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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

According to this Turkish defense analyst, Mete Yarar, Putin is psychologically fully capable to use nukes albeit tactical. He won't accept another Western victory no matter what the cost is. Hopefully, Russia will keep the Eastern part, and Zelensky would claim no new lands lost during his term. It's the last win-win situation before it gets strategic for all the tactical options are now exhausted, thanks to the West's supply of all types of smart munitions under the sun that are decimating the Russian forces to an extent that the "mobilization" word has to be used by her since WW2....

*Not having nukes is no option.

According to this Turkish defense analyst, Mete Yarar, Putin is psychologically fully capable to use nukes albeit tactical. He won't accept another Western victory no matter what the cost is. Hopefully, Russia will keep the Eastern part, and Zelensky would claim no new lands lost during his term. It's the last win-win situation before it gets strategic for all the tactical options are now exhausted, thanks to the West's supply of all types of smart munitions under the sun that are decimating the Russian forces to an extent that the "mobilization" word has to be used by her since WW2....

*Not having nukes is no option.

Anglos planned to genocide Russians. Don't blame Putin if he nukes Kiev.

LOL.. More clownish america stronkkkkk CNN rhetoric.

no fly zone... as if its fuckin libya.

Lets play the scenario down. USAF Planes warn Russian planes to leave the area. Russians tell you to pound sand, and put their nuclear forces on high alert.

do you think any american general/politician is going to have the balls to fire on an enemy that literally has the firepower to erase you from the planet, and turn your entire territory into uninahbitable glass?

Get this ridiculous delusion out of your low iq american skulls...... London, paris, washing dc, and NY would eat several nuclear warheads before a single inch of Russian territory is ceded to NATO, or any "no fly zone" is imposed on the Russian border...

" a no fly zone" is a declaration of war. The only reason why NATO has gotten away with it before, is because they have used it on weak and defenseless countries.
LOL! You think the Russians are the only ones with nukes? Guess what, who is the one keep screaming who will be using nukes especially when supplying weaponry to Ukraine and doesn't do crap? Where were the nukes or judgement day when Ukrainians hit Crimea? Where were the nukes when the Ukrainians hit actual Russian soil?
lol, that's what a friend of mine in Russia said.

He said he talked to a Pro-War neighbor, and his neighbor started panicking after hearing the partial mobilisation and he started to ask my friend how their family can get out of Russia because he know my friend has connection outside Russia. My friend ask him why does he start panicking when he is supporting the war, and now is where he can really put his money where his mouth is. At this point I should say his son just completed the mandatory service 2 years ago

I thought partial mobilisation wouldn't make much resistance in Russia but you can still see how people react to that. Now imagine it's a Full Mobilisation.....Again, war is fun and game until they started asking you your son and daughter to fill the rank.......because you know things aren't going great if they did that.
Partial mobilization was suppose to not get the populace riled up. I'm seeing mostly minorities or from distant lands outside of Moscow being called up instead. Pretty interesting. And many who are not very young or not knowledgeable on military or have never done mandatory service.

By any chance are the mobilize troops will be sent into Ukraine prior to winter or after winter with either few weeks of training or months?

It be interesting to see how the Russian forces currently in Ukraine react, many who were eager to get out with their contracts ending in 3 or 6 months soon prior to winter and maybe even waiting for rotation but now have their contracts extended indefinitely. Anyways With 150k Russian troops along with 300k more coming in if that happens with those numbers, the U.S. and other countries to step up to provide the firepower and ammo needed to kill around 500,000 Russian troops as they come in whether before or after winter.
Putin n should really just deploy nukes over Ukraine. There is no way the rest of the world will confront Russia for a total nuclear war. It's just the same as the Americans did to Japan. For world peace you need to drop a few. It's a necessary burden.

Nuke Ukraine for World peace. ☮️
Just like Japan in WWII
Putin can nuke himself for world peace.

That's the last resort man. Once Kherson, Zaprohye, Lugansk and Donestk are officially incorporated into Russia, any NATO attack is an attack on Russian soil.
We will see. You seriously think Ukraine will be deterred? Ukraine bombed Crimea, Ukraine bombed Russia cities, still no nukes flying around. NATO will deliver weapons however not intervene in Ukraine.
Putin n should really just deploy nukes over Ukraine. There is no way the rest of the world will confront Russia for a total nuclear war. It's just the same as the Americans did to Japan. For world peace you need to drop a few. It's a necessary burden.

