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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Reports coming russian forces quickly pulling back. Could be the fact that they are either ending the war themselves or clearing their forces for nuclear attack ?
what happened to your analytical skills about this war? You used to make good points, now you talk like you're so unaware. smh.

Wow, the Russian mined their own Fallen's body. Usually, you only mine your enemy bodies when you retreat because you know they will recover them, mining your own people's body is a whole other level.

If it was me, I would probably just let them rot......
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what happened to your analytical skills about this war? You used to make good points, now you talk like you're so unaware. smh.
Semester started busy in conducting lectures...

Having some fun here, I know what russia is capable militarily. 😉
Ukraine has 30 million people. Russia has 150 million people. Russia is willing to sacrifice 30 million people to annex Kiev. Russia still have 120 million people left.
I don't think most Russians want to fight or want to die for a dubious cause. They can stomach a few Nazis on the border?
I don't think most Russians want to fight or want to die for a dubious cause. They can stomach a few Nazis on the border?

For Russians, Ukraine is legit Russian land. They are willing to sacrifice 30 million people to take back Ukraine and restore Russia back to 1917 border.


Petraeus: US would destroy Russia’s troops if Putin uses nukes in Ukraine​

Tuesday, 04 October 2022 3:54 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 04 October 2022 3:54 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Former CIA director and retired US army general David Petraeus
Former CIA director and retired US army general David Petraeus has said that the United States would destroy Russia’s troops and equipment in Ukraine and sink its Black Sea fleet if it carried out a nuclear attack in the country, while Moscow has advised Washington of its nuclear “red line”.
Petraeus said in an interview that he had not spoken to US national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the likely US response to such an attack in Ukraine by Russia, according to The Guardian.
“Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a NATO – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea,” he told ABC News.
Russian President Vladimir Putin last month hinted at being willing to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The Russian leader in a nationwide address called up to 300,000 reservists to aid Russia and threatened to use the country’s nuclear weapons in face of the US-led aggression against his country.
“This is not a bluff,” Putin said. “And those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the weathervane can turn and point towards them.”
Petraeus said the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would not trigger NATO’s Article 5, which calls for the collective defense of NATO because Ukraine is not part of NATO.
Petraeus acknowledged that the likelihood that radiation would extend to NATO countries under the Article 5 umbrella could perhaps be construed as an attack on a NATO member.
“Perhaps you can make that case,” he said. “The other case is that this is so horrific that there has to be a response – it cannot go unanswered.”
Yet, Petraeus added, “You don’t want to, again, get into a nuclear escalation here. But you have to show that this cannot be accepted in any way.”
Petraeus claimed that Ukrainian is making gains in the east of the country and Putting is becoming “desperate.”
“The battlefield reality he faces is, I think, irreversible,” he said. “No amount of shambolic mobilization, which is the only way to describe it; no amount of annexation; no amount of even veiled nuclear threats can actually get him out of this particular situation.”
Meanwhile, New York-based journalist Don DeBar said in an interview with Press TV on Monday that “this is a bunch of nonsense, and highly disingenuous.”
“Russia is not about to collapse in Ukraine, whatsoever. The US is trying to create a narrative, based on a couple of tactical retreats, that scares the life out of me, because it sounds like they intend to set off a small nuclear device in Ukraine, blame it on Moscow and use it as an excuse to make complete war on Russia,” he stated.
“The American public has already been prepared for this by the media, for sure. This projection by the US is preparing the rest of the world for it, too,” he noted.
“I think the morons in Washington and the psychos in Langley (the CIA headquarters) actually believe that if they do this, Russia will shy away from retaliating and just collapse like it did in 1991. I do not believe that this is a viable path for the Russian government, given the experience of the people in Russia during the 1990s, which is fresh in their memory,” he stated.
US President Joe Biden warned Putin against thoughts of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine, adding that it would “change the face of war unlike anything since WWII.”
Biden said Moscow would become a global pariah if it uses weapons of mass destruction on the former Soviet state.
In response to Biden's warning, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov gave reporters this short answer, "Read the doctrine. Everything is written there," RIA Novosti reported.
The Russian nuclear doctrine allows the country to use nukes in two conditions. First, when "Russia or its ally [is under attack] with the use of mass destruction weapons," and second, "when the very existence of the state is under threat."

