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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

To be honest, I believe it's actually a good thing for Europe in the long run. I never understood why European countries got so complacent relying on Russia for their critical energy needs and power(as they say complacency leads to laziness and makes people taje things for granted). I know its cheaper to get them from Russia, but we should have long also considered the fact that Russia is not western ally and has never been one, so things were bound to go south whenever there is a conflict of interets between both sides. It was silly to totally rely on Russia and make it the biggest energy supplier for European countries.

In fact this Ukraine conflict and Russian cutting off Gas and oil supplies to the West is actually a good thing for us in the long run, short term pain for long term gain. Better suffer now and have a credible long term alternative energy supplier by diversifying our energy needs than relying on an adversary for the majority of your energy needs. Even if we have to pay abit more. Necessity is the mother of inventions indeed. It was even more silly that Germany was pushing for that north stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia( I can understand Russia pushing it through since it serves their interests, but not Germany) despite US warnings that it will only give Russia more leverage and blackmail when things hear up between both sides. Now here we are today, that's exactly what happened. Seems all that money was spent for no hood reason. Lol
Just like relying on Russia for some space launches was a big mistake, European and US companies have learned their mistake , it won't happen again and they have already sought alternative means. It's better for both sides going forward. Russia should just be an easilly replaceable alternative(or plan B or C), not the main provider. We should keep it that way.
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To be honest, I believe it's actually a good thing for Europe in the long run. I never understood why European countries got so complacent relying on Russia for their critical energy needs and power. I know its cheaper to get them from Russia, but we should have long also considered the fact that Russia is not western ally and has never been one, so things were bound to go south whenever there is a conflict of interets between both sides. It was silly to totally rely on Russia and make it the biggest energy supplier for European countries.
In fact this Ukraine conflict and Russian cutting off Gas and oil supplies to the West is actually a good thing for us in the long run, short term pain for long term gain. Better suffer now and have a credible long term alternative energy supplier by diversifying our energy needs than relying on an adversary for the majority of your energy needs. Even if we have to pay abit more. Necessity is the mother of inventions indeed.
Just like relying on Russia for some space launches was a big mistake, European and US companies have learned their mistake , it won't happen again and they have already sought alternative means. It's better for both sides going forward

IMO Olaf Scholz gets voted out and Germany ditches Ukraine for Russia the way the US ditched South Vietnam for North Vietnam and ditched Ghani Afghanistan for Taliban Afghanistan. It's all about profit.

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This is setting up just like the breakout from Balakliya.

If ukraine indeed has the extra reserves in kharkiv. I wonder why they are waiting before pressing the advantage. It gives the russians time to regroup.
Ukraine army pushing on the offensive towards Lyman to complete the encirclement.

AFU Encircled Two Russian Battalions Near Lyman

German flak tank “Gepard” on the move towards Lyman.

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