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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Let alone there are 3 Nuclear Power Plant you can't use missile to bring down, it was hardened for missile strike, and the only way you can bring it down is by airstrike, and if you DO bring it down, the Kharkiv Nuclear Power Plant would most certainly bring nuclear fallout to Moscow. It's merely 400 miles away.
no I don't want to attacks the Power planet , my target will be distribution nodes which are separate from Power planets

and honestly i ask a question , how many people died in Chernobyl Power planet explosion , and how many get cancer from the fall out
Following the reactor explosion, which killed two engineers and severely burned two more, a massive emergency operation to put out the fire, stabilize the reactor, and clean up the ejected radioactive material began. During the immediate emergency response, 237 workers were hospitalized, of which 134 exhibited symptoms of acute radiation syndrome. Among those hospitalized, 28 died within the following three months, all of whom were hospitalized for ARS. In the following 10 years, 14 more workers (9 who had been hospitalized with ARS) died of various causes mostly unrelated to radiation exposure.
Chernobyl's health effects to the general population are uncertain. An excess of 15 childhood thyroid cancer deaths were documented as of 2011.[9][10] A United Nations committee found that to date fewer than 100 deaths have resulted from the fallout.[11] Determining the total eventual number of exposure related deaths is uncertain based on the linear no-threshold model, a contested statistical model.[12][13] Model predictions of the eventual total death toll in the coming decades vary. The most widely cited studies by the World Health Organization predict an eventual 4,000 fatalities in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
Although it is difficult to compare releases between the Chernobyl accident and a deliberate air burst nuclear detonation, it has still been estimated that about four hundred times more radioactive material was released from Chernobyl than by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki together. However, the Chernobyl accident only released about one hundredth to one thousandth of the total amount of radioactivity released during nuclear weapons testing at the height of the Cold War; the wide estimate being due to the different abundances of isotopes released.

I must say there is no doubt fall out is a nasty business , but it has become a more scare monger tactics than an actual threat

no one talking about Powe planet , each power grid have nodes that distribute power , regulate the flow of electricity and voltage and balance it , if you take several out all the power grid go offline . they are not as big as a powerplanet , they wont look much at first glance but they are essential to a power grid and without them you can't have a functioning grid. from outside they may look like it

but in each of them there is a control room like this

bock that room out and i like to see how that grid can continue working

you say russia don't have 415 missile to keep all that grid offline for a month ?

Then what? Again, do you think Ukraine cannot fight off grid?

Most combat equipment Ukraine use are can either run on Dry Battery, Car Battery and Generator, and most form did not use battery at all.

Seeing the Ukrainian war are almost entirely ground war, tell me which component of ground war have to rely on the grid to fight? Even when we fight in Iraq, we fought off grid. From the comm hub in the commander tank to the communication device and my targeting computer, they don't run on grids. Do you think somehow Russia taken Ukraine Military Off grid (If they had not done so already) would change anything? I mean would High Command TOC not function? Would the communication device like ICOM not function? Or the night vision goggle Ukrainian soldier using is not going to function??

, they are using those missiles to attack targets that must be attacked with drones more than that now they can use their Gran-2 to do the attack 6-7 for each node is more than enough

the infrastructure we are talking about is very sensitive in nature , you disable part of it then all of it is useless till you fix that part
Again, you are not just talking about 1 part of the battlefield, you are talking the entire battlefield, in this case, your target will multiply, you no longer just need 400 some missile to take it down for month, you will need multiple thousand of missile to take down the redundant system

As I said, if Russia really think this is a cost effective solution, they would have done so already, military don't fight with grid power, yes, it means no hot water in the field when you shower, but that does not negate your combat power a bit.
Then what? Again, do you think Ukraine cannot fight off grid?

Most combat equipment Ukraine use are can either run on Dry Battery, Car Battery and Generator, and most form did not use battery at all.
the question id for how long
Again, you are not just talking about 1 part of the battlefield, you are talking the entire battlefield, in this case, your target will multiply, you no longer just need 400 some missile to take it down for month, you will need multiple thousand of missile to take down the redundant system
the number of targets are limited in all ukraine something between 10-15 of them . and russia even don't need attack those in area under its control
As I said, if Russia really think this is a cost effective solution, they would have done so already, military don't fight with grid power, yes, it means no hot water in the field when you shower, but that does not negate your combat power a bit.
there we many sane solution that Russia did not do and it bite them latter . just think the cost of the armor and other equipment Russia lost due to prolongation of war ,

Seeing the Ukrainian war are almost entirely ground war, tell me which component of ground war have to rely on the grid to fight? Even when we fight in Iraq, we fought off grid. From the comm hub in the commander tank to the communication device and my targeting computer, they don't run on grids. Do you think somehow Russia taken Ukraine Military Off grid (If they had not done so already) would change anything? I mean would High Command TOC not function? Would the communication device like ICOM not function? Or the night vision goggle Ukrainian soldier using is not going to function??
the factory and industry that maintain those devices don't work on battery , you think how long Ukrainian tolerate living without electricity and water for areas that their previous president said if Ukraine want to become a modern country must like cancer cut away from it's body ?
the question id for how long

How long? How long does the supplies of dry battery, car battery and gas for generator last?

