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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Were happy but europe has been pushing for this for a while and also adjusted sanctions to make this possible.

And not primarily for europe which has enough food, but to mostly avoid a food shortage in ME/Africa

Erdogans power grabs, islamism, constant insults and blame towards europe has caused that relationship serious damage.
Without turkey and Erdogan, the EU has been flooded with refugees.

But you are not grateful to Turkey, which has hosted a large number of refugees for the EU, but to the USA, which has created a large number of refugees for the EU.

Moreover, European banks also sold Turkish Lira, creating economic problems in Turkey. It is the EU that owes Turkey, not Turkey that owes the EU.

Russia and Ukraine sign grain deal to avert global food crisis​

Two sides agree ‘de facto ceasefire’ to allow cargo ships to collect grain from Ukrainian ports



Turkiye helped Russia and Ukraine sign a deal to export grain through sea ports that's a very smart move by Erdogan and Putin they know America is trying to create global food shortage and crisis for the next phase of the Pandemic that they would start pushing this coming winter

Right after the deal American mercenaries hit the same Port with the Missile and are now blaming it on the Russia you will notice the pattern all the news sources have the same headline "Russia attacks Ukrainian port" why would Russia attack when they just signed a deal in earlier hours

Russians bombed Odessa, hardly the ink was dried. Putin is exposed as liar. He is not interested that Ukraine can resume export of grains. Why he signed in the first place? Remarkably he sent Shoigu.
I think Turkey is at the junction of Europe and Asia, and it should embrace Europe and Asia at the same time.

Turkey should become a bridge between Europe and Asia, not a wall. Turkey should try to safeguard the interests of Europe and Asia at the same time.

However, Turkey should distinguish between European interests and American interests, which are not completely consistent.

When Turkey really embraces Europe, not the USA, the EU will open their door.

BTW: It should be Britain that connects the EU and the USA, not Turkey. Turkey should connect the EU with Asia and Russia.

On the whole, I think Erdogan's foreign policy is very correct.
Embrace Germany, the core of the EU, keep a distance from the USA without completely angering the USA, improve relations with China and Russia, shift Israel's first goal to Iran in the Middle East (in fact, Turkey is more capable of threatening Israel than Iran), and compete for the voice of the Islamic world and Central Asia.
Erdogan is an excellent strategist that we respect and admire. If he can be in power for a long time, he will certainly lead Turkey to become a first-class power.
Erdogan is driven by personal ergo. A mix of Islamism and hubris. He is much like Putin he treats Turkey like a private property. His politics is a disaster. Without his pingpong craziness Turkey would be in the EU, having F35, high income country. Politics should be rational. It must be driven by balance of interests. Politics must be led by smart people not stupid lunatics. You cheer him because he destroys Turkey.
Erdogan is driven by personal ergo. A mix of Islamism and hubris. He is much like Putin he treats Turkey like a private property. His politics is a disaster. Without his pingpong craziness Turkey would be in the EU, having F35, high income country. Politics should be rational. It must be driven by balance of interests. Politics must be led by smart people not stupid lunatics. You cheer him because he destroys Turkey.
No, Erdogan and Turkey are kind to the EU. But the EU is hostile to Turkey. You don't want Turkey to become a bridge. You want Turkey to become an economic colony.
No, Erdogan and Turkey are kind to the EU. But the EU is hostile to Turkey. You don't want Turkey to become a bridge. You want Turkey to become an economic colony.
Economic colony? For what? Turkey is not Iran, has no oil, gas, natural resources, zero. Turkey is not China that EU relies on for manufacturing. Turkey is not a big consumer market, either. So making Turkey to colony making no sense at all. For most Europeans Turkey is a nice holiday destination. Turkey most important asset is her strategic location, nothing more. Hostile to Turkey? Yes because it’s Erdogan Islamism. Without him Turkey would be in the EU years ago.
Economic colony? For what? Turkey is not Iran, has no oil, gas, natural resources, zero. Turkey is not China that EU relies on for manufacturing. Turkey is not a big consumer market, either. So making Turkey to colony making no sense at all. Turkey important asset is her strategic location, nothing more. Hostile to Turkey? Yes because it’s Erdogan Islamism. One man can destroy a nation.
Turkey's GDP ranks among the top 20 in the world. It is a big market. Moreover, Turkey is rich in minerals.
Economic colony? For what? Turkey is not Iran, has no oil, gas, natural resources, zero. Turkey is not China that EU relies on for manufacturing. Turkey is not a big consumer market, either. So making Turkey to colony making no sense at all. For most Europeans Turkey is a nice holiday destination. Turkey most important asset is her strategic location, nothing more. Hostile to Turkey? Yes because it’s Erdogan Islamism. Without him Turkey would be in the EU years ago.

