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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

and the famine in Iran was also the result of Javanese attack , strangely it happened in British controlled area and Tehran

usa figure for that engineered famine death toll at first was 15m and later moderated to 10-12m
Nobody cares - in this thread…

I would not like to discuss with you about the fate of millions death through the British Empire through their colonies. Such matter’s are to serious to take it in a pub.
Don’t worry. I am not interested in anything more than kicking out the discussion from this thread, Fake News can be discussed elsewhere.
If You still continue, You will be on ignore.
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Thousands of mobilised Russians sent home, deemed unfit for duty​

The latest troop setback follows Ukraine’s recapture of Lyman in Donetsk, a move which Kyiv says sets the stage for further gains.

Russian reservists meet at a gathering point in the course of partial mobilization of troops, aimed to support the country's military campaign in Ukraine, in the town of Volzhsky in the Volgograd region, Russia September 28, 2022

Russian reservists meet at a gathering point in the course of partial mobilisation of troops, aimed to support the country's military campaign in Ukraine [File: Reuters]
Published On 3 Oct 20223 Oct 2022
Thousands of Russians mobilised for military service in Ukraine have been sent home after being deemed unfit for duty, the latest setback to President Vladimir Putin’s conscription of 300,000 servicemen.
Mikhail Degtyarev, the governor of the Khabarovsk region in Russia’s far east, said several thousand men had reported for enlistment in 10 days but many were ineligible.
“About half of them we returned home as they did not meet the selection criteria for entering the military service,” Degtyarev said in a video post on the Telegram messaging app.
He said the military commissar in Russia’s Khabarovsk region was removed, but that his dismissal would not affect the mobilisation.
Russia’s first call to arms since World War II, declared on September 21, led to widespread discontent and drove thousands of men to flee abroad.
The move was billed as enlisting those with military experience.

Meanwhile, criticism over Putin’s war in Ukraine has been growing at home.
Some 2,000 people were arrested at anti-war protests in more than 30 towns and cities, with independent news outlets saying some detained were served summons to report at military enlistment offices.
Russian officials usually supportive of the president also expressed anger over the mobilisation move, in a rare show of dissent.
Among them, Valentina Matviyenko, the chairwoman of Russia’s upper house, the Federation Council, said mistakes made in sending call-up papers were “absolutely unacceptable”.
The Russian military appeared increasingly in turmoil on Monday as it suffered a stinging setback in its strategic rail hub of Lyman, in the Donetsk region.
Ukrainian forces claimed that their recapture of the major bastion sets the stage for further advances that could cut off thousands of Russian troops from all supplies as winter sets in.
Ukraine’s lightning counteroffensive in September has put into question Russia’s ability to control the Donbas.
Putin on September 30 proclaimed the annexation of four regions covering nearly a fifth of Ukraine, an area that includes Lyman.
Kyiv and the West have condemned the move as a meaningless war tactic following referendums conducted during the occupation and without oversight.
The announcement, which brings the annexed territories under Russia’s nuclear umbrella, constitutes the most serious escalation of the conflict since Moscow invaded Ukraine in February, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.
Al Jazeera’s Mohamed Vall, reporting from Moscow, said Russia’s lower parliament was expected on Monday to ratify a draft constitutional law allowing the admission of the new provinces, which Russia now calls “independent”.
“Nobody expects any vote against these treaties,” Vall said, despite the reality on the field shifting in favour of Ukraine.
In a separate development, Putin ally Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s southern Chechnya region, called for the use of “low-yield nuclear weapons” to defend Russia’s “territorial integrity”.
The United States said it would respond decisively to any use of nuclear weapons and has warned Moscow of “catastrophic consequences”.


Greek Foreign Minister Says Issue Of German Reparations For World War II Remains Open​

Sumaira FH Published October 06, 2022 | 02:00 AM

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 06th October, 2022) The issue of reparations from Germany to Greece for World War II remains open to the Greek government and society, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said on Wednesday.

"For the Greek Government and the Greek society this issue (reparations from Germany) remains open; and its resolution, which is primarily a matter of principle, I think will be beneficial for all the countries involved and the EU as such," Dendias said after a meeting with his Polish counterpart, Zbigniew Rau.

Greece is seeking 309.5 billion Euros ($306 billion) in war reparations from Germany for damage during World War II and 9.2 billion euros for World War I. In addition, Greece estimates the compensation for the deaths and injuries should be more than 107.2 billion euros. Berlin claims that it has already compensated for the damage long ago.

Dendias said in July that Athens appreciates that the current generation of Germans took historical responsibility for Nazism, although it had nothing to do with it, but the Greeks want Germans to take full responsibility and pay reparations.

Poland has also recently demanded Germany pay reparations for World War II despite Berlin's claims the issue was over.
well as explained continuosly for nearly four hours and repetedly denied by many https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63183404

well not exactly , its a 4 lane bridge, each side two lane they easily can assign each lane to one side and resume the operation till those 3 section get fixed.
The key word is "Partly" reopened.

Any damaged bridge can be Partly Reopened, literally until it had completely collapsed. That can mean literally anything, It said

Light traffic has resumed on Russia's only bridge to Crimea, hours after a huge blast brought down sections of the roadway.

Did it reopen to human traffic, ie you can walk across?
Did it reopen to Road Traffic, ie you can drive across?
Did it reopen to Railway Traffic, ie you can take a train across.

And then there is a counterflow issue. and the frequency issue. How many cars or train are you allowing them to cross the bridge

Again, we don't know the extent of the damage, but seems to me, you know a lot of stuff we don't know, or at least you think you know.
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you knew that is not considered killing but genocide , and we also have talk about these special practice of British empire

a test train passed over it , that part is actually the least damaged part of it
This video is most likely a fake

This video is supposed shot at 19:00 (it said 13 hours after the "attack" the attack is on 06:03 local time), when sun set in Crimea yesterday at 18:45 and last light reported at 18:52. It won't get pitch black at 19: 00....Unless Crimea don't go thru Twilight

This video probably was shot from after mid-night. Probably during night maintenance when the Bridge have low to no traffic. Actually, I don't even know if this is the same bridge, it literally just shows a bridge with train across it. It could literally be any railway bridge.
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Putin should just nuke these cuntbags and their American masters

peace can wait till that walking corpse, old man biden is either dead (soon) or out of office...

he's disgusting, this demented old corpse.. Hunter ka papa

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Indian-origin student Vikram Buddhi sentenced to jail in US

Indians never learn.

Get prepared to dorn the orange uniform.
I still don't get what point you were trying to make there.. so some Indian got sent to jail in 2006.. so ? idgaf

dont even bother explaining, I'll never get your extreme rules based life bull shite anyway..
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