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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

this sounds like a 180 degree turn on the war by you- what happened?

Btw i saw a telegram post saying Ukraine lost 12,000 soldiers in October 2022 alone. wow. Will Ukraine really be aable to hold onto all its land in East Ukraine? this war is far from over, thats just the fact, but if Russia will actually retreat from Kherson, and Ukraine takes it, then Ukraine has to get that credit for that move and reoccupation of their land, but then again, how that affect and fit into the larger picture of the overall war? What if Russia goes now to take Odessa or incursion from Belarus? THis war is just so fluid that i dont think these moves are affecting the end results or situation of the war.

yes its a 180 degree turn because thats what happened on the ground

the Russian superiority was in its artillery and artillery only

for artillery they need huge logistics and warehouses to store the millions of rounds of ammunition and these have to be brought right up to the front line

I dont think Russia would have ever ran out of the 122mm rounds they have way too many shells

however the HIMARS devastated the warehouses and ammo dumps holding these rounds, I believe Ukraine has hit over 150 Russian ammo dumps and basically that put the Russian artillery out of action and they basically lost their entire stock of shells

Russia never managed to solve the HIMAR problem, S400 was designed for fast fighter jets and high altitude ballistic missiles not for short range slim low flying rockets

Pantinsr and Tor was also not successful because of the short time lag

HIMARS had a huge impact on what happened on the ground, Western intelligence on where the ammo dumps are is way to accurate, and HIMARS is also way too accurate, a single direct hit can wipe out months of supplies
Shoigu is in big trouble.

How to bring all looted washing machines and fridges to other side of the river?

Surovikin, the commander of Russian invasion army, seems to know the answer.

Shoigu is in big trouble.

How to bring all looted washing machines and fridges to other side of the river?

Surovikin, the commander of Russian invasion army, seems to know the answer.

View attachment 895320

Russia has some very good generals and they are competent

Russian are not stupid people they are very tough people and brave fighters you dont become the largest nation on earth by giving up land these guys know how to take and hold land

but Ukrainians are schooled in the same subject, Ukraine is fighting their own brothers here, they know what Russia will do next

plus the Ukrainians have one thing Russia does not have, REAL TIME INTELLIGENCE

as soon as a Russian convoy leaves its barracks the AWACS and Surveillance rely this info to the Ukrainians on the ground and with weapons like HIMARS the results are devastating

the amount of intel flights flying around Ukraine is insane, Sweden and UK have flown non-stop since Feb add to that NATO AWACS and USAF brings in more flight hours then whole of Europe combined they know exactly where each BTG where it is moving and what is in each ground

Russian are a 1980s army using brute force, the jets like Su35 and Su34 dont even have targeting pods to try high altitude bombing they still fly Mig31 over Belarus to hit inside Ukraine and the Mig31 is not a joke

T90 and Terminators running into forest with no infantry

backward tactics by local commanders
yes its a 180 degree turn because thats what happened on the ground

the Russian superiority was in its artillery and artillery only

for artillery they need huge logistics and warehouses to store the millions of rounds of ammunition and these have to be brought right up to the front line

I dont think Russia would have ever ran out of the 122mm rounds they have way too many shells

however the HIMARS devastated the warehouses and ammo dumps holding these rounds, I believe Ukraine has hit over 150 Russian ammo dumps and basically that put the Russian artillery out of action and they basically lost their entire stock of shells

Russia never managed to solve the HIMAR problem, S400 was designed for fast fighter jets and high altitude ballistic missiles not for short range slim low flying rockets

Pantinsr and Tor was also not successful because of the short time lag

HIMARS had a huge impact on what happened on the ground, Western intelligence on where the ammo dumps are is way to accurate, and HIMARS is also way too accurate, a single direct hit can wipe out months of supplies

The only way to tackle HIMARs was to have better intelligence on when HIMARs was used, to pointpoint those lunach locations and then send the Russian Airforce on a seek and destroy within a defined area - and to also accept losses in achieving the destruction of HIMARS. However, Russia was not prepared to put at risk its airforce anymore than it did and that has turned the tide of the war.

NATO/USAF/RAF did this so perfectly in Gulf War 1 - when going after scud launchers in the 1990's - but 30 years laters - Russia still cannot do the same thing !!!!! Shocking ...
The only way to tackle HIMARs was to have better intelligence on when HIMARs was used, to pointpoint those lunach locations and then send the Russian Airforce on a seek and destroy within a defined area - and to also accept losses in achieving the destruction of HIMARS. However, Russia was not prepared to put at risk its airforce anymore than it did and that has turned the tide of the war.

NATO/USAF/RAF did this so perfectly in Gulf War 1 - when going after scud launchers in the 1990's - but 30 years laters - Russia still cannot do the same thing !!!!! Shocking ...

not entirely true, Iraqi Scuds were never fully neutralised and Israel was getting hammered even on the last day of the war by the Iraqi scuds

UK sent in the SAS behind enemy lines to hunt the Scuds and they ended up getting to the Jordanian border but never found the mobile Scud launchers

HIMARS is 100 times more powerful than Scud, HIMARS has 4 minutes load time Scud has 45 minutes and by the time rockets have landed HIMARS is doing 50 mph down the highway you cannot easily hit the HIMARS

only way way to intercept rockets or jam the satellite signals

Russian never did either and this is why they lost

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