Nuke Ukraine for World peace. ☮️
Just like Japan in WWII
Sure deploy nukes in Ukraine, hopefully some will fall into Ukrainian hands and make up for giving them up in the first place.
Sure deploy nukes in Ukraine, hopefully some will fall into Ukrainian hands and make up for giving them up in the first place.
I would not be surprised when Ukraine is developing nukes in secret. Ukraine once possessed thousand nukes. And by the way building nukes is not difficult for Ukraine, and for most industrial countries. Ukraine has nuclear plants, those plants generate lot of high grade uranium, and most importantly: plutonium. Just hundred kilograms plutonium then Moscow, St. Petersburg and more cities would turn into nuclear ashes.
I would not be surprised when Ukraine is developing nukes in secret. Ukraine once possessed thousand nukes. building nukes is not difficult for Ukraine, and for most industrial countries.
Wouldn't be surprised about it. In the near future they can.
Wouldn't be surprised about it. In the near future they can.
Most probably they already have it and only would announce when its worst case. Since they are getting weapons from NATO, I think the supply from NATO could be due to the reason that NATO doesnt want ukraine to declare and use nukes.

Very drama style scenario but there is no harm speculating the, "WHAT IF?...."
Wouldn't be surprised about it. In the near future they can.
Putin with his stooges Lavrov, Medwedew, Peskow, Shoigu are hooligans. They will resort to everything, every means to achieve their goals: killing, raping, deportation, destroying civil infrastructure. No country in Europe will feel safe.
Partial mobilization was suppose to not get the populace riled up. I'm seeing mostly minorities or from distant lands outside of Moscow being called up instead. Pretty interesting. And many who are not very young or not knowledgeable on military or have never done mandatory service.

These folks have no relatives in Ukraine and they are also more brutal because of Mongol ancestry. A lot of western Russians have relatives in Ukraine and they are not as brutal as Asian Russians. That's why far eastern Russians are more combat effective in Ukraine.
North Korea is bad, but the Russians top the list of babarians.

North Korea officially declares on Wednesday:
“We never deliver weapons or ammo to Russia and have no intention to do in the future”.

Putin with his stooges Lavrov, Medwedew, Peskow, Shoigu are hooligans. They will resort to everything, every means to achieve their goals: killing, raping, deportation, destroying civil infrastructure. No country in Europe will feel safe.

If Western Europeans didn't want war, then they shouldn't have orchestrated Euro Maidan riots in 2014 during Sochi olympics. What goes around comes around.

Partial mobilization was suppose to not get the populace riled up. I'm seeing mostly minorities or from distant lands outside of Moscow being called up instead. Pretty interesting. And many who are not very young or not knowledgeable on military or have never done mandatory service.
That's because most ethics Russian, especially the middle cast can and would avoid draft by either going aboard or go to University. Most middle class have nothing to do with military and will not be drafted in mobilisation, that's very much done to avoid dissent, but still, you can see how people don't like this idea of being turned into cannon fodder, that's because that's what they are going to do.

Think about it, you are demob from a 1 year mandatory service, which in itself is not much to go on already, because half of that time you are going to do training and the other half doing what you were doing in the Army. Then you leave, and 2 or 3 or 4 years later, you are called back to partake on an active war with the enemy you are facing have been to real training and has been blooded by the war already. Now, that's 300,000 of whatever you call that into the fray, what can they do?

As I explained before (Not sure if that's to you or to other member) it take US Army 10-13 weeks to finish basic training, then 26 weeks of AIT to become an infantryman, and if you want to participate in combine arms drill, that alone will cost you 1 year, that's 1.5 on a 4 to 8 years contract. Now you are brining in people who did 1 year of service before and didn't do jack squat until being call up again. There are virtually zero chance that those 300,000 were call into any offensive operation. They would most likely be just standing guard and try to look good in occupied territories, which mostly will be looking at the other end of HIMARS or M270....

Poor soul.......
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