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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

So it made it okay for British to execute kids and everyone

By that logic looting and killing was invented by vikings so Hitler was okay than


The British executed deserters and mutinous soldiers this way.
They did not execute ”everyone”. Then You would have not been alive and the crown-colony would have not had any population.
Looting and killings predated Vikings by thousands of years.
You simply hate the British but that does not make your comments true.
For most of Asians Hitler did nothing wrong..
He killed Europeans/jews but far more asians were killed by British, French and dutch then Germans..
Had Hitler won the war we would have been studying on atrocities of British Dutch and French..and that how Germans frees HALF of the world from colonial rule.

History is written by the victors.
PS my grandfather was prisoner of war against Japs
If Germany had won the war, Japan would have won the war, and India would have been worked to death in Japanese slave camps.
If Germany had won the war, Japan would have won the war, and India would have been worked to death in Japanese slave camps.

listen you Western boy you lot have been killing each other for 1000s of years way before Islam or any Asian even come to Europe

and when not killing each other you kill poor Africans and bomb Middle East

you killed 65 million of each other in WW1 and 45 million of each other in WW2 and now WW3 make it 200 million +

so better you keep busying fighting each other as it gives the rest of us a break
UK killed millions of bengalis of starving to death.

If UK had lost WWII, they would be seen worst than nazis in history books.

But they won.
No, the UK did not kill millions.
”Killing” is an activity.
Depriving of food is not ”killing”, unless a person is kept locked up without food.

It is far from - collecting people , shipping them to extermination caps where they are gassed to death within 24 hours of arrival.

You better open a new thread on this subject if you want to continue arguing.
You do not need to connect to the USB-C port. Bluetooth would do just fine.
Then again, it might be an embedded system with a GPS receiver.
these days you can see a lot inventive use for bords like Arduino and raspberry Pico and such boards
Diesel fuel can cause flame temperature of max 2,000C. 1h burn thru is enough to cause every steel concrete structure to collapse.

That's BS argument, because both you and I know nothing about how extensive the damage is. Which mean all of the above question are Yes and No at the same time, because we don't know where the origin of the blast. You are assuming it is on the road bridge side, we don't know. Unless you know something, I don't

And underwater blast did a different damage than ground blast. Underwater blast usually uses pressure to attack structural integrity, while ground blast are both pressure and explosive. Take an artillery shell as an example. when it attack a ground position, the explosive blast itself will done damage, but more are done to the concussion. On the other hand physic dictate any physical force will be dissipated in the water, which make blast damage done to a very limited area, but the pressure wave will not. Which mean the concussion damage remain.

From the footage I’ve seen , that bridge won’t be usable for a while. The roadway is hanging down in the water and the rail bridge looks like it’s not safe to use anymore either. The fire could weaken it further and cause it to collapse!

The rail part is ****ed, and the highway into Crimea is blown up

Totally agree - all the individuals who think the rail track can be easily repaired - dont appreciate the effect of burning fuel on the concrete structure itself. Fuel leaked from the fuel-train all over the railway and burned on the surface itself.

View attachment 885658
well as explained continuosly for nearly four hours and repetedly denied by many https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63183404

So its a one way brigde now. Its better than before.
well not exactly , its a 4 lane bridge, each side two lane they easily can assign each lane to one side and resume the operation till those 3 section get fixed.
Depriving of food is not ”killing”, unless a person is kept locked up without food.
you knew that is not considered killing but genocide , and we also have talk about these special practice of British empire

The train part is ****ed, as I said.
But yeah, the other side of the bridge still works.
a test train passed over it , that part is actually the least damaged part of it
It's not the tech big deal a smartphone or even a feature phone than turn on some electric thing when GPS position is x, you dont need Google Maps API.

I think it require a little bit more technology the accurate coincidence with the train position.

Or Ukraine had spies watching the train moves.

Or the West gave the intel from his sats.
If they knew the speed of the train a simple math equation and accurate coordinates could solve this.
But I guess they used something more advanced.

Or it was a suicide bomber lol

you knew that is not considered killing but genocide , and we also have talk about these special practice of British empire

a test train passed over it , that part is actually the least damaged part of it
Hmmmm. Unfortunate.
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