Turkey holds approximately 72% of total boron deposits of the world with 803 million tonnes

Most recently, Huge rare earth reserve discovered in Turkey
Turkey's GDP ranks among the top 20 in the world. It is a big market. Moreover, Turkey is rich in minerals.
Turkey lives on borrowed money. Doppel deficits in trade and current account. High inflation, lira value almost zero to dollar. Turkey credit rating laughable for a high gdp country. That’s not sustainable. Erdogan refuses Sweden, Finland the entry to the Nato. You can’t expect nice words from the West. Turkey driving Turkey itself faster in ruin. Don’t blame other.
What are weapons used for if not war? What are soldiers good for if not killing? Russia will be weakened but then what? Their resources are bountiful and coffers full. They will just build new weapons. Ukraine? The aim. Had always been preventing Russia from gobbling Ukraine, now Ukraine is getting gobbled up, and what are you doing? Giving moral support? Sending 12 artilleries? That's a joke.!

Exactly, that's why Biden is worried. We just accomplished 7nm recently.
Russias ”gobbling up” has resulted in its choking right now.

No, Erdogan and Turkey are kind to the EU. But the EU is hostile to Turkey. You don't want Turkey to become a bridge. You want Turkey to become an economic colony.
I guess calling other leaders ”Nazi” is considered good manners in China.
I think Turkey is at the junction of Europe and Asia, and it should embrace Europe and Asia at the same time.

Turkey should become a bridge between Europe and Asia, not a wall. Turkey should try to safeguard the interests of Europe and Asia at the same time.

However, Turkey should distinguish between European interests and American interests, which are not completely consistent.

When Turkey really embraces Europe, not the USA, the EU will open their door.

BTW: It should be Britain that connects the EU and the USA, not Turkey. Turkey should connect the EU with Asia and Russia.

On the whole, I think Erdogan's foreign policy is very correct.
Embrace Germany, the core of the EU, keep a distance from the USA without completely angering the USA, improve relations with China and Russia, shift Israel's first goal to Iran in the Middle East (in fact, Turkey is more capable of threatening Israel than Iran), and compete for the voice of the Islamic world and Central Asia.
Erdogan is an excellent strategist that we respect and admire. If he can be in power for a long time, he will certainly lead Turkey to become a first-class power.

I totally agree.
Without turkey and Erdogan, the EU has been flooded with refugees.
We pay billions to turkey.
Turkey has at times used dirty refugee politics (dumping them in no mans land between turkey-greece) .
Breaching territorial waters cyprus and greece.

Why do we need to “thank” turkey for that?
Its not like we cannot build a wall….refugees should be cared for in the region anyway.
But you are not grateful to Turkey, which has hosted a large number of refugees for the EU, but to the USA, which has created a large number of refugees for the EU.
Most syrian refugees are thanks to assad and russia….
Moreover, European banks also sold Turkish Lira, creating economic problems in Turkey. It is the EU that owes Turkey, not Turkey that owes the EU.
We dont owe turkey anything. They have recently acted as everything but an ally.
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