kherson then it will be a rout.
I see you are more relax you are in Australia far away from this war. Here in Germany people are very nervous. Less about inflation. More about, once Ukraine is taken, russian hooligans and rapists will knock door here.
No need to be nervous. Germany is no conventional match for Russia, especially if Germany actually fulfill its stated intentions to boost its armed forces. All you have to do is provide the ukrainians with some 21th century weapons (including manuals writen in ukrainian), and let them take care of the russians.
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