Again, do you think Russian Missile stock last longer? Or Ukrainian battery stock??
the number of targets are limited in all ukraine something between 10-15 of them . and russia even don't need attack those in area under its control

The 17 node I quote already excluded Russian occupied area.

there we many sane solution that Russia did not do and it bite them latter . just think the cost of the armor and other equipment Russia lost due to prolongation of war ,

Again, it won't shorten the war, I mean, it's not like Ukrainian General in the Headquarter of their field camp holding a cable and wonder where are the socket he is going to plug that in. ALL WAR ARE FOUGHT OFF GRID now. It makes absolutely no different if you attack the civilian power grid.

the factory and industry that maintain those devices don't work on battery , you think how long Ukrainian tolerate living without electricity and water for areas that their previous president said if Ukraine want to become a modern country must like cancer cut away from it's body ?
Again, what factory are in Ukraine right now? Most, if not all weapon Ukrainian use are Western Weapon, there are few tanks and artillery guns that are still soviet stock but even those ammo come from the west. You are not talking about economy, here, where you need power to make stuff to earn money.

You are talking about how supply work in a battlefield. Everything from uniform to Bullet to artillery shell can be come from EU, as long as you have trucks and railway that bring stuff across the border from Poland and Romania, the war effort continues. And railway runs on diesel and truck runs on petrol or diesel. Taking power grid out does not mean Ukraine will stop receiving munition from the West. As long as the factory in EU keep turning out weaponry to replenish the stock, what ever happened in Ukraine does not really matter. Or you still think Ukrainian Factory still making tanks and artillery or even shell right now??
no one can understand the Russian plan and subsequently the objectives and sub objectives... ok they are fighting the Nato thats true... if it has been Ukraine left alone in one week i think it will be over, not to under estimate the Ukies moral and interesting human fighting capabilities and tactics ( they are a mini Russia at the end) ... but the support resources are not there , the Ukranians have lost strategically from the first days.... now they won some interesting tactical battles Kharkiv and Kherson attacks they won attrition and bleeding out russian equipment to critical levels but this may not be massed to a potential startegic victory to match thye losses they sufferd.. Ukraine needs 20 years to go back to the situation and potentials it had at the night of february 23 2022.. the west dont mind they only care to make russian losses greater...
russia can now or at any time start a systemetic bombing that can make ukraine go back to the 1950s in a couple of weeks... but no one can understand there methodology and logic after all
How long? How long does the supplies of dry battery, car battery and gas for generator last?

Again, do you think Russian Missile stock last longer? Or Ukrainian battery stock??

The 17 node I quote already excluded Russian occupied area.

Again, it won't shorten the war, I mean, it's not like Ukrainian General in the Headquarter of their field camp holding a cable and wonder where are the socket he is going to plug that in. ALL WAR ARE FOUGHT OFF GRID now. It makes absolutely no different if you attack the civilian power grid.

Again, what factory are in Ukraine right now? Most, if not all weapon Ukrainian use are Western Weapon, there are few tanks and artillery guns that are still soviet stock but even those ammo come from the west. You are not talking about economy, here, where you need power to make stuff to earn money.

You are talking about how supply work in a battlefield. Everything from uniform to Bullet to artillery shell can be come from EU, as long as you have trucks and railway that bring stuff across the border from Poland and Romania, the war effort continues. And railway runs on diesel and truck runs on petrol or diesel. Taking power grid out does not mean Ukraine will stop receiving munition from the West. As long as the factory in EU keep turning out weaponry to replenish the stock, what ever happened in Ukraine does not really matter. Or you still think Ukrainian Factory still making tanks and artillery or even shell right now??

btw It's still very surprising how much industry Ukraine still have working. Of course not talking names of the plants.

I didn't expect it to be real to setup a war economy in this day, but they did.

Their armour recovery is very remarkable, and they are puting back into action vehicles which would've been a write off because they have huge pool of industrial workers.

They had an Australian MRAP which had its wheel blown off twice, and both times repaired.

Russian armour recovery, on the other hand, is limited to moving damaged vehicles to a giant scrapyard near the border with Ukraine.

Ukraine has a lot of industry.
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btw It's still very surprising how much industry Ukraine still have working. Of course not talking names of the plants.

I didn't expect it to be real to setup a war economy in this day, but they did.

Their armour recovery is very remarkable, and they are puting back into action vehicles which would've been a write off because they have huge pool of industrial workers.

They had an Australian MRAP which had its wheel blown off twice, and both times repaired.

Russian armour recovery, on the other hand, is limited to moving damaged vehicles to a giant scrapyard near the border with Ukraine.

Ukraine has a lot of industry.
Well, most Ukrainian vehicle repair are done on the field, when I was in Ukraine, I saw how their recovery works.

They basically tow the recovered vehicle to safety, and then perform repair on roadside, or in the bush, or whatever, what they usually do is to take apart another damaged/destroyed Russian tank and transfer the parts to save the broken down tank.

On the other hand, Russia can only target Ukrainian business with cruise missile anyway, and those will most likely destroy per building. And I will dare say there are a lot more building than Russian missile.
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