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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I would not be surprised when Ukraine is developing nukes in secret. Ukraine once possessed thousand nukes. And by the way building nukes is not difficult for Ukraine, and for most industrial countries. Ukraine has nuclear plants, those plants generate lot of high grade uranium, and most importantly: plutonium. Just hundred kilograms plutonium then Moscow, St. Petersburg and more cities would turn into nuclear ashes.

If Ukraine nukes Russia then China nukes Ukraine. Let's go.

By any chance are the mobilize troops will be sent into Ukraine prior to winter or after winter with either few weeks of training or months?

It be interesting to see how the Russian forces currently in Ukraine react, many who were eager to get out with their contracts ending in 3 or 6 months soon prior to winter and maybe even waiting for rotation but now have their contracts extended indefinitely. Anyways With 150k Russian troops along with 300k more coming in if that happens with those numbers, the U.S. and other countries to step up to provide the firepower and ammo needed to kill around 500,000 Russian troops as they come in whether before or after winter.

not sure, but inwter is coming in 6 weeks, that's minimal time to get ready, if these 300,000 were US Army National Guard, then yeah, there are 4 weeks course just for that, but then National Guard have around 2 months of service every year they are in the reserve, those people probably haven't even touch a weapon or have any refresher in tactics ever since they were demobbed. that is if they have them when they serve that 1 year mandatory service to begin with.

That 300,000 troop are not going to do much, pretty much I can be sure the Russian is going to use them as replacement to give the soldier already in the frontline some breathing space and rotate them out, it would be quite stupid to put that 300,000 in any offensive capability. It will just be slaughter, But then you never know what Putin would do.

I don't think this will change much in Ukraine, probably strengthen the Russian line for a bit, well, they did get 300,000 worth of recruit. But those are mostly going to be light infantry, lightly trained and unlikely to be motivated. They would be even worse than the Iraqi troop we encountered in Desert Storm.
China and Russia agreed the river is the border. Natural border makes sense.

chinese should feel lucky that they able kept large swathes of lands. Other smaller countries can’t do that. Russians don’t make anything useful for civilization. do you see anything in your daily life “made in Russia”?, putting oil and gas aside? their “business model” is enlarging territory and selling natural resources to make the livings.

Even in selling oil they rely on Greece, because Russia lacks of tankers and storage facilities.
chinese should feel lucky that they able kept large swathes of lands. Other smaller countries can’t do that. Russians don’t make anything useful for civilization. do you see anything in your daily life “made in Russia”?, putting oil and gas aside? their “business model” is enlarging territory and selling natural resources to make the livings.

Some people prefer a simple lifestyle. The West may produce and produce. But everything comes with a cost. In the end, global warming will kill off humanity. Too much greed is not necessarily a good thing.
Some people prefer a simple lifestyle. The West may produce and produce. But everything comes with a cost. In the end, global warming will kill off humanity. Too much greed is not necessarily a good thing.
Global warming will kill off the poor. Rich countries can build higher walls. The Dutch will build higher flood barricades. Europe suffer from inflation, high energy bills, weakened economy, lower living standard. Russia is finished. The only winners are US and China. The rest is losers.
Partial mobilization was suppose to not get the populace riled up. I'm seeing mostly minorities or from distant lands outside of Moscow being called up instead. Pretty interesting. And many who are not very young or not knowledgeable on military or have never done mandatory service.
It wouldn't change anything even after the referendum, do bear in mind Ukraine have soldier in EVERY Oblast Russia want to annex, so what Russia can do about them when they are already in "Russian Land" I know, threaten to use nuke on Kyiv.

There are absolutely nothing going to change that, in fact, annexing those Oblast by force will only start more insurgency activities in those Oblast and pretty much Russia. Russian is stupid enough to hand out Russian Citizenship like candy to the Occupied Oblast, that's going to create a large base of insurgency in Russia by now. That's why it takes years to get exit visa for Afghan to America, we don't know who's actual Afghan want out and who's Taliban agent, it takes time to dig into people background..
Why does Ukraine still have functioning airports and airbase?
Why are electricity power plants operational?
Why are railways and roads functional?
Why is the infrastructure still working?
Remember how the west even attacked hospitals and sanitation in Iraq.

There is something not right in this war
Global warming will kill off the poor. Rich countries can build higher walls. The Dutch will build higher flood barricades. Europe suffer from inflation, high energy bills, weakened economy, lower living standard. Russia is finished. The only winners are US and China. The rest is losers.

Hahaha. Well. At least you know the real winners are the Americans and Chinese. But we will support the Russians no matter what, if they fall, we are next. We know it and they know it. US will never let us rise peacefully, their aim is global hegemony and domination and natatd cheerleaders here are cheering for it.

EUROPE will now be officially relegated to the status of US puppy. Russia will be weakened but through Chinese importation of resources cs and tech infusion, they can remain relevant.
Why does Ukraine still have functioning airports and airbase?
Why are electricity power plants operational?
Why are railways and roads functional?
Why is the infrastructure still working?
Remember how the west even attacked hospitals and sanitation in Iraq.

There is something not right in this war
Why does Russia need to call up 300,000 reserves? If you can answer this question, it can probably answer yours.
Global warming will kill off the poor. Rich countries can build higher walls. The Dutch will build higher flood barricades. Europe suffer from inflation, high energy bills, weakened economy, lower living standard. Russia is finished. The only winners are US and China. The rest is losers.
I don't see how China getting to take care of a failed state like Russia is going to benefit them, sure, cheap Oil and Gas is good, but that is going up to a point, and that point would have been way pass the 450 billion dollars oil and gas industry Russia had before the war (now worth a lot less), otherwise, everything is only a one way traffic, from China to Russia. And you can't do business with that.

Probably the only thing I can really think of is China probably will get all the Russian P0rn star, which most of them previously work in EU. I mean, think about it, where can these P0rn star goes? EU has now closes the door to them, Japan also do not welcome Russian, you can't shoot p0rn in Middle Eastern Country so Turkey is out. Which mean these girl are going to either Georgia or China, I am expecting a lot of Russian p0rn coming out of China the next year....
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