For Russians, Ukraine is legit Russian land. They are willing to sacrifice 30 million people to take back Ukraine and restore Russia back to 1917 border.

Don't think NATO will allow it and the Chinese are being opportunistic like hungry vultures waiting for the right time. India is like a paid whore willing to run to the highest bidder , but Russia has no money so has been dumped by the Indians.

Petraeus: US would destroy Russia’s troops if Putin uses nukes in Ukraine​

Tuesday, 04 October 2022 3:54 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 04 October 2022 3:54 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Former CIA director and retired US army general David Petraeus
Former CIA director and retired US army general David Petraeus has said that the United States would destroy Russia’s troops and equipment in Ukraine and sink its Black Sea fleet if it carried out a nuclear attack in the country, while Moscow has advised Washington of its nuclear “red line”.
Petraeus said in an interview that he had not spoken to US national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the likely US response to such an attack in Ukraine by Russia, according to The Guardian.
“Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a NATO – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea,” he told ABC News.
Russian President Vladimir Putin last month hinted at being willing to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The Russian leader in a nationwide address called up to 300,000 reservists to aid Russia and threatened to use the country’s nuclear weapons in face of the US-led aggression against his country.
“This is not a bluff,” Putin said. “And those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the weathervane can turn and point towards them.”
Petraeus said the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would not trigger NATO’s Article 5, which calls for the collective defense of NATO because Ukraine is not part of NATO.
Petraeus acknowledged that the likelihood that radiation would extend to NATO countries under the Article 5 umbrella could perhaps be construed as an attack on a NATO member.
“Perhaps you can make that case,” he said. “The other case is that this is so horrific that there has to be a response – it cannot go unanswered.”
Yet, Petraeus added, “You don’t want to, again, get into a nuclear escalation here. But you have to show that this cannot be accepted in any way.”
Petraeus claimed that Ukrainian is making gains in the east of the country and Putting is becoming “desperate.”
“The battlefield reality he faces is, I think, irreversible,” he said. “No amount of shambolic mobilization, which is the only way to describe it; no amount of annexation; no amount of even veiled nuclear threats can actually get him out of this particular situation.”
Meanwhile, New York-based journalist Don DeBar said in an interview with Press TV on Monday that “this is a bunch of nonsense, and highly disingenuous.”

US President Joe Biden warned Putin against thoughts of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine, adding that it would “change the face of war unlike anything since WWII.”
Biden said Moscow would become a global pariah if it uses weapons of mass destruction on the former Soviet state.
In response to Biden's warning, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov gave reporters this short answer, "Read the doctrine. Everything is written there," RIA Novosti reported.
The Russian nuclear doctrine allows the country to use nukes in two conditions. First, when "Russia or its ally [is under attack] with the use of mass destruction weapons," and second, "when the very existence of the state is under threat."

Don't think NATO will allow it and the Chinese are being opportunistic like hungry vultures waiting for the right time. India is like a paid whore willing to run to the highest bidder , but Russia has no money so has been dumped by the Indians.

Anglos are war mongers. Anglos are the only ones who ever used nukes.
Anglos are war mongers. Anglos are the only ones who ever used nukes.
Is the US and NATO really able to destroy the Russian army? If NATO does intervene would the Russians use swarms of Tactical nukes to hold them back and if so who or what would the targets be? Would the targets be restricted to Ukraine or hit European targets beyond the Ukraine border. If so would NATO hit back with tactical nukes if so would the targets be within Russia or would they contaminate Ukraine. Analysis is sure getting dirty and the Euro savages taking the world to the brink.
Is the US and NATO really able to destroy the Russian army? If NATO does intervene would the Russians use swarms of Tactical nukes to hold them back and if so who or what would the targets be? Would the targets be restricted to Ukraine or hit European targets beyond the Ukraine border. If so would NATO hit back with tactical nukes if so would the targets be within Russia or would they contaminate Ukraine. Analysis is sure getting dirty and the Euro savages taking the world to the brink.

I doubt it. If the US invades Russia then China invade Taiwan and the US cannot afford to lose Taiwan. China has 1400 million people compared to Taiwan has 20 million people. Taiwan would lose without US support. US cannot afford a two front war the way Germany lost a 2 front war against UK and USSR in WW2.
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