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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ottoman empire was destroyed in WW1. German empire was destroyed in WW1. British and French empires were destroyed in WW2.

Too many men in the army and women will have no children. Birth rate will be practically 0. 10 years from now war is still going on and Ukraine population fall to less than 20 million.
You want to see Russian birth rate but after victory, the Ukrainian men will return home to their wives and partners drink loads of vodka and a baby boom will happen
It is already starting to snowball. Lyman been much easier by latest accounts than I thought, as if Russian generals have given up on the inside, despite at least a regiment worth of forces there, which could've resisted for a while.

What has very apparently happened is that thousands of RU soldiers have dressed in civilian clothing, and escaped through woods under the cover of night. What the we seen later, captured on camera was just what was left.

And it seems the Ukrainians have already reached the P66 highway and are massing troops around Kremina.
Why every time someone states a fact you don’t agree with you resort to Afghanistan?
This is a Ukraine thread and they are on the offensive, anyone that can’t see that is blind, in denial or both

You lost in Afghanistan. You are losing in Ukraine. Just own up.

You want to see Russian birth rate but after victory, the Ukrainian men will return home to their wives and partners drink loads of vodka and a baby boom will happen

Is that one of your fantasies because that won't happen.

And it seems the Ukrainians have already reached the P66 highway and are massing troops around Kremina.

Yes. It is all going according to plan...
Pain continum is relative: it doesn't take a genius to predict that.
Europe is closer together, may have to drop their home temps by 5 degrees, pay more energy, and beer. They are still moving as an economy (slower). Restaurants are full, airports are full, Eurorail running at capacity. Oh and nobody from NATO is dying and citizens not running to enemy. That may sound selfish but its a fact

Instead, Russia is losing its army, its prestige, 100s of thousands leaving, its world suppliers now pariah third rate nations like N. Korea.

Dealing with a cold winter vs. what Russians have to deal with was in every European leader's calculus. What are you going to predict when its March?

Russia is pounding Ukraine and freeing it from Europhiles. Ukrainian citizens are the real victims. Ukrainian women are being exploited in European capitals by the same peoples and nations that are supposed to provide refuge. Ukrainian citizens are being forced to flee. For what? For fighting America's war against Russia.
You lost in Afghanistan. You are losing in Ukraine. Just own up.

Is that one of your fantasies because that won't happen.

Yes. It is all going according to plan...

So you reckon , all these little wins are good but on a macro scale Putins special military operation is working . He is gradually meeting his objective. Before we realise it, there will be no country called Ukraine. The smartest decision would have been the west speeding Ukraines process to join nato. So we see if putin dares continue his invasion. For now you believe Putin seems May be winning!

The time has come to confront you. You once very cold bloodedly said that it is business. You remember exactly what I am referring to. Don't pretend for one bit. Don't evade my question or I will be forced to reveal the incident. How does Ukrainian business feel today? I just wish I could get inside your head and find out how you are feeling. I have seen the torment you have gone through since the beginning of the Ukraine war. I have read your posts and I have analyzed you very carefully. You are in a state of mourning. You have been unlike yourself. Normally chest forward and confident. Now sad and angry. This topic has become your mainstay on the forum. Don't you for a moment think I haven't been observing you. The chickens have come home to roost, haven't they? The business comment you made years ago should haunt you now.
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Don't ignore me. You are sinner of epic proportions. I won't ever forget your words. Insensitive and henious. Some might have short memories, but I don't. It feels like a victory today watching you so helpless. Just look at you. Pitiful. Copying and pasting Tweets from here and there. If I could just get one moment to crawl inside your head. I would give something for that. How does it feel to be on the receiving side?
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It is already starting to snowball. Lyman been much easier by latest accounts than I thought, as if Russian generals have given up on the inside, despite at least a regiment worth of forces there, which could've resisted for a while.

What has very apparently happened is that thousands of RU soldiers have dressed in civilian clothing, and escaped through woods under the cover of night. What the we seen later, captured on camera was just what was left.

They would have also left lots of equipment behind and it would further make Russias problems harder as these soldiers would still need to be re-equipped..

Russia's problems are multiplying with each passing day..
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