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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Simple because every western country's special forces are operational in Ukraine. Total and open military support and probably Russia will push to finish this war. Why else would you call up reserves.

Ps. We're u having trouble with your question...its not hard to see why a country would call up reserves.

Pps. I don't support Russia for I know what they did in Afghanistan and chechenya and Syria but also I don't support Ukraine as they are nazis and their units committed open murder in chechenya
Well, let's for argument sake, there is NATO special force operate in Ukraine.

Even if NATO special force are in Ukraine like you said, that does not change the fact that the Russian are being defeated, albeit by NATO special force, and if Russia are being held up by NATO special force, which is a small force compare to conventional armies (I don't know how big you think Special Force organization are) Calling up untrained reserve is not going to change anything, I mean, you had your best troop with roughly the similar number against NATO special force, so how or what do you think the same number of troop, this time reservist, those who served 4 years ago, with similar number will fare against these Special Force unit??

Nobody in this world call to mobilise their reserve when things are going their way. That's very clear, whether or not NATO special force were in Ukraine wouldn't really matter, because if that is the case, it wouldn't do you much good sending reserve in a situation when your regular having trouble with, if this is NOT the case, that's even worse.

PS I don't think Ukraine have fought anything in Chechenya, there were 2 wars Checheya fought with Ukraine have its statehood, in 1994 and 2000, both of them they were agianst Russia. Maybe you are thinking of Russian Civil War? When Ukrainian were part of Soviet Union, led by Russian? Otherwise I think you are confusing the Russian with Ukrainian,
Well, let's for argument sake, there is NATO special force operate in Ukraine.

Even if NATO special force are in Ukraine like you said, that does not change the fact that the Russian are being defeated, albeit by NATO special force, and if Russia are being held up by NATO special force, which is a small force compare to conventional armies (I don't know how big you think Special Force organization are) Calling up untrained reserve is not going to change anything, I mean, you had your best troop with roughly the similar number against NATO special force, so how or what do you think the same number of troop, this time reservist, those who served 4 years ago, with similar number will fare against these Special Force unit??

Nobody in this world call to mobilise their reserve when things are going their way. That's very clear, whether or not NATO special force were in Ukraine wouldn't really matter, because if that is the case, it wouldn't do you much good sending reserve in a situation when your regular having trouble with, if this is NOT the case, that's even worse.

PS I don't think Ukraine have fought anything in Chechenya, there were 2 wars Checheya fought with Ukraine have its statehood, in 1994 and 2000, both of them they were agianst Russia. Maybe you are thinking of Russian Civil War? When Ukrainian were part of Soviet Union, led by Russian? Otherwise I think you are confusing the Russian with Ukrainian,
No I agree. Russia is not having their way but to say Ukraine is winning is stupid as Russia still occupies large parts of Ukraine.
Anyways the coming months and winter will play a significant role in the future.
A started by NATO for its expansionist policies has resulted in thousand dying on both sides and will probably end in a stalemate.

No one wins in wars.
No I agree. Russia is not having their way but to say Ukraine is winning is stupid as Russia still occupies large parts of Ukraine.
Anyways the coming months and winter will play a significant role in the future.
A started by NATO for its expansionist policies has resulted in thousand dying on both sides and will probably end in a stalemate.

No one wins in wars.
I never said Ukraine were winning, well, there are sign they started to, because that's mobilisation is a sign that Russia is losing.

Traditionally Winter won't see much fighting, it usually used to build fortification and train up replacement. So once there are winter, there won't be as much movement than we had now.

And no, NATO alone does is not responsible for it, it takes two to tango, Russia is as much to blame with NATO. And when you are under attack, what should Ukraine do? Roll over and let Russia take it? Bear in mind there are a lot fo way to push back NATO influence in Ukraine, but Russia is the one that choose war. You can say NATO dangle Ukrainian problem in front of Sweden and Finland to have them join their camp, but none of this would happen unless Russia invades, and they did.

No I agree. Russia is not having their way but to say Ukraine is winning is stupid as Russia still occupies large parts of Ukraine.
Anyways the coming months and winter will play a significant role in the future.
A started by NATO for its expansionist policies has resulted in thousand dying on both sides and will probably end in a stalemate.

No one wins in wars.

If Westerners didn't want war, then they shouldn't have orchestrated Euro Maidan riot in 2014 during Sochi olympics. Now is the time for Russians to have their vengeance.

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