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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

interesting , the video of the incident also show a lorry there , what you guys think was inside that lorry that made that explosion

when it move to the monitor in control room it showed the train exploded later , probably first the fuel tanker get damaged and then the fuel com in contact with hot metal

This looks like a suicide vehical born bombing using that van visible till explosion
Depends if armature inside is intact. Buildings which had fires inside often have to be knocked down if fire has damaged the armature inside the concrete.
yes the key point is fire inside , do you knock-down a building which a tanker on the rough got fire , the heat go up . in the building you mentioned it is close environment , the heat have no other place to go and act as an oven or furnace

for seeing what happen in front of your house build a concrete platform and burn fuel on it , see for yourself if there will be any damage but some charring
wonder as that bridge is so important for Russia war effort , is it not more rational and easier you put the bomb on the train and rig it to detonate at a certain coordinate ?

at least if it was me i'd inspected the bridge regularly but I can't say how Russia would do it as they made so much decision in last 6-7 month that let say i consider them questionable

ask that from a certain person that started it .

ask that from a certain person that started it .
You cant control when the bomb is going off if you put it on a train, because that depends on the train, you don't move the bomb, the train move the bomb. It can be det before or after it crossed that bridge, or not at all, if that train was put out of service in the last minute.

Most likely senario given if this is Ukrainian doing, it will not be on a train. Too much variable to make it.

I am most definitely believing Russia would have guard the bridge and clear it off explosive everyday, it's not that long stretch of road, they could have patrol going either way with minimum men power, they would be able to spot a 2000 pounder on the ground easy,. This is not a 155 round or 152 round IED job, too much bomb to be an artillery shell. This has to be either a dumb bomb, or a ballistic missile.

That's why I said the most possible scenario is either a 2000 pounder hidden on a car or truck or whatever and it's a suicide mission, or Ballistic missile that take out that bridge
Russia has finally entered the next phase of its war.

200-300k fresh troops will be injected. While even western media has reported that ukraines gone thru its regulars loong ago and is throwing any ukie it picks up on the street at gunpoint jnto the meat grinder

Russia is patiently organizing is forces for a massive attack that will break ukie necks. When only 90k Russian mobolized, it was easy for the ukies to mass forces against them, limit thinning out their forces , and predicting Russian movements.

Now the exhausted ukies will face a massive wave from many different fronts that will absolutely overwhelm and crush them

Ukies are throwing everything they have to force a political outcome before Russia mobilizes. By trying to show Russia is losing, and with terror attacks. This is to turn the Russians against putin and the government.

This is a fantasy. Putins approval rating is still astronomical, Russians are overwhelmingly supportive of their government and military mission, and are now royally pissed off and demanding overwhelming response

I will enjoy the tears of our resident clowns and fake generals when the Russian offensive absolutely crushes your spirits and propaganda harder then the Russians crushed the 2 previous aggresive european armies that threatened Russia’s national survival

Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine pre war. Russia can afford partial mobilization which does not affect birth rate. Ukraine cannot afford that. Ukraine has to be full mobilization which puts a downer on birth rate. 10 years from now Ukraine's population down to 20 million.
You cant control when the bomb is going off if you put it on a train, because that depends on the train, you don't move the bomb, the train move the bomb. It can be det before or after it crossed that bridge, or not at all, if that train was put out of service in the last minute.
according to videos this was a suicide attack , about that bomb i mentioned , i meant for example if it come to a coordination proximity , here i meant the trigger was GPS controlled not a timer

i mean is it hard to design an app that activate reverse charging of a phone with USB-C connector when it come to for example 50m of a said coordination and then connect a detonator to that port
the road damage is due to the explosion on the rail road and there is no sign of damage to the road or truck explosion
by the way if the damage is only to that section and the column are not damaged i say a willing operator can fix it in one week instead of months that mentioned here , and the rail road faster , but first i must see the damage to the rail-road bridge, the video only show damage to the guards on both side of the bridge

I'm not a demolition expert but can't you make a 1kg GPS triggered bomb that magnetically attach itself to the fuel tanks just in the size of a cigarette box and that will be enough to detonate one or two fuel tanks and the fuel in the tanks do the rest of the damage ?
Damage like this is not done by a bunch of grenade explosion or fuel car explosion, those are shrapnel explosion, or in the field, more Bang than Boom. To take out a concrete bridge, you need both Pressure and Heat, and that can only be done by TNT or PETN or equivalent explosive.

