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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Article X

and sorry it was only 3 month not 6 month
its a freaking treaty , you always can leave a treaty

and by the way what thoase B-52 have to do with article I and V of the traty that some country obviously failed . dismantle some useless old b-52 instead replace them with B-2 and B-1B and nuclear armed submarine and under guise of maintaining current nuke inventory modernize them and make them more lethal , is that what article 5 say

You cannot always leave a treaty without consequences.
There are no extraordinary events that Iran can refer to. Sanctions because Iran is violating the treaty hardly counts.

The dismantled B-52s represents the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks which significantly reduced the nuclears arms.
Russian Riot police killed this poor girl with a baton strike to the head.

The ****. Seriously, what was Russia doing with a 70 billion dollar defense budget each year for the last 20+ years? Ah, corruption is worse than a divorce.
Who needs bullet proof vests and ration packs when the mayor sends you off to war with a twaeez:

The reality on the ground is that Gopniks are so scared of mobilisation they are trying to break their arms or injure themselves to avoid fighting:

If Nato/Usa strikes Russia with nukes and as this will hurt N Korea and China so they will retaliate against the Usa/Nato. Yes ofcourse Usa/Nato will then strike China and N Korea. We can't say for sure who will survive but most likely we will all perish. We need to understand Nuclear war will be a disaster for everybody.
You do not get it.
If the US decides to do a massive strike on Russia, then they will attack China and North Korea as well - at the same time.
Allowing China to attack the US first before attacking China is going to have higher US casualties.
It is in Chinas best interest to threaten Russia with nuclear war to stop Putin from initiating the exchange.
Russian Riot police killed this poor girl with a baton strike to the head.

Who needs bullet proof vests and ration packs when the mayor sends you off to war with a twaeez:

The reality on the ground is that Gopniks are so scared of mobilisation they are trying to break their arms or injure themselves to avoid fighting:

Wow. That is messed up; I don't think South Asians have ever been this bad, to the point you would want to break your own body.

The issue, my brother @RescueRanger, is that even if Putin was to go, Russia wasn't left with any face-saving, and now with Europe squarely against it, and their own next of kin (Ukrainians), they are going to be in survival mode.

We have a 2nd India-Pakistan European Version, a hot point on Europe's doorstep. In this case, the Chinese would be the Americans in that relationship.
Looks like the Russians are "partially mobilizing" minorities particularly Russian Muslims.

Yes Putin’s most favorite fighters come from ethnic minorities. When they die, nobody missing them, he believes.
Now Russia middle class is revolting because their sons and daughters are recruited.
Putin did it, now Russia parliament just approved martial laws. Every Russian that refuses to join the army, or runs away will face prison term 5 to 10 years.

You cannot always leave a treaty without consequences.
There are no extraordinary events that Iran can refer to. Sanctions because Iran is violating the treaty hardly counts.

The dismantled B-52s represents the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks which significantly reduced the nuclears arms.

Iran is not the problem

Europeans have been killing each other for 1000s of years and when not killing each other you kill Africans or turn to the Middle East

so better you keep busy killing each other it gives the rest a break
Black Saturday
Russia aviation lost 4 fighter jets when trying to halt Ukraine army advancing on Donez front.
Ukraine infantry has moved strong air defense in secret to the front.

The trained/experienced and skilled people were already signed up on a really big pay packet with Wagner/Wolf Battalion. Video here:

Whatever we see now are people who are literally farmers and factory workers and apprentices working in state functions. The young and old conscripts and mobilised reservists are all cannon fodder.

Just look at this... These people are not true reservists, they have no military deportment about them, they are cannon fodder, pure and simple.

According to an interview on DW this morning, the Russians are going to schools (yes Schools) and if someone is over 16, they are being asked to sign a summons to join the Russian army, ethnic Russians and ethnic residents who have been living in Russia for the past 15 years or so without citizenship are being granted citizenship in a special ceremony and loaded onto busses for the front line.

