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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

there was a old saying in the early parts of the Pacific War between Imperial Japan and the Americans

the day may belong to the Americans but the night belongs to the Japanese coining the nickname the Tokyo Express

same goes here

Summer may belong to the Ukrainians and NATO but the Winter belongs to the Russians

Russian people and their equipment is built and designed for winter fighting, and historically Russia always comes back during the Winter

once the ground is frozen Russian gains will be unparalleled they will march forward like no tomorrow
Summer may belong to the Ukrainians and NATO but the Winter belongs to the Russians

Russian people and their equipment is built and designed for winter fighting, and historically Russia always comes back during the Winter
Yeah, there not like -20 regulary in Poland ( NATO Country ), I find it sometimes very refreshing. I`m not talking here about Skandinavia, which is even colder in Winter and this is an another story. Cold vs. NATO. Nope.
there was a old saying in the early parts of the Pacific War between Imperial Japan and the Americans

the day may belong to the Americans but the night belongs to the Japanese coining the nickname the Tokyo Express

same goes here

Summer may belong to the Ukrainians and NATO but the Winter belongs to the Russians

Russian people and their equipment is built and designed for winter fighting, and historically Russia always comes back during the Winter

once the ground is frozen Russian gains will be unparalleled they will march forward like no tomorrow
Yeah, there not like -20 regulary in Poland ( NATO Country ), I find it sometimes very refreshing. I`m not talking here about Skandinavia, which is even colder in Winter and this is an another story. Cold vs. NATO. Nope.
Please, this is not WW2. Both Ukrainians and Russians are Slavic. And other nations are not afraid of cold. Hitler and Napoleon actually faced the problem of supplies.
Orban is a well known Russian stooge. Russia is going nowhere. They don’t have the tech or innovative capacity to compete with the US.
He is not a puppet of the USA ≠ He is a puppet of Russia

Which one do you think is more likely?
1. The European Parliament is unable to subdue an anti American member state.
2. The European Parliament deliberately retains an anti American member state.
there was a old saying in the early parts of the Pacific War between Imperial Japan and the Americans

the day may belong to the Americans but the night belongs to the Japanese coining the nickname the Tokyo Express

same goes here

Summer may belong to the Ukrainians and NATO but the Winter belongs to the Russians

Russian people and their equipment is built and designed for winter fighting, and historically Russia always comes back during the Winter

once the ground is frozen Russian gains will be unparalleled they will march forward like no tomorrow

No... tanks get a mobility boost in winter, but heavy wheeled vehicles get problems with tires: cracks, ripped beadlocks, etc. Rail also suffers due to need to clean tracks, and switchgear suffering.

Also, snow hides mines

those HIMSRS are taking out the ammo dumps

Russia needs to jam them and knock them out as soon as possible

losing those dumps is devastating

you are losing thousands of shells and only 1 shell can take out the HIMARS

Only 203mm rap can reach 80km on Russian side, and you can't land a shell without guidance from such distance without spotters.

SS-21 is so inaccurate, they can launch 4 of them per single target, and in half of cases it would not get even a shrapnell hit. 300mm rockets artillery is the only genuine threat, and this is the reason Ukrainians are ready to risk SOF to take them down.

Very ironic, Russians have otherwise adequate MRBMs, and SRBMs, but no new TBMs since the fall of the Soviet union.
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Russia and Ukraine sign grain deal to avert global food crisis​

Two sides agree ‘de facto ceasefire’ to allow cargo ships to collect grain from Ukrainian ports



Turkiye helped Russia and Ukraine sign a deal to export grain through sea ports that's a very smart move by Erdogan and Putin they know America is trying to create global food shortage and crisis for the next phase of the Pandemic that they would start pushing this coming winter

Right after the deal American mercenaries hit the same Port with the Missile and are now blaming it on the Russia you will notice the pattern all the news sources have the same headline "Russia attacks Ukrainian port" why would Russia attack when they just signed a deal in earlier hours