And it cannot be done by a 1KG device. If those explosives were planted on the load bearing pillar, that could be done with a a few C4 charges, but we can see from the explosive it was a surface blast. It cannot be anything smaller than an aircraft bomb to do that.
even the wind was on the side of Ukraine

Ukraine really did a text book execution for this attack
Impossible to fix that disaster, if they try it Ukraine will finde a way for a second shoot. Russians are dumped!
Well, if they can do it once, they probably could do it another time, but on the other hand, I don't see how Russia is fixing that bridge in a manner it would matter.

That bridge is out, and will be out for a long time, losing a chunk like that you can't just lay across it, you will need to replace that slab completely, and that job would have taken months in peace time, not when you are under missile or IED threat.

I saw a comment from Russia that a lorry exploded on the bridge.

Blowing up a Russian Army lorry loaded with grenades for Kherson would do the trick. Russians supply the explosives, and you only need a minor bomb to cause a chain reaction.
If the Russian force Ukrainans into their Army, then sabotage is to be expected.
You can't bring down a whole section of a bridge with a tiny explosion and trunk loaded with grenade. A bridge was build with concrete, that can take a lot of blast. The way that bridge come down, judging by the photo is the section of that slab got completely removed from the brace that joint the 2 sections together, meaning that explosion had lifted the bridge up, rock it away and make the entire slab come back down not "re-sitting" back into the brace. It took a very big blast to move an entrie concrete slab like that. It's not some small explosion.
even the wind was on the side of Ukraine

Ukraine really did a text book execution for this attack

A futile last ditch attempt. ISIS also used truck bombs but eventually lost Raqqa and Fallujah. Russia has 4 times Ukraine's population (pre war numbers). Ukraine cannot win.
Damage like this is not done by a bunch of grenade explosion or fuel car explosion, those are shrapnel explosion, or in the field, more Bang than Boom. To take out a concrete bridge, you need both Pressure and Heat, and that can only be done by TNT or PETN or equivalent explosive.

And it cannot be done by a 1KG device. If those explosives were planted on the load bearing pillar, that could be done with a a few C4 charges, but we can see from the explosive it was a surface blast. It cannot be anything smaller than an aircraft bomb to do that.
not on the road on the train that explode tankers but that don't matter as it was not the case as the video shows
Well, if they can do it once, they probably could do it another time, but on the other hand, I don't see how Russia is fixing that bridge in a manner it would matter.

That bridge is out, and will be out for a long time, losing a chunk like that you can't just lay across it, you will need to replace that slab completely, and that job would have taken months in peace time, not when you are under missile or IED threat.

You can't bring down a whole section of a bridge with a tiny explosion and trunk loaded with grenade. A bridge was build with concrete, that can take a lot of blast. The way that bridge come down, judging by the photo is the section of that slab got completely removed from the brace that joint the 2 sections together, meaning that explosion had lifted the bridge up, rock it away and make the entire slab come back down not "re-sitting" back into the brace. It took a very big blast to move an entrie concrete slab like that. It's not some small explosion.
Seems like one side of the bridge is still standing no?
That bridge is out, and will be out for a long time, losing a chunk like that you can't just lay across it, you will need to replace that slab completely, and that job would have taken months in peace time, not when you are under missile or IED threat.
i still like to knew why you guys the railroad bridge is our as all the photo shows it only damaged superficially .
and also only half of the car bridge in 3 section is out . why Russia can't use the other half if after inspection it turn out its structurally sound enough to tolerate normal cars until the other half get fixed
the bridge was 4 line and 2 line are still in place

Seems like one side of the bridge is still standing no?
that can't be used until get Okay by engineers that structure is safe enough and i doubt they can thoroughly inspect it in less than 3-4 day
yes the key point is fire inside , do you knock-down a building which a tanker on the rough got fire , the heat go up . in the building you mentioned it is close environment , the heat have no other place to go and act as an oven or furnace

for seeing what happen in front of your house build a concrete platform and burn fuel on it , see for yourself if there will be any damage but some charring
Without inspecting the bridge, I cannot say how fast they can put it back up to service.

However, there are only a few ways a bridge can be fixed, normally you just either lay an engineer bridge section or cover it with plate for quick fix, both cannot be done in this case as the bridge sat on a sea (You cannot use Engineer Bridge span above the sea) and you cover the hole with plate to fix it. Because the entire section of the slab is on the seabed now,

On top of that, we don't know how much damage is done to the rail bridge, rail bridge took a lot of loads, while normal traffic span only needs to support a few cars, a rail bridge needs to support a train, if the base is deformed by pressure and heat, you won't be able to run a train across. That mean you will need to conduct and engineer survey, and then try to reinforce the bridge and make it able to support train car over the damaged section. But even then, that's a temporary fix, along with the traffic bridge, you need to replace the entire span in order to have it fixed permanently. That's not a easy job when the bridge lay across the sea.
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