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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The continuity of the Russian nation and the sacrifice of a few million people is worthy for the immortality of the great Russian nation..

Throughout history, Russia sacrificed tens of millions of its sons in the fight against Napoleon, the Ottomans, and the Germanic Nazis, and the result was a sweeping victory, geographical expansion, and the advancement and survival of the Russian nation..

As for what is happening now of imperialist conspiracies, if they are realized, it will lead to the destruction of Russia and its demise from the stage of history..

Global imperialism has long-standing ambitions in dividing Russia into dozens of states and seizing its oil, gas, minerals, wheat, corn and animal feed production areas..

The few must sacrifice their lives in exchange for the survival of the majority in achieving its sovereignty and territorial integrity..

Now the question is to you piece of nothing: How many men and women is NATO ready to lose ..even in a conventional war against Russia..

And I'm neutral in this .. but rational..against your emotional and stupid thoughts..

Educate yourself:
Russia had its adventure in afghanistan. Tying its army there and in the arms race and economic war with Nato eventually devastating its economy.

Now russia tries its luck in Ukraine…
However its losses after a half year are already the same as 10 years afghanistan…

Also you talk about global imperialism as if russia is not imperialistic (agressively expanding and occupying many eastern european nations throughout history)
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The continuity of the Russian nation and the sacrifice of a few million people is worthy for the immortality of the great Russian nation..

Throughout history, Russia sacrificed tens of millions of its sons in the fight against Napoleon, the Ottomans, and the Germanic Nazis, and the result was a sweeping victory, geographical expansion, and the advancement and survival of the Russian nation..

As for what is happening now of imperialist conspiracies, if they are realized, it will lead to the destruction of Russia and its demise from the stage of history..

Global imperialism has long-standing ambitions in dividing Russia into dozens of states and seizing its oil, gas, minerals, wheat, corn and animal feed production areas..

The few must sacrifice their lives in exchange for the survival of the majority in achieving its sovereignty and territorial integrity..

Now the question is to you piece of nothing: How many men and women is NATO ready to lose ..even in a conventional war against Russia..

And I'm neutral in this .. but rational..against your emotional and stupid thoughts..

Educate yourself:
Gets real. Russia is hijacked by Putin.
He will bring down the country.
Let me give you an analogy, US is a guy seeing a lady getting raped by another guy named Russia who managed to penetrate 20% into her pussy. Instead of fighting the assailant, US cheers on for that lady to fight back by giving her stones one at a time,while Russia penetrates deeper. And nobody asks why that hero named America is not fighting. 🤣. And worse of all, a dozen kids came along and cheered on as well. Lolololol.
Ukraine is not asking for US/NATO troops but only weapons, and so far, Russian balls are being cut off to the tune of about 35,000 pairs. But at least you are admitting that Russia is the criminal here. It is at least a good start for a sofa soldier like yourself.
Why is Han supporting Russia against Ukraine?

China has not even sent a single soldier or a piece of gun to Ukraine, so what help are you talking about

You muppet!
We just don't support NATO. Why do you say we support Russia? If we don't support NATO, we support Russia?
What happens to Russia imports?
Putin stops publishing import figures. Probably too embarrassing. Down 60 percent. Even imports from best friend China down 40 percent.
Russia will end up like Srilanka where imports collapsing, hospitals running out medicines.

Confirm your data.

In the first five months of 2022, China's exports to Russia reached US $24.559 billion, an increase of 7.2%.

Yes, Chinese warships follow US warships which travels through waters where they have every right to be. That is not ”pushing”. That is like a dog barking at a passing car which hardly notices the existence of the dog.
You have received your answer. Because they think that defeating Russia through arms shipments gives the best possible outcome for them in this conflict.
China believes producing hot air about alledged violations of their (not really) waters gives the best result for China.

The South China Sea is originally the high seas, and we have not prevented warships from other countries from entering the South China Sea.

If you think this is an insult, you may not know that Chinese warships pass through Gibraltar from the Mediterranean Sea into the English Channel every two years. We have done this for decades, and the European Union and the British do not consider it an insult.

Why don’t you admit that Russia and China are afraid of war with the US?
Korean War and Vietnam War.


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So the hero not protecting the victim is because the Rapist is afraid of the hero? Wtf logic is that? Lol

The Russians know exactly where US and Western aid are being delivered from in Poland. The reality is Russia is terrified of the US military and so are the Chinese.
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