Don't take my word for it... Look even cancer patients are bring signed up:

The weapons and equipment they are being given is so old and dated the rifles in this photo are 120 years old that the AKM's actually have mould on the bakerlite grips and completely rusted:

Russia "Mobilised"

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You cannot always leave a treaty without consequences.
There are no extraordinary events that Iran can refer to. Sanctions because Iran is violating the treaty hardly counts.
the sanction was not because of treaty , the sanction for treaty was removed in 2020 , they are USA imposed sanction and EU followed one outside the treaty. more importantly , Iran can recite double standards even if Iran violated the treaty. assassinations , also treat of wars from third party. Iran can recite it not be able to use article I and Article V . you see dear uncle Sam and his satanic son already gave Iran the reason to leave the treaty.
The dismantled B-52s represents the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks which significantly reduced the nuclears arms.
replaced with trident and b-2 and b1-b
also the article 5 is about disarming the bombs not useless ww2 era bombers that can't do shit to another country with any air defense left
by the way there is also an article that say you must not give nuclear bombs to 3rd countries which already violated at least by France
Dhagestan people protested against mobilisation, i hope other minorities will follow and escape cynical disproportion in mobilising numbers among ethnicities and avoid fate of lambs to slaughter for russian war machine.
Germany proposes new harsher EU sanctions on Russia.

global price cap on russian oil

EU citizens are forbidden to take top positions at Russia state companies.

companies are forbidden to collaborate with Russia on nuclear sector

More entry bans on Russia important personal. Their assets will be frozen.

total ban of property sales to russians
The trained/experienced and skilled people were already signed up on a really big pay packet with Wagner/Wolf Battalion. Video here:

Whatever we see now are people who are literally farmers and factory workers and apprentices working in state functions. The young and old conscripts and mobilised reservists are all cannon fodder.

Just look at this... These people are not true reservists, they have no military deportment about them, they are cannon fodder, pure and simple.

According to an interview on DW this morning, the Russians are going to schools (yes Schools) and if someone is over 16, they are being asked to sign a summons to join the Russian army, ethnic Russians and ethnic residents who have been living in Russia for the past 15 years or so without citizenship are being granted citizenship in a special ceremony and loaded onto busses for the front line.

Don't take my word for it... Look even cancer patients are bring signed up:

The weapons and equipment they are being given is so old and dated the rifles in this photo are 120 years old that the AKM's actually have mould on the bakerlite grips and completely rusted:

Russia "Mobilised"


I have a short-term solution to this drinking problem: declare Islam the state religion in Russian Federation cause Catholicism, with all its drunkness, is not working out. That is a sorry state of affairs.

This situation reminds me of a story my father told me years back when a Hindustani singer was called to perform in another country. While on the plane for the first time, he saw clouds and felt wind turbulence, which frightened him. He then called the air hostess to bring several cups of liquor because a single cup was so small. Then, after guzzling several cups and getting fully drunk, he said if the plane crashed, he was not worried because he would not feel anything. 🤣
Germany proposes new harsher EU sanctions on Russia.

global price cap on russian oil

EU citizens are forbidden to take top positions at Russia state companies.

companies are forbidden to collaborate with Russia on nuclear sector

More entry bans on Russia important personal. Their assets will be frozen.

total ban of property sales to russians

If they sanction Russia then Russia will print money instead. Russia has more trees than any other country. Trees are natural resource for printing money.

BARS 13 and BARS 16.

If I remember correctly, Russian lost contact with BARS 13 like 2 days ago.

I bet, they do not encircle them completely intentionally.

If Nato/Usa strikes Russia with nukes and as this will hurt N Korea and China so they will retaliate against the Usa/Nato. Yes ofcourse Usa/Nato will then strike China and N Korea. We can't say for sure who will survive but most likely we will all perish. We need to understand Nuclear war will be a disaster for everybody.

Russian most improbable attack plan would only kill 5% of NATO population.

Black Saturday
Russia aviation lost 4 fighter jets when trying to halt Ukraine army advancing on Donez front.
Ukraine infantry has moved strong air defense in secret to the front.

I suspect NASAMS arrival
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