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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

LOL China throwing Russia off the bus

This is what chinese "no limit" friendship all amounts to
That because whatever you want to say about the Chinese, they are very smart businessman. They can smell a pile of shit from a mile away and avoid it.

Russia is increasingly turn into North Korea and Venezuela, but in a scale that probably more than the both of them combine. And Russia is basically depending on the Chinese to bail them out. But then would China spend trillions of their hard earn dollars to bail out the Russian is another issue...
I remember, and I don't think that's a joke because I have been saying the same thing.

We have a saying in the Military, "You don't reinforce your lost" and this is what Putin is doing right now. Yes, what Putin is doing is defying Military Logic, he should cut the loss and divert his meager resource to where they can hold out. Sending 300,000 men won't solve anything.

I am assuming the Chain of Russian command remain rational, Putin cannot order a nuclear strike until the Minister of Defence and the Chief of Russian Military approved. I don't know about Shoigu, Gerasimov is a traditional military man, he knows better than to do that, because if nuke was launch, one way or another, there are no way Russia can win. Gerasimov knows that.
Putin can’t win this war. Unless he is willing to kill every Ukrainian, every man, every woman.

As for winner China, Ccp plays with fire. Should it come to a nuclear exchange, China would not be spared. Even if not, they can’t survive in a nuclear desert around China. For their own survival they should have some interests how to stop the war from the escalating.
Putin can’t win this war.

As for winner China, Ccp plays with fire. Should it come to a nuclear exchange, China would not be spared. For their own survival they should have some interests how to stop the war from the escalating.
lol, I remember when this war start that Chinese should be more concern when Russia do these nuclear sabre rattling. A lot of Chinese member laugh at my face, now who is laughing?

It's foolish to believe if Russia nuke Ukraine or even NATO and China will be spared. This is just not the way this thing goes. If the world going to end, that means the world is going to end, and China is a part of this world, so this is not a laughing matter. But then some Chinese member here honestly think they can survive a global thermonuclear war......Part of me want it to happen to prove them wrong, part of me wish this never going to get in that stage.....I am torn...

Interesting discussion I had with my friend online, he was a retired LTC. He believes we are going to send American tank to Ukraine the next year.

As we discussed before, these options were held back because it doesn't give Russian excuse to escalate the war. Well, thanks to Putin mobilisation order, now gloves are off. Expect a lot heavier equipment to send. My friend also points to the M55S tank the Slovenia going to send to Ukraine. Notice that those M55S uses L7 105mm guns, the same guns being used by UK Challenger I, Centurion, M60 Patton (Both A1 and A3 uses US Licensed M68 guns) and co-incidentally M1128 Mobile Gun System that are going to be pull off the line this year. My friend hint at M1128 for Ukraine and then followed by American tanks (Not sure if he meant M60 Patton or Abrams, but judging from the L7 Guns on the M55S, we are most likely sending M60 Patton we still store in California Desert.

2 days into mobilization and things look already messy 🤡

Why does Russia need to call up 300,000 reserves? If you can answer this question, it can probably answer yours.
Simple because every western country's special forces are operational in Ukraine. Total and open military support and probably Russia will push to finish this war. Why else would you call up reserves.

Ps. We're u having trouble with your question...its not hard to see why a country would call up reserves.

Pps. I don't support Russia for I know what they did in Afghanistan and chechenya and Syria but also I don't support Ukraine as they are nazis and their units committed open murder in chechenya
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