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Russia and Ukraine sign grain deal to avert global food crisis​

Two sides agree ‘de facto ceasefire’ to allow cargo ships to collect grain from Ukrainian ports



Turkiye helped Russia and Ukraine sign a deal to export grain through sea ports that's a very smart move by Erdogan and Putin they know America is trying to create global food shortage and crisis for the next phase of the Pandemic that they would start pushing this coming winter

Right after the deal American mercenaries hit the same Port with the Missile and are now blaming it on the Russia you will notice the pattern all the news sources have the same headline "Russia attacks Ukrainian port" why would Russia attack when they just signed a deal in earlier hours

Thank you turkey.

Europe and other countries owe Turkey a favor.
Turkiye's greatest stupity is to think that doing good to the europe elites will soften their hearths. Turkiye should turn its face to the east.

Even maintaining a readmission agreement with EU is foolish in itself.
I think Turkey is at the junction of Europe and Asia, and it should embrace Europe and Asia at the same time.

Turkey should become a bridge between Europe and Asia, not a wall. Turkey should try to safeguard the interests of Europe and Asia at the same time.

However, Turkey should distinguish between European interests and American interests, which are not completely consistent.

When Turkey really embraces Europe, not the USA, the EU will open their door.

BTW: It should be Britain that connects the EU and the USA, not Turkey. Turkey should connect the EU with Asia and Russia.

On the whole, I think Erdogan's foreign policy is very correct.
Embrace Germany, the core of the EU, keep a distance from the USA without completely angering the USA, improve relations with China and Russia, shift Israel's first goal to Iran in the Middle East (in fact, Turkey is more capable of threatening Israel than Iran), and compete for the voice of the Islamic world and Central Asia.
Erdogan is an excellent strategist that we respect and admire. If he can be in power for a long time, he will certainly lead Turkey to become a first-class power.
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Thank you turkey.

Europe and other countries owe Turkey a favor.
Were happy but europe has been pushing for this for a while and also adjusted sanctions to make this possible.

And not primarily for europe which has enough food, but to mostly avoid a food shortage in ME/Africa

I think Turkey is at the junction of Europe and Asia, and it should embrace Europe and Asia at the same time.

Turkey should become a bridge between Europe and Asia, not a wall. Turkey should try to safeguard the interests of Europe and Asia at the same time.

However, Turkey should distinguish between European interests and American interests, which are not completely consistent.

When Turkey really embraces Europe, not the USA, the EU will open their door.

BTW: It should be Britain that connects the EU and the USA, not Turkey. Turkey should connect the EU with Asia and Russia.

On the whole, I think Erdogan's foreign policy is very correct.
Embrace Germany, the core of the EU, keep a distance from the USA without completely angering the USA, improve relations with China and Russia, shift Israel's first goal to Iran in the Middle East (in fact, Turkey is more capable of threatening Israel than Iran), and compete for the voice of the Islamic world and Central Asia.
Erdogan is an excellent strategist that we respect and admire. If he can be in power for a long time, he will certainly lead Turkey to become a first-class power.
Erdogans power grabs, islamism, constant insults and blame towards europe has caused that relationship serious damage.
That is your logic.
My logic says that Russia is being reduced to a has been, at the cost of a few percent of the US defense budget.
Russia is whining about the West delivering arms, but knows that making the situation worse when it is neck-deep in horse manure is not the best of ideas.
What are weapons used for if not war? What are soldiers good for if not killing? Russia will be weakened but then what? Their resources are bountiful and coffers full. They will just build new weapons. Ukraine? The aim. Had always been preventing Russia from gobbling Ukraine, now Ukraine is getting gobbled up, and what are you doing? Giving moral support? Sending 12 artilleries? That's a joke.!

But China has. Or about to have
Exactly, that's why Biden is worried. We just accomplished 7nm recently.
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