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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Some screendumps from the “barracks” of Putins mobilization. Unknown location.
The ****. Seriously, what was Russia doing with a 70 billion dollar defense budget for the last 20+ years? Ah, corruption is worse than a divorce.
I guess the russian military reform didnt leave room for large scale conscript mobilization.

EU thought sanctioning Russia will bring them to their knees; instead, it is the EU that is on its knees. Just wait for the winter and see what happens. President Putin is playing a chess game, and it seems it is EU elites that are facing revolts from its people.
Truly shocking when the instruments of state have themselves become a mafia states in themselves that are untouchable.

Shoulds like she was getting raped as punishment for protesting ?
Oh please seen many videos of karens shouting like world is ending.
Geolocated Footage show Ukraine have taken out Russian tank east of Petropavlivka, Kharkiv Oblast, East of Oskil River

That means Ukrainian are at least 8 km into East Bank of Oskil River.
Ukraine had taken Nove, Kharkiv Oblast.

Now Lyman is officially surrounded by 3 sides........Russkie need to bug out now or it will be too late.
Russia can’t get away with that. What’s endgame? 10y occupation then withdrew like the case of USSR? Putin can’t win this war.
He has no political backing neither domestic nor abroad.
No economy, no military, no logistics means, no money, no technology to support the war.
The only things he has in surplus in oil, gas, people, and propaganda.
You do know that local popula in this region support Russia? These are Russian speaking areas.

Once occupation is complete you won't see resistance like we did saw in crimera
Ukraine had taken Nove, Kharkiv Oblast.

Now Lyman is officially surrounded by 3 sides........Russkie need to bug out now or it will be too late.
The russians in Lyman are supposedly detachments of former contract soldiers. While I hope not, they will probably retreat in time.
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