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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If the war continues into 2025 (something to consider), trump plans to purge the pro-EU State Department, purge the pro-EU Pentagon, purge the pro-EU/NATO NSA, purge the Democratic Party leaning FBI.

BOMBSHELL: Trump’s Team Already Planning Massive Purge in 2024, Takeover of Pentagon, NSA, FBI, State Dept​

By Jason Miciak
July 22, 2022

In the three years that I have worked at this site, this is the single scariest story that I have seen. Barack Obama once said that he thought Trump would grow into the job and had faith in “the guard rails” were strong. Trump later proved that the guard rails couldn’t contain him. Now, Donald Trump wants to do away with the guard rails altogether. Trump is already planning to purge thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of employees.

IF someone made Vladimir Putin president (of the USA), this is exactly what Putin would do. According to Axios:

Former President Trump’s top allies are preparing to radically reshape the federal government if he is re-elected, purging potentially thousands of civil servants and filling career posts with loyalists to him and his “America First” ideology, people involved in the discussions tell Axios. The impact could go well beyond typical conservative targets such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service.

This is called fascism. A federal government based on loyalty to a man and not the nation or Constitution is fascism.

Trump allies are working on plans that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department — including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say. The heart of the plan is derived from an executive order known as “Schedule F,” developed and refined in secret over most of the second half of Trump’s term and launched 13 days before the 2020 election.

Is that not a recipe for a fascist takeover? You purge the government of anyone not willing to pledge loyalty to Donald Trump. You take the lawyers out of the Justice Department and agents out of the FBI (people who find crimes and report them), and you make sure that national security and the military answers to a man, not a nation.

This is how one sets up fascism as it is practiced in Russia, and they are preparing already. It is the scariest story I’ve ever reported. Merrick Garland and the FBI better be watching these people very very closely.

Jmiciak@yahoo.com, @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

The beltway is filled with neo-liberals. They are the voting block that gives the electoral votes of VA to Democrats in presidential elections. Trump is planning to purge the US government in a Putin-esque one party state. To make the cia overtly control the DoD, NSA, FBI, and State Dept. In 2022, these are covertly controlled by the Republican cia, Trump wants these to be overtly controlled by the cia deepstate. This was in the plans in a second term, as was this European War. This European War was to happen concurrently with a China War. A trump loss made the Putin War the war of this term.

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According to your logic, Russia and China is afraid of the US.
Did I say that you logic makes any sense?

That China is afraid to go to War with the US is proven by the fact that China avoided repeating its mistake during the Korean War.
I remind you that it was the Americans who dared not cross the 17 degree line in the Vietnam War to avoid repeating the mistakes.
The Russians know exactly where US and Western aid are being delivered from in Poland. The reality is Russia is terrified of the US military and so are the Chinese.
China has challenged the USA in various fields. The two countries have just ended a trade war. Do you think China is afraid of the USA?

If you mean the frontal war between the two countries, the Chinese are certainly afraid, but the Americans are not afraid? You should know that this kind of war means nuclear war.
historically Russia is very adaptive to ground wars

they were getting hammered by the drones including TB2 and now Ukraine has almost ceased drone operations

Russian jamming has rendered them ineffective to the level that 1 drone has 1 minion lifetime

HIMARS are causing alot of trouble but Russia is working on jamming their GPS systems

as soon as that happens Russian Steamroller will move forward

Drones are so ineffective the US is sending nearly 5x the amount of Phoenix Ghosts they sent in April. You don’t send that amount if there ineffective.

It’s impossible to jam HIMARS due to their INS units.
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