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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Iran supports Russia militarily. This speaks volumes. More then their voting. They are clearly in pro-russia camp. Their drones being used to hit civilian infrastructure (no more electricity and water for those ukranians through winter—-posts from russia millbloggers)
Iran had to support Russia after NATO cowards couldnt attack for over 40 years...Iran got bored and knew it had to help RUssia drain NATO in Ukraine- this is one of US and NATO's biggest mistakes from the Ukraine war- its integrating Russia and Iran fully ,and trust me, you dont want that- but you would already know that though -NATO's been scared to fight Russia or CHina or Iran or North Korea for decades..your fancy toys called weapons dont impress us, cuz your actual war record is horrible.
that was not a vote by 2/3rd but it become a vote by majority
as un members decided its not important enough to be a vote by 2/3rd and rejected USA proposal

by the way let look at the un charter

more exactly at article 6

what happened to Taiwan is not applicable here in that they didn't throw out a member they gave its sit to another group that they believed represent the land and country better , now go and try get that recommendation about Russia from UNSC if you can

in short article 18 you quote only become to effect if article 6 come to effect first
Russia cannot be expelled by the GA as long as it is on the UNSC, but the GA can suspend Russias right to attend UN meetings according to Article 18.
Once it cannot attend meetings, it cannot veto resolutions, and the UNSC can recommend that Russia is kicked out.
China can of course veto such a resolution.
Russian army now only fit to serves as a punchline for a joke.

If anyone still believes in Russian victory or buy Russian made equipments after this need to be either laughed at or be put in an insane asylum.

At some point I think next year Putin will give WW1 rifles to his soldiers to die in Ukraine. Russia economy is all about selling oil and gas. If he can’t sell or sells too little he will earn too little to finance the war.
The Nato will deliver hundreds of jammers to Ukraine. These electromagnetic interfering transmitters will render russian and Iran drones useless.

Iran had to support Russia after NATO cowards couldnt attack for over 40 years...Iran got bored and knew it had to help RUssia drain NATO in Ukraine- this is one of US and NATO's biggest mistakes from the Ukraine war- its integrating Russia and Iran fully ,and trust me, you dont want that- but you would already know that though -NATO's been scared to fight Russia or CHina or Iran or North Korea for decades..your fancy toys called weapons dont impress us, cuz your actual war record is horrible.
Sure buddy. Nato fears all these pariah states soooo much.

In meantime NK threathens nukes to get grain shipments to feed its starving.

Iran will collapse one of these days as the young generation is fed up with medieval ayatollahs.

Russia is in risk of being balkanised after their misadventure in ukraine which is like vietnam on steroids.

Only China is a real near peer (russia just fell of that pedestal hard).
Wow. Someone is smart on the forums. In 2020, said Russia wants to invade neighbors. That you cannot give Putin excuses to invade because Putin wants to invade, nonetheless.

Later in the thread, I say, Putin wants the old USSR.

Wow. Somebody said Russians were genocidal crazies back in 2020:

That Assad and Iran back genocidal Russians. And are wrong doing so.


The debate over whether to use the term genocide is moot. If your tribe/nation/capital has genocided a people in the past, you can't wage war on them, or else it is the continuation of the genocidal war. If the Swedes killed off half the population of Finns in the 1800s, and wants to invade again. They cannot without genocide. Once a serial killer, you are always a serial killer. If you kill "only" one more, you are a serial killer, even though it was "only one more". It gets tallied to the list you did. The murdered Ukrainians in this criminal war by the Russians gets tallied to the list of Ukrainians killed by Moscow during the Holodomor. Chechens have been genocided by the Russians three times. Every time they get killed by Russians, it is more to that list of evil deeds by Russians against Chechens. If the Ottoman/Young Turks descendants invade Armenia and force them to march and starve to death into the desert, this is the continuation of the Armenian Genocide even if only 12 die on the march. With only 12 dead Armenians in the entire conflict, it is part of a genocide by the Ottomans onto the Armenians because the genocide already happened in the 1910s, the crime continues. This newer attack is the continuation. The evil stain remains. A rape victim cannot be touched by her rapist, without the horrors returning. It is a crime for the rapist to grab and touch a former rape victim. It is the rape starting again to the victim. Other men can grab and touch her. Not the evil Russian rapist. In genociding, you lose privileges of war against that people. In raping some woman, you lose the privilege to touch her. Both of these are again crimes if you go after Ukraine or that woman again.

This is one of the reasons why barbarians are evil, and civilized are good. You cannot change a barbarian to a civilized. The Russian barbarians are going to barbar.
If the US reforms as the Union of Socialist Soviet States of America and starts to massacre Indians again. The Indians won't think oh, this is something brand new. No, the Indians would know this is a repeat/continuation of the events of the 1800s by Americans. Communist or Capitalists. USA or USSSA. Russians are criminals from generation to generation. The objective is to keep the Russians from murdering their neighbors. The UN vote showed that most the the global community opposes Russia murdering and genociding their neighbors.
LOL there you have it.

India yet again chooses Russia over its European and American allies.
But but... China don't have 580000 or a million death from covids. I guess life is cheap in USA or India. :enjoy:

You will not be surprised news about Ukraine soldiers reach Moscow and successfully remove Putin from these western comedy media.
Says who, the Chinese state run media.
Great source 🙄
Look what I am trying to say is.. their oil sale is almost the same they getting weapons along side money in exchange. Other side Ukraine are getting weapons and European tax payers are paying for them or they getting those weapons on loans.....
Their oil sales are not the same, not even close
Westerns are been brain washed.
Look at middle and lower income Americans and Europeans they have been decimated inflation is rampant and retirement funds are down by 70%

Yet they told Russia is in ruines..

Well Russia is doing much better economically due to their energy exports
transfer of public tax money to private military industrial complex money is the